Abstract | U ovome radu čiji je naslov „Marketinško komuniciranje putem interneta na primjeru turističke
manifestacije Vinkovačkih jeseni“ polazeći od samog pojma marketinga i specifičnosti
marketinškoga okruženja definira se pojam internet marketinga. Naime, uzimajući u obzir
ubrzani razvoj tehnoloških postignuća i činjenicu da je suvremeno društvo okarakterizirano kao
informacijsko društvo razmatra se marketing, odnosno marketinško komuniciranje i njegove
karakteristike. U tom smislu ovaj rad interpretira značajke internet marketinga i sam pojam
„internet marketing“ razgraničuje od pojmova elektronički marketing, interaktivni marketing,
digitalni marketing, online marketing te web marketing. U svrhu razumijevanja internet
marketinga na osobit način se navode i pojašnjavaju mogući oblici oglašavanja na internetu te
metode i sredstva kojim se to oglašavanje postiže. Nadalje, rad osobitu pažnju poklanja
poslovnoj marketinškoj komunikaciji u elektroničkom okruženju te na društvenim mrežama.
Shodno tome, razgraničuju se pojmovi interne i eksterne marketinške komunikacije u
videokonferencijama, elektroničkoj pošti i newsletter-ima te na Facebook-u, Twitter-u i
Instagram-u kao najpopularnijim društvenim mrežama. Istraživački dio rada zasnovan je na
internetskoj marketinškoj komunikaciji u sektoru turizma gdje se kroz proučavanje čimbenika
i trendova u marketingu te marketinškog okruženja prikazuju rezultati provedenog istraživanja
na kulturnoj manifestaciji „Vinkovačke jeseni“. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper with the title "Online marketing communication Vinkovci autumn tourist event
case study", starting from the very notion of marketing and the particularity of the marketing
environment, the term Internet marketing is being defined. Namely, given the accelerated
technological development and the fact that contemporary society is characterized as an
information society, it considers marketing, i.e. marketing communication and its
characteristics. In this sense, this paper interprets the features of Internet marketing and
furthermore, the very notion of "internet marketing" is delineated from the concepts of
electronic marketing, interactive marketing, digital marketing, online marketing and web
marketing. For the sake of understanding internet marketing, the possible forms of advertising
on the Internet and the methods and means by which advertising is achieved are being pointed
out and explained in a distinctive manner. In addition, in this paper special attention is being
given to integrated marketing communication in the electronic environment and on social
networks. Consequently, the concepts of internal and external marketing communication both
in videoconferencing, emails and newsletters and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the most
popular social networks, are being defined. The research is based on the Internet marketing
communication within the tourism sector, where through the investigation off actors and trends
in marketing and in the marketing environment, results are drawn on the example of the study
of the cultural manifestation "Vinkovci Autumn". |