Title Govorne i jezične teškoće djece rane i predškolske dobi
Title (english) Speech and language difficulties of preschool children
Author Ana Jakus
Mentor Esmeralda Sunko (mentor)
Committee member Toni Maglica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Esmeralda Sunko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iskra Tomić Kaselj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pre-school Education) Split
Defense date and country 2018-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Govor je optimalna, zvučna, ljudska komunikacija oblikovana ritmom rečenica, riječi i slogova. Od velikog je značaj za razvoj djeteta i socijalni život čovjeka uopde. Zajedno s komunikacijom i jezik stvara tri sustava koja su međusobno povezana. Govorom dijete usvaja navike koje su mu potrebne u svakodnevnom funkcioniranju. Izostankom krika, brbljanja, osmijeha, nepojavljivanjem prve riječi zaključuje se da razvoj govora ide u pogrešnom smjeru te dolazi do govornih poremedaja. Govorni poremedaji koji se mogu pojaviti ved od rane dobi su artikulacijski poremedaji (sigmatizam, lambdacizam, rotacizam, kapacizam, gamacizam, tetacizam, deltacizam, etacizam), poremedaji tečnosti govora (mucanje, brzopletost, bradilalija), dječja govorna apraksija i usporeni razvoj govora (dvojezičnost ili bilingvizam). Osim govora, važnu ulogu ima i jezik kojim izričemo svoja iskustva, spoznaje. Dijete učenjem jezika uči pravila ponašanja u određenoj situaciji i njime oni izražavaju svoje potrebe i želje. Kod djece koja zaostaju u jezičnom razvoju dolazi do pojave jezičnih poremedaja. Jezični poremedaji mogu biti razvojni i stečeni, a javljaju se u vidu zakašnjelog jezičnog razvoja, posebnih jezičnih teškoda i disleksije. Roditelji su prvi i najbolji poznavatelji djece čija je zadada uočiti i prepoznati odstupanja u djetetovu razvoju. Uključivanjem u kvalitetnu terapiju povedava se mogudnost uklanjanja teškoda i smanjuje njihov napredak. Primjerima ritmičke stimulacije i pravila pet prstiju prikazani su neki od mogudih načina otklanjanja primarnih govorno-jezičnih teškoda. Uz roditelje i logopede, važnu ulogu imaju i odgojitelji. Kompetentan odgojitelj koji posjeduje znanja, vještine i sposobnosti o govorno-jezičnom razvoju na vrijeme de uočiti i primjereno reagirati kada primijeti određene teškode. Zadada je odgojitelja pomodi djetetu prevladati komunikacijske teškode koje ga sputavaju u razgovoru s drugima te doprinijeti boljem obrazovanju i socijalizaciji djeteta. Suradnjom s roditeljima odgojitelji ih trebaju uputiti u aktivnosti u vrtidu koje mogu primijeniti i kod kude. Prikazom brojnih istraživanja provedenih s djecom čija su odstupanja u govorno-jezičnom razvoju popratna pojava nekih drugih teškoda, naglašena je važnost uključivanja djece u razvojno primjerenu stručnu podršku, partnerskih i suradničkih odnosa s roditeljima te boravka u vrtidu i dobre interakcije djece s vršnjacima koja može dovesti do poboljšanja govornih, jezičnih i komunikacijskih vještina.
Abstract (english) Speech is optimal, sound, human communication shaped the rhythm of sentences, words and syllables. It is of great importance for child development and social life of man at all. Together with communication and language creates three systems which are interconnected. Speaking child adopts the habits they need in everyday functioning. Lack scream, chatter, smile, failing to appear before the first word is concluded that the development of speech goes int he wrong direction and there is a voice disorder. Voice disorders that can occur from an early age are articulation disorders (sigmatism, lambdacism, rotacizam, kapacizam, gamacizam, tetacizam, deltacizam, etacizam), disorders of fluency (stuttering, cluttering, bradylalia), children's apraxia of speech and slow speech development ( bilingualism or bilingual). In addition to speeches, plays an important role and the language in which I express my experience, knowledge. A child learning language, learning the rules of conduct and a certain situation and it they express their needs and desires. Children who fall behind in language development comes to the appearance of language disorders. Language disorders may be developmental and acquired, and they appear in the form of delayed language development, specific language impairment and dyslexia. Parents are the first and best connoisseurs of children whose task is to identify and recognize deviations in the child's development. By including the quality therapy increases the possibility of removing the difficulties and reduces their progress. Examples 'Rhythmic stimulation' and 'Rules of five fingers' shows some of the possible ways of removing the primary speech - language difficulties. With parents and speech therapists, play an important role and educators. Competent educator who possesses the knowledge, skills and abilities of speech - language development in time will perceive and react appropriately when they notice certain difficulties. The task of the educator to help the child overcome communication difficulties that hinder him in conversation with others and contribute to better education and socialization of the child. Cooperating with parents teachers should instruct them about activities at school you can follow at home. Displaying numerous studies conducted with children with deviations in speech - language development side effect of some other difficulties, stressed the importance of including children in developmentally appropriate professional support, partnership and cooperative relations 36 with their parents and stay in kindergarten and good interaction of children with their peers, which can lead to improve speech, language and communication skills.
govorno-jezični poremedaji
višestruke teškode
Keywords (english)
speech - language disorders
speech therapist
multiple difficulties
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:606566
Study programme Title: Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository of Faculty of humanities and social sciences
Created on 2018-07-17 10:46:38