Title Utjecaj roka žetve na prinos kineskog šaša (Miscanthus x giganteus)
Author Matija Lončarić
Mentor Josip Leto (mentor)
Committee member Josip Leto (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Pospišil (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Voća (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Bilandžija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Field Crops, Forage and Grassland) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Miscanthus x giganteus (miskantus) je višegodišnja C4 travna vrsta s odlikama koje ju
svrstavaju u obećavajuće kulture za proizvodnju krutih i tekućih biogoriva. Posjeduje visok
proizvodni potencijal i ekološki je vrlo prihvatljiva vrsta jer uspješno raste uz vrlo male
količine pesticida i gnojiva. Miskantus se žanje u jesen, zimi i u proljeće. Najveći prinosi
postižu se u jesen, dok kasniji rokovi žetve rezultiraju nižim prinosima, ali kvalitetnijom
masom za izgaranje. U kasnijim rokovima žetve dolazi do prirodnog sušenja biljaka u polju,
čime se ostvaruju znatne uštede energije kod dosušivanja. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi prinos
biomase energetske trave Miscanthus x giganteus uzgajane na dvije lokacije (nizinsko i
planinsko područje) u tri različita roka žetve. Pokusna polja miskantusa postavljena su na 2
lokacije: Centar za travnjaštvo Agronomskog fakulteta na Medvednici te u Donjoj Bistri.
Reznice rizoma miskantusa posađene su početkom svibnja 2011. Pokusi su postavljeni po
shemi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u 3 ponavljanja u trećoj godini uzgoja miskantusa (2013.
godine). Rokovi žetve miskantusa bili su: a) jesenski - na kraju vegetacijske sezone 2013., b)
zimski - sredinom zime 2014. godine i c) proljetni - neposredno prije kretanja vegetacije
miskantusa 2014. godine. Ručnim odsijecanjem biljaka na 4 m2, na visinu 5 cm od tla i
vaganjem požnjevene mase utvrđen je prinos zelene mase. Sušenjem poduzoraka cca. 1000 g
sasjeckane mase 48 sati na 60 °C, ponovnim vaganjem i preračunavanjem u t ha-1 utvrđen je
prinos suhe tvari (ST). Prosječni prinos ST sva tri roka žetve u Donjoj Bistri (22,25 t ha-1) bio
je za 12,4 % veći od prosječnog prinosa na Medvednici (19,80 t ha-1) zahvaljujući manjem
nedostatku i ravnomjernijem rasporedu oborina na ovoj lokaciji u vegetacijskom dijelu godine
u odnosu na Medvednicu. U jesenskom roku žetve postignut je najveći prinos ST miskantusa
(27,59 t ha-1). Bio je za 33,7% veći od prinosa ST zimskog roka žetve (20,63 t ha-1) i 85,4%
veći od proljetnog prinosa ST (14,88 t ha-1). Zimski prinos ST bio je za 38,6% veći od
proljetnog prinosa ST biomase miskantusa. Razlike u prinosu ST među lokacijama postojale
su samo u jesenskom roku žetve, dok u ostala dva roka nisu zabilježene (signifikantna
interakcija lokacija x rok žetve).
Abstract (english) Miscanthus x giganteus (Miscanthus) is a perennial C4 grass species with features that
classify it as a promising species for the production of solid and liquid biofuels. It has a high
production potential and it is very environmentally friendly as it can grow successfully with
very small amounts of pesticides and fertilizers. Miscanthus is harvested in the fall, winter
and spring. The highest yields are obtained in the autumn, while the later harvest dates result
in lower yields, but higher quality combustion mass. In the later harvest dates, it comes to
natural drying of plants in the field, which brings significant savings of energy used for grain
drying. The objective of the study is to determine the biomass yield of bioenergy grass
Miscanthus x giganteus grown in two locations (lowland and mountainous area) in three
different harvest dates. Experimental fields of miscanthus were set in 2 locations: Center for
Grassland of Faculty of Agriculture on Medvednica and Donja Bistra. Miscanthus rhizomes
cuttings were planted in early May 2011. Experiments were conducted using randomized
complete block design in 3 repetitions, in the third cultivation year (year 2013.). Miscanthus
harvest dates were: a) autumn – at the end of the growing season 2013., b) winter - mid winter
2014. and c) spring - immediately before the vegetation movement of miscanthus 2014. The
yield of the green mass was determined by manually cutting off the plants at the area of 4 m2,
at the height of 5 cm from the ground and weighing harvested mass. The yield of dry matter
(DM) was determined by drying of sub-samples of approximately 1000 g minced mass for 48
hours at 60°C, re-weighing and conversion to t ha-1. The average DM yeld of all three harvest
dates in Donja Bistra (22,25 t ha-1) was 12,4% higher than the average yield on Medvednica
(19,80 t ha-1), due to the miner absence and more equal distribution of percipitation at this
location in the vegetation period of the year compared to Medvednica. The highest DM yield
of Miscanthus was obtained in the autumn harvest date (27,59 t ha-1). It was 33,7% higher
than the DM yield from winter harvest date (20,63 t ha-1) and 85,4% higher than DM yield
from spring harvest date (14,88 t ha-1). DM yield from winter harvest date was 38,6% higher
then the spring harvest date DM yield of Miscanthus. There were differences in DM yield
between locations only in the autumn harvest date, while the differences between the other
two harvest dates were not registered (significant interaction location x harvest date).
Miscanthus x giganteus
rok žetve
Keywords (english)
Miscanthus x giganteus
harvest date
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:399068
Study programme Title: Plant Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka biljnih znanosti (magistar / magistra inženjer/inženjerka biljnih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2016-10-17 11:30:16