Title Evolucija sintakse i semantike iz psiholingvističke i neurolingvističke perspektive
Title (english) Evolution of syntax and semantics from the psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic perspectives
Author Petar Gabrić
Mentor Ranko Matasović (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Katunar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Polančec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ranko Matasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Linguistics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-11-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology General Linguistics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Biological Psychology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology Genetics, Evolution and Phylogenetics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Cognitive Science (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Neuroscience
Abstract U ovome radu iznio sam pregled odabranih studija i rasprava koje se bave evolucijom semantike i sintakse. Fokus je bio na psiholingvističkoj i neurolingvističkoj literaturi. Uočeni su mnogi problemi u studijama i raspravama o evoluciji semantike i sintakse: nedostatak empirijskih studija, manjak komunikacije između stručnjaka različitih znanstvenih disciplina te mali udio lingvističkih studija i rasprava. Akumulirano znanje o evoluciji jezika sugerira da je jezik egzaptirao iz postojećih kognitivnih domena, suprotno modularnim pretpostavkama evolucije jezika. Također, neke životinje pokazuju određeni semantički i sintaktički kapacitet u svojoj vokalizacijskoj komunikaciji. Studije leksičke semantike pokazuju da je ona utjelovljena, tj. ovisna o senzorimotoričkim informacijama. Najutljelovljenije su riječi koje označuju radnje te konkretne riječi u usporedbi s apstraktnim riječima koje pokazuju manji stupanj utjelovljenosti. Ipak, moguće je da apstraktne riječi filogenetski proizlaze iz konkretnih. Također se čini da su određeni aspekti sintakse utjelovljeni, pri čemu su se najutjelovljenijima pokazali semantički tranzitivni događaji, no postoje i argumenti da je i obrada sintaktičke tranzitivnosti barem djelomično utjelovljena. Nadalje, razne studije ukazuju na pravilo istaknutosti agensa odnosno subjekta na temelju kojeg agens odnosno subjekt načelno u određenim tipovima rečenica dolazi na prvo mjesto u rečenici. To potvrđuju dominantna frekvencija redova riječi SOV i SVO u jezicima svijeta, kognitivna istaknutost agensa tijekom obrade tranzitivnih događaja, prevladavanje nominativno-akuzativnih jezika u odnosu na ergativno-apsolutivne te neurofiziološke studije koje pokazuju da se prva sintaktička sastavnica kognitivno automatski obrađuje kao agens dok morfosintaksa rečenice ne pokaže drugačije. Moguće je da je istaknutost agensa odnosno subjekta rezultat načina na koji Brocino područje obrađuje prototipne tranzitivne događaje. U posljednjem dijelu rada tematizira se model protojezika i teorija jezičnih fosila, no nema jasnih zaključaka. Konačno, pregled literature podupire tezu da su semantika i sintaksa evoluirali gradualno egzaptacijom iz određenih kognitivnih domena te da su i semantika i sintaksa u nekakvoj filogenetskoj vezi sa životinjskim komunikacijskim sustavima.
Abstract (english) This paper reviews selected studies and discussion which address the evolution of semantics and
syntax. The focus is on psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic literature. Many problems were
observed in the literature: lack of empirical studies, lack of communication between experts
coming from different scientific fields and lack of linguistic studies and discussions. Converging
evidence suggests that language exapted from pre-existing cognitive domains, a claim which
stands opposed to the modular theories of language emergence. Furthermore, some animals
demonstrate certain levels of semantic and syntactic capacity in their vocal communication
systems. Studies in lexical semantics show that word meaning is embodied, i.e. that it is dependent
on sensorimotor information. The most embodied word meanings are those of action and concrete
words, compared to abstract words which show lower levels of embodiment. Nevertheless, it is
possible that abstract words phylogenetically arose from concrete words. It also seems possible
that particular aspects of syntax are embodied. Semantically transitive events seem to demonstrate
the highest levels of embodiment. However, there are also arguments that the processing of
syntactic transitivity is also at least partially embodied. Additionally, many studies highlight the
rule of agent i.e. subject salience according to which the agent i.e. subject typically takes the first
sentential slot in particular sentence types. This is confirmed by the dominant frequency of the
word orders SOV and SVO in the world languages, the cognitive salience of the agent during the
processing of semantically transitive events, prevalence of nominative–accusative languages
compared to ergative–absolutive languages and neurophysiological studies which show that the
first syntactic constituent is automatically interpreted as an agent until the morphosyntax of the
sentence shows otherwise. It is possible that the agent/subject salience rule is the result of the ways
in which Broca's area processes prototypical transitive events. In the last part of the paper the
progolanguage model and the theory of language fossils are discussed, however, no clear
conclusions can be drawn. Finally, this literature review supports the hypothesis that semantics
and syntax evolved gradually through exapation from specific pre-existing cognitive domains and
that both semantics and syntax are in some phylogenetic connection with animal communication
evolucija jezika
evolucija sintakse
evolucija semantike
životinjska komunikacija
semantika radnji
red riječi
Keywords (english)
language evolution
syntax evolution
semantics evolution
animal communication
action semantics
word order
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:880657
Study programme Title: Linguistics (double major); specializations in: General Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Aplied Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Course: Cognitive Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra lingvistike (magistar/magistra lingvistike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository ODRAZ
Created on 2020-04-17 14:35:45