Title Primjena zaštitinih folija u pakiranju voća
Title (english) Application of protective films in fruit packaging
Author Matea Koren
Mentor Goran Fruk (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Jemrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Vinceković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Fruk (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Pomology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Voće i povrće su važni dio ljudske prehrane jer su glavni izvori esencijalnih hranjivih tvari. Zbog sezonskog dospijeća voća oduvijek je istraživana mogućnost njihovog konzerviranja, odnosno očuvanja svojstava duži vremenski period. Opskrbljivanje tržišta svježim voćem je vrlo složeno i zahtijeva dosta znanja i primjenu određenih metoda, budući da se radi o robi koja je vrlo podložna promjenama izazvanim kako vanjskim tako i unutrašnjim faktorima. Razlikujemo više uvjeta čuvanja voća. Čuvanje u normalnoj, kontroliranoj, modificiranoj atmosferi, i mnogi drugi. Zajedničko svim tim tehnikama jest da se obrada provodi kratko vrijeme. Hlađenje je najšire i najčešće primjenjivana metoda. Temperatura voća i povrća utječe na brzinu promjena i kvarenje. Kontrolirana i modificirana atmosfera koristi se u posljednjih sedamdeset do osamdeset godina, vremenom se usavršavala tehnologija, pa je nastalo pakiranje u modificiranoj atmosferi (MAP). Priprema voća za čuvanje započinje njihovom berbom koja treba biti pravovremena. Namirnice se pakiraju u malim količinama. Ambalažni materijali su različiti. Nema promjena početne modificirane atmosfere, filmovi koji se koriste za zatvaranje, nisu permeabilni. Ambalaža u koju se pakira voće je za pojedine vrste, sorte i klase propisana Pravilnikom o kvaliteti svježeg voća i povrća. Oblik i dimenzije ambalaže su propisani odgovarajućim standardima. Vreća za pakiranje voća ili povrća izrađena je od neprozirnog, fleksibilnog plastičnog materijala. Zbog problema gomilanja ambalažnog otpada, pojavila se potreba za samouništivim ambalažnim materijalima. Od biomaterijala proizvode se koekstrudirani filmovi, lijevani filmovi, folije za termoformiranje posudica i čaša, brizgani i puhani proizvodi. Glavna funkcija ambalaže je njegova sposobnost zaštite proizvoda od vanjskih utjecaja i očuvanje kvalitete samog proizvoda. Ambalaža može pomoći potrošačima da identificiraju proizvode i marke, skrenuti pozornost na proizvod i daje relevantne informacije o samom proizvodu i njegovoj upotrebi.
Abstract (english) Fruits and vegetables are an important part of human nutrition as they are the main sources of essential nutrients. Because of the seasonal maturity of fruits, the possibility of their conservation or preservation of properties has been explored for a long time. Market supply with fresh fruit is very complex and requires a lot of knowledge and application of certain methods, since it is a product that is highly susceptible to changes caused by both external and internal factors. We differentiate more with the conditions of fruit preservation. Keeping in a normal, controlled, modified atmosphere, and many others. Common to all of these techniques is that processing takes a short time. Cooling is the widest and most commonly used method. The temperature of fruit and vegetables affects the speed of change and decay. The controlled and modified atmosphere has been used in the last seventy-eight years, a time has been perfected by technology, resulting in packaging in a modified atmosphere (MAP). The preparation of the fodder for fruit begins with their timbrel to be timely. Foods are packed in small quantities. Packaging materials are different. There is no change in the initial modified atmosphere, the films used for the closure, are not permeable. Packaging in which the fruit is packed is for certain species, varieties and classes prescribed by the Ordinance on the quality of fresh fruit and vegetables. The shape and dimensions of the packaging are prescribed by the appropriate standards. The fruit or vegetable packaging bag is made of opaque, flexible plastic material. Due to the problem of accumulating packaging waste, the need for self-extinguishing packaging material has arisen. Co-extruded films, cast films, foil and glass thermoforming foils, injected and blown products are produced from biomaterials. The main function of packaging is its ability to protect products from external influences and to preserve the quality of the product itself. Packaging can help consumers identify products and brands, draw attention to the product and provide relevant information about the product itself and its use.
Kvaliteta voća
plastične folije
filmovi za pakiranje voća
Keywords (english)
Fruit quality
plastic films
packaging films
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:765198
Study programme Title: Horticulture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka hortikulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2017-11-09 09:12:59