Abstract | Cilj je ovoga istraživanja ispitati iskustva i praksu učitelja razredne nastave vezan za utjecaj igre u nastavi. Metodom upitnika otvorenoga tipa ispitano je više tema vezanih za integraciju igre u nastavi, a sažeto na sljedeće četiri: utjecaj igre na učenika, funkcija igre u nastavi, učinkovitost igara i mogući učinci igre u nastavi. Upitnik se proveo na uzorku od 13 ispitanika kvalitativnom metodom istraživanja. Takva metoda pruža dublji uvid u iskustva, stavove i praksu ispitanika. Fokusira se na razumijevanje konteksta, kao i na interpretaciju subjektivnih doživljaja. Kvalitativna metoda pruža podatke koji ispitivaču mogu pomoći u razumijevanju složenosti raznih čimbenika koji utječu na igru u nastavi. Ova metoda doprinosi dubljoj analizi iskustava učitelja razredne nastave i omogućuje razmatranje različitih perspektiva i njihovog utjecaja na integraciju igre u nastavi. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je, prema mišljenju učitelja, igra kao alat u nastavi neophodna i nezaobilazna stavka pomoću koje djeca razvijaju empatiju, samopouzdanje, kreativnost, interes i mnogo drugih pozitivnih karakteristika. Nadalje, uvelike pomaže u razvijanju vještina i sposobnosti, pomaže djeci kod zamora i pada koncentracije te nerijetko služi kao bijeg od tradicionalne, pasivne nastave. Osim pozitivnih značajki, ispitanici su prepoznali i neke negativne učinke koji se odnose na nedosljednost, natjecateljski karakter igre i dominaciju dječje zaigranosti koja nekada mijenja cilj i svrhu igre u nastavi. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this research was to examine the experiences and practices of primary school teachers regarding the impact of games in education. Through an open-ended questionnaire, multiple topics related to the integration of games in education were explored, summarized into the following four categories: the impact of games on students, the function of games in education, the effectiveness of games, and the potential effects of games in education. The questionnaire was conducted with a sample of 13 participants using a qualitative research method. Such a method provides a deeper insight into the experiences, perspectives, and practices of the participants. It focuses on understanding the context and interpreting subjective experiences. The qualitative method provides data that help the researcher understand the complexity of various factors influencing games in education. It contributes to a more in-depth analysis of the experiences of primary school teachers and allows for the consideration of different perspectives and their impact on the integration of games in education. The research results showed that, according to the teachers' opinions, games are a necessary and essential tool in education through which children develop empathy, self-confidence, creativity, interest, and many other positive characteristics. Furthermore, games greatly contribute to the development of skills and abilities, help children overcome fatigue and lack of concentration, and often serve as an escape from traditional passive teaching methods. In addition to the positive aspects, the participants also recognized some negative effects related to inconsistency, the competitive nature of games, and the dominance of childlike playfulness that sometimes alters the goal and purpose of the game. |