Title Postizanje konkurentne prednosti na globalnim tržištima : Specijalistički završni rad
Title (english) Achieving competitive advantage in global markets
Author Tihana Brkljača
Mentor Dragutin Funda (mentor)
Committee member Josip Kereta (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter The University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić (Chair of Economics, Management and Marketing) Zaprešić
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Specijalistički završni rad „Postizanje konkurentne prednosti na globalnim tržištima“ sadrži povijesni razvoj i začetak globalizacije, novih ekonomija, internacionalizacije te održivog rasta i razvoja poduzeća. Ta četiri pojma okosnice su rada. Nove globalne strategije produkt su postizanje konkurentske prednosti, u njih svoja sredstva ulažu države i nacionalne kompanije jer su suočene sa svojim što uspješnijim i profitabilnijim napretkom. Rad govori o tome kako je bitno prepoznati i primijeniti sposobnost da se kreira i realizira strateški cilj poduzeća.
U radu se spominju indeksi globalne konkurentnosti kao glavni statistički činioci procjene konkurentnosti zemalja ili poduzeća na međunarodnom tržištu. Radi indeksa globalne konkurentnosti provodi se značajan broj analiza u kojima makroekonomski indikatori utječu na institucionalne razvijenosti odnosno nerazvijenosti. Indeks ekonomskih sloboda, indeks razvoja ljudskog kapitala, indeks percepcije korupcije, svjetski indikatori vladanja, poslovanje te europski poredak inovativnosti jedni su od značajnih indeksa na temelju kojih se procjenjuje konkurentnost pojedinih država, te kasnije i poduzeća.
Tržište postaje globalno, otvoreno prema cijelom svijetu. Poduzeće mora proizvoditi proizvode koji zadovoljavaju pojedinačne kupčeve želje, ako teže ostvarenju i porastu profitabilnosti i konkurentnosti na tržištu. Ulaganjem u znanje zaposlenika, istraživanjem te poticanjem na stvaranje inovacija poduzeća ulažu u svoju budućnost. Oslanjajući se na strategije plavog ocean, koje predstavljaju ulaganje u svoje potencijale i svoj napredak, poduzeća izbjegavaju sučeljavanje i natjecanje s konkurencijom (crveni ocean), te postaju inovacija sama za sebe, a zatim i za nova globalna otvorena tržišta. Poduzeća se razvijaju i rastu. Ako se orijentiramo na profil veličine i profil rasta, smjer rasta, sposobnost i put rasta te sveukupnu organizaciju dolazimo do zaključka da postoje poduzeća koja djeluju kao lokalni, regionalni, međunarodni ili globalisti gospodarske grane. Poduzeća kao takva nerijetko djeluju kroz klastere radi postizanje veće prednosti, inovacija, znanja i konkurentnosti na globalnim tržištima.
Abstract (english) The thesis “Achieving competitive advantage in global markets” contains the historical development and the beginning of globalization, new economies, internationalization and sustainable growth and development of companies. These four notions form the basis of this thesis. New global strategies are the outcome of achieving competitive advantage, therefore states and national companies invest their resources in them because they are faced with their ever more successful and profitable progress. This thesis emphasizes the importance of recognizing and applying the ability to create and accomplish a certain strategic goal of a company.
The thesis mentions global competitiveness indexes as the main statistical factors in assessing the competitiveness of countries or companies in the international market. The Global Competitiveness Index is the reason for conducting a significant number of analyses in which macroeconomic indicators affect the institutional development or underdevelopment. The Index of Economic Freedom, the Index of Human Capital Development, Corruption Perceptions Index, World Governance Indicators, business and the European innovation order are one of the most important indicators on the basis of which the competitiveness of particular countries, and later companies, is assessed.
The market is becoming global, open to the whole world. Companies must develop products that meet the individual customer’s wishes, if they strive to achieve the increase of profitability and competitiveness in the market. By investing in their employees’ education, conducting research and encouraging innovation, companies are investing in their own future. Relying on Blue Ocean Strategies, which involve investing in their own potential and their own progress, companies avoid confronting and competing with the competition (Red Ocean), thus becoming an innovation for themselves, as well as for new global open markets. Companies are evolving and growing. If we focus on the size profile and the growth profile, direction of growth, the ability and path of growth and the overall organization, we conclude that there are companies which act as local, regional, international or global participants in the industry. Companies therefore often operate as clusters in order to achieve greater advantage, innovation, knowledge and competitiveness in global markets.
nova ekonomija
konkurentna prednost
globalni indeksi konkurentnosti
Keywords (english)
new economy
competitive advantage
global index of competitiveness
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:129:858342
Study programme Title: Financial Management . Specialist Graduate Professional Study Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist / stručna specijalistica financijskog menadžmenta (stručni specijalist / stručna specijalistica financijskog menadžmenta)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2021-10-25 13:13:31