Title Osjetljivost suncokreta na herbicid mezotrion
Title (english) Sensitivity of sunflower on herbicide mesotrione
Author Martina Canjuga
Mentor Klara Barić (mentor)
Committee member Klara Barić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Milan Pospišil (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Šćepanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Pintar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (Herbology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-02-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract Suncokret (Helianthus annuus L.) je visokovrijedna poljoprivredna, ratarska kultura pogodna za ljudsku prehranu ali i ishranu stoke. Preporučuje se da u plodoredu na istu površinu dolazi minimalno svake četvrte do šeste godine. Prije sjetve suncokreta vrlo je važno voditi računa o predkulturama odnosno herbicidima koji su korišteni u ranijim predusjevima. Naime, pojedini herbicidi koji se koriste u predkulturama svojim ostacima (reziduama) mogu uzrokovati razne štetne učinke suncokretu. Razdoblje tijekom kojeg neki herbicid ostaje u aktivnom obliku u tlu ovisi prvenstveno o svojstvima molekule (način razgradnje, topljivost u vodi, doza primjene i dr.) i okolišnim čimbenicima (tip tla, temperatura, oborine i dr.). Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je, u poljskim uvjetima, istražiti osjetljivost biljaka suncokreta na reducirane (1/8, 1/4, 1/2 preporučene doze), preporučene, dvostruko i četverostruko veće doze herbicida mezotriona. Ocjena učinka istraživanih tretmana utvrđena je subjektivnom vizualnom ocjenom oštećenja (0 – 100 %) u tri navrata (14, 21 i 28 dana nakon tretiranja) te vaganjem svježe i suhe nadzemne mase suncokreta. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na porast oštećenja biljaka suncokreta povećanjem doze mezotriona. Najmanji postotak oštećenja (10 %) utvrđen je 14 dana nakon tretiranja primijenom najniže doze (1/8) mezotriona, a najveći (73,3 %) primijenom četiri puta veće doze mezotriona. Tijekom drugog ocjenjivanja (21 dan nakon primjene herbicida), na svim tretmanima utvrđena je progresija inicijalnog oštećenja od 16,6 % kod primjene 1/8 do 95 % kod primjene četiri puta veće doze mezotriona. Kod posljednjeg ocjenjivanja (28 dana nakon primjene herbicida) na svim tretmanima oštećenje je i dalje imalo progresivni učinak, do čak gotovo potpunog propadanja biljaka suncokreta (96,6 %) kod primjene najviše doze. Masa suhe tvari suncokreta na svim herbicidnim tretmanima bila je znatno manja nego na kontroli. Najmanja (10,9 %) redukcija suhe mase utvrđena je primjenom najniže doze mezotriona dok je gotovo potpuno (92 %) reducirana suha masa suncokreta bila na tretmanu gdje je primijenjena četverostruko veća doza.
Abstract (english) Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) is a high – value agricultural crop that is suitable for human consumption and livestock nutrition as well. It is cultivated in rotation, and growing is recommended in same area at least every four to six years. Before sowing of sunflower, it is important to take care of the pre-culture and the history of the use of herbicides in the previous crop. Some herbicides used in previous crop (residues), can lead to a variety of adverse consequences. The time period during which a herbicide remains active in the soil depends primarily on the characteristics of the molecule (degradation, water solubility, dosage, etc.) and environmental factors (soil type, temperature, precipitation, etc.). The aim of this graduate thesis was to investigate the sensitivity of sunflower plants to the use of reduced (1/8, 1/4, 1/2), recommended, double and four times higher doses of herbicide mesotrione. Evaluation of the effect of the treatment was determined by a visual evaluation of damage (0 - 100%) and by weighing the fresh and dry overhead mass of sunflower. Research results indicate an increase in damage depending on the increase of the mesotrion dose. The lowest percentage of damage (10%) of the overhead mass was recorded 14 days after application of herbicide treatment wich is applied the lowest dose (1/8 recommended dose) and the highest (73,3%) treatment wich is a four times higher of the recommended dose. During te second evaluation (21 days after application), in all treatments, showed an increase of progression initial damage from 16,6% 1/8 doses of mesotrione to 95% with four times higher than recommended dose. At the last evaluation (28 days after application) at all treatments, damage continued to have a progressive effect, up to almost complete decay of sunflower (96,6%) at four times higher dose. Dry mass (dry weight) sunflower to all herbicidal treatments was considerably less than control. The minimum (10,9%) reduction of dry weight was recorded on treatment with the lowest dose applied while the for times higher dose of mesotrione than recomended casue almost completely (92%) reduction of sunflower plants.
rezidue herbicida
doza herbicida
Keywords (english)
herbicide residues
reduced doses
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:204:640651
Study programme Title: Phytomedicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine (magistar/ magistra inženjer/inženjerka fitomedicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
Created on 2018-03-13 10:18:49