Title Teodicejski problem zla
Title (english) Theodicy problem of evil
Author Veronika Pedišić
Mentor Aleksandra Golubović (mentor)
Committee member Predrag Šustar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdenka Brzović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy
Abstract U diplomskom radu analiziran je problem zla u suvremenoj filozofiji. Pod teodicejom se
podrazumijeva pokušaj objašnjavanja odnosa zla i Boga, odnosno davanja odgovora na pitanje
zašto postoji zlo ako postoji Bog koji bi mogao spriječiti ili eliminirati zlo. Suvremene teodiceje
nastoje dati odgovor na pitanje zašto postoji zlo te kakav je odnos zla i Boga, ali su problemi
teodiceja i danas aktualni jer teodiceje ne nude ultimativni odgovor na ta pitanja. U radu su
analizirane najznačajnije suvremene teodiceje poput teodiceja stvaranja duša Johna Hicka,
teodiceja većeg dobra Richarda Swinburnea, procesna teodiceja Davida Raya Griffina te njihove
kritike kao što su moralne anti-teodiceje Dewija Zephaniaha Phillipsa i Kennetha Surina te
tomističko dokinuće teodiceje Briana Daviesa. Zapažanja tih autora dovedena su u korelaciju s
raznim književnim djelima iz svjetske književnosti čiji autori također, između ostaloga,
analiziraju odnos zla i Boga. U radu su korištene razne istraživačke metode poput metoda
analize, sinteze, indukcije i dedukcije, generalizacije te komparacije. Pokazalo se da suvremene
teodiceje ne nude zadovoljavajuće argumente kada je riječ o problemu zla te odnosu zla i Boga,
zbog čega su sve redom neuspješne. Suvremene teodiceje ne uzimaju u obzir konkretnu, već
apstraktnu ljudsku patnju i trivijaliziraju bol, a osim toga zastupaju tzv. teistički personalizam,
odnosno Božje atribute razumijevaju u pretjerano antropomorfnim kategorijama. Ni kritike tih
suvremenih teodiceja, iako iznose opravdane prigovore, ne daju zadovoljavajuće objašnjenje na
pitanje zašto postoji zlo. S obzirom na kompleksnost problematike zla te odnosa zla i Boga koja
već jako dugo vremena zaokuplja filozofe religije, kako teiste, tako i ateiste, a i ograničenosti
ljudskog uma kada je riječ o tako složenoj problematici postavlja se pitanje može li neka
teodiceja uopće dati zadovoljavajući odgovor na problem zla te odnosa zla i Boga.
Abstract (english) This thesis analyzed the problem of evil in contemporary philosophy. Theodicy means an
attempt to explain the relationship between evil and God, that is, to answer the question why evil
exists if there is a God who could prevent or eliminate evil. Modern theodicies try to answer the
question of why evil exists and what is the relationship between evil and God, but the problems
of theodicies are still relevant today because theodicies do not offer the ultimate answer to these
questions. The paper analyzes the most significant contemporary theodicies such as John Hick's
theodicy of the creation of souls, Richard Swinburne's theodicy of the greater good, David Ray
Griffin's process theodicy and their criticisms such as the moral anti-theodicy of Dewi Zephaniah
Phillips and Kenneth Surin and the thomistic touch of the theodicy by Brian Davies. The
observations of these authors are correlated with various literary works from world literature
whose authors also, among other things, analyze the relationship between evil and God. Various
research methods were used in this paper, such as methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and
deduction, generalization and comparison. It has been shown that contemporary theodicies do
not offer satisfactory arguments when it comes to the problem of evil and the relationship
between evil and God, which is why they are all unsuccessful. Modern theodicies do not take
into account concrete, but abstract human suffering and trivialize pain, and in addition, they
represent the so-called theistic personalism, that is, they understand God's attributes in
excessively anthropomorphic categories. Even the criticisms of these contemporary theodicies,
although they present justified objections, do not give a satisfactory explanation to the question
of why evil exists. Considering the complexity of the issue of evil and the relationship between
evil and God, which has occupied philosophers of religion for a very long time, both theists and
atheists, as well as the limitations of the human mind when it comes to such a complex issue, the
question arises whether any theodicy can even give a satisfactory answer to the problem of evil
and the relationship between evil and God.
problematika zla
filozofija religije
suvremene teodiceje
Keywords (english)
problem of evil
philosophy of religion
contemporary theodicies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:992680
Study programme Title: Philosophy (double major); specializations in: General Track, Teaching Track Course: Teaching Track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije)
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Track, General Track Course: Teaching Track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Created on 2024-06-22 09:02:55