Title Umjetničke aktivnosti u Waldorf dječjem vrtiću
Title (english) Artistic activities in Waldorf kindergarten
Author Branka Petrušić
Mentor Branimir Mendeš (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Visković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Branimir Mendeš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iskra Tomić Kaselj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pre-school Education) Split
Defense date and country 2018-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract Waldorfska pedagogija Rudolfa Steinera je alternativna pedagoška koncepcija u kojoj vlada suvremena slika o djetetu kao aktivnom i kompetentnom biću. Temelj waldorfske pedagogije je antropozofski duhovni pogled na dijete i svijet. Glavni cilj ove pedagogije je razvoj zdravog, samosvjesnog, kompetentnog i kreativnog djeteta putem odgojnih metoda koje se temelje na biološkom i prirodnom ritmu koji se uvaţava u svim segmentima provoĊenja aktivnosti. Temeljna naĉela waldorfske pedagogije su strahopoštovanje prema duhovnom podrijetlu djeteta, odgoj “onoga što ĉovjek donosi sa sobom“, temperamenti, sedmogodišnja razdoblja, sveobuhvatno shvaćanje, osposobljavanje osjetila i samoodgoj odgajatelja. Iz ovih naĉela je vidljivo kako se u središtu svega nalazi dijete i razvoj njegove individualnosti. Smjena godišnjih doba odreĊuje vrijeme i sadrţaj za odgoj u waldorfskom djeĉjem vrtiću. Osim godišnjeg ritma, u waldorfskom djeĉjem vrtiću prisutan je još i mjeseĉni, tjedni, te dnevni ritam. TakoĊer, tijekom godišnjeg ritma u waldorfskom djeĉjem vrtiću djeca obiljeţavaju pojedine svetkovine po kojima se oblikuje svetkovni stol, slobodna igra, te gestovna igra i gestovno kolo. Najvaţniji element po kojem se waldorfski djeĉji vrtić razlikuje od tradicionalnih vrtića jest prostorno okruţenje i izbor prirodnih materijala za igru. Tijekom tjednog ritma izmjenjuju se razliĉite umjetniĉke i radne aktivnosti, od slikanja pastelnim bojama, modeliranja pĉelinjim voskom, miješenja i peĉenja kruha, crtanja akvarel tehnikom “mokro na mokro“ i aktivnosti ruĉnog rada (šivanje, tkanje, vezenje), kao i euritmije (umjetnost pokreta). Upravo umjetniĉke aktivnosti imaju veliku vaţnost u razvoju estetskog odgoja djece, ali i u razvoju djeĉjih osjetila koja pridonose cjelokupnom djeĉjem intelektu ukljuĉujući kognitivne, moralne, socijalne i emocionalne aspekte.
Abstract (english) Waldorfs pedagogy by Rudolf Steiner is the alternative pedagogical concept that sees a child as an active and competative being. This pedagogy is based on antropological anx spiritual perception of children and the world. The main goal of this pedagogy is development of a healthy, conceus, comeptative and creative child. Learning methods are based on biological and natural rhythm which is well segmented in all activities.Core values of Waldorfs pedagogy is the respect toward spiritual origin of a child, working with "what they already carry inside as humans", temperaments, seven year periods, hollistic understanding, awakening of their senses and selfdevelopment of educators. From these values it clearly noticable that they put child's development and a child itself in the center of attention. The change of seasons determines the sechedule and activites in Waldorfs kindergarten. Other than the seasons, they take in count monthly, weekly and daily rythm for planning the activities. Also, kids celebrate certain holidays by arranging festive tables, playing freely and then playing games and doing dances that are related to a certain holiday. The most important element that differentiates Waldorfs kindergartens from the regular ones is the environment and the choice of natural materials to play with. During the week children go through different artistic and learning activities, from painting with crayons, modeling with bee wax, making bread, using acrilic technique "wet on wet" and handmaking activites (sewing, embroidering, nitting), same as eurythmics (the art of movement). Artistic activities play an important role in development of childrens estetic skills, same as development of their senses that contribute to their intelect as a whole, including cognitive, moral, social and emotional aspects
suvremena slika o djetetu
waldorfska pedagogija
mjeseĉni i dnevni ritam
prostorno okruţenje
umjetniĉke aktivnosti
estetski odgoj
Keywords (english)
modern image of a child
Waldorfs pedagogy
monthly and daily rhythm
artistic activities
estetic upbringing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:172:956165
Study programme Title: Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
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Repository Repository of Faculty of humanities and social sciences
Created on 2018-07-20 07:57:21