Title Obrazovanje budućih odgajatelja i učitelja za rad sa suvremenim tehnologijama
Title (english) Education of future preschool teachers and primary school teachers for use of modern technologies in their work
Author Ivan Prskalo
Mentor Mirjana Šagud (mentor)
Mentor Ana Pongrac Pavlina (sumentor)
Committee member Ante Kolak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Pongrac Pavlina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Šagud (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences) Zagreb
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Pedagogy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Abstract U diplomskom radu analizirat će se inicijalno obrazovanje odgajatelja i učitelja s aspekta njihove didaktičko-metodičke pripremljenosti u radu sa suvremenom tehnologijom. Odgojno–obrazovni sustav ima zadaću afirmirati i razvijati, između ostalog, one kapacitete pojedinca koji će doprinijeti, osim individualnog rasta i razvoja, učinkovitom razvoju cjelokupnog društva. Društvo 21. stoljeća karakteriziraju brze i kompleksne promjene koje traže visoku razinu fleksibilnosti i aktivno sudjelovanje u suvremenoj tehnologiji. Područje našeg interesa odnosi se na pitanje jesu li studenti (budući odgajatelji i učitelji) primjereno obrazovani u području suvremenih tehnologija. U prvim poglavljima opisat ćemo bitne kompetencije koje odgajatelji i učitelji moraju imati za kvalitetan i produktivan rad općenito (osobne, stručne i profesionalne), a onda i specifične kompetencije za rad sa suvremenim tehnologijama. Drugi dio našeg teorijskog razmatranja vezan je uz analizu temeljnih kompetencija odgajanika kojih se priprema za rad sa suvremenim tehnologijama. Nakon toga napravit će se prikaz svih suvremenih tehnologija (hardvera i softvera) koje se danas koriste u svrhu odgoja i obrazovanja. Središnji dio teorijske rasprave odnosit će se na prednosti i nedostatke korištenja tehnologije u odgojno-obrazovnim institucijama. Na kraju diplomskog rada bit će prikaz istraživanja koje se provelo na Učiteljskom fakultetu u Zagrebu na studentima koji se školuju na odgajateljskim i učiteljskim smjerovima. U istraživanju koje se provelo istraživala se spremnost budućih odgajatelja, učitelja za rad sa suvremenim tehnologijama i njihovo zadovoljstvo stečenim kompetencijama (znanja, vještine, sposobnosti i vrijednosti) potrebnim za uspješan rad sa suvremenim tehnologijama. Na uzorku od 114 ispitanika zaključuje se kako većina studenata prepoznaje kolegije koji ih pripremaju za rad sa suvremenim tehnologijama pri čemu ne postoje značajne razlike između subuzoraka definiranih temeljem učiteljskog ili odgajateljskog studija. Iako se mogu prihvatiti hipoteze kako je procjena kompetencija za rad sa suvremenim tehnologijama primijenjenim na studijskoj praksi pozitivna te kako ne postoje značajne razlike između budućih učitelja i odgajatelja, treba istaknuti potrebu unapređenja rada posebice u virtualnoj učionici. Ovaj problem se posebno aktualizirao i aktualizira potrebom održavanje nastave na daljinu, što je preusmjerilo djelovanje učitelja i odgajatelja iz učionica u virtualne učionice te iz odgojnih skupina u virtualne skupine. Najviše kompetencija za rad sa suvremenim tehnologijama na studiju budući učitelji i odgajatelji stječu na vježbama, a budući učitelji i odgajatelji se ne razlikuju značajno u percepciji načina stjecanja kompetencija za rad sa suvremenim tehnologijama. Stavovi o suvremenim tehnologijama su kod najvećeg broja ispitanika pozitivni uz prevladavajući stav kako suvremena tehnologija negativno utječe na kvalitetu rada i značajno se u nekim pitanjima razlikuju kod budućih učitelja i odgajatelja. Medijski prostor je upravo u prvom valu pandemije COVIDa-19, u žarište interesa postavio načine organiziranja nastave na daljinu, koja do tad nije imala potrebu postaviti se u žarište odgojno-obrazovnog interesa. Odgovor odgojno-obrazovnog sustava od predškolskog do visokoškolskog mora biti usmjeren prilagodbi svim uvjetima. To ne znači da se kod primjene tehnologije pa i digitalne u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu ne treba pristupiti s oprezom jer se već sad pokazuje kako neki problemi koje prate ovu inače vrijednu tehnologiju nisu bezazleni.
Abstract (english) The diploma thesis will analyze the initial education of early childhood and preschool teachers and primary school teachers from the aspect of their didactic-methodological preparation in working with modern technology. The educational system has the task of affirming and developing those capacities of the individual that will contribute, in addition to individual growth and development, to the effective development of the entire society. Society of 21st century is characterized by rapid and complex changes that require a high level of flexibility and active participation in modern technology. Our area of interest is the question of whether students (early childhood and preschool teachers and primary school teachers) are properly educated in the field of modern technologies. In the first chapters we will describe important competencies that early childhood and preschool teachers and primary school teachers must have for quality and productive work in general (personal, expert and professional), and then specific competencies for working with modern technologies. The second part of our theoretical consideration is related to the analysis of the basic competencies of students who are being prepared to work with modern technologies. After that, a presentation of all modern technologies (hardware and software) used today for the purpose of education will be made. The central part of the theoretical discussion will relate to the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in educational institutions. At the end of the diploma thesis, review of the research conducted at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb on students studying in the fields of education and teaching will be made. The research was conducted on the preparation of future early childhood and preschool teachers and primary school teachers to work with modern technologies and their satisfaction with the acquired competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities and values) necessary for successful work with modern technologies. It is concluded on the sample of 114 subjects that most students recognize the courses that prepare them to work with modern technologies, and there are no significant differences between the subsamples defined on the difference of primary teacher education or early childhood and preschool education studies. Although hypotheses that the assessment of competencies for working with modern technologies applied in study practice is positive and that there are no significant differences between future primary school teachers and early childhood and preschool teachers can be accepted, the need for work improvement, especially in the virtual classroom should be emphasized. This problem has become especially relevant and is actualized by the need for distance learning, which has redirected the work of primary school teachers and early childhood and preschool teachers from classrooms to virtual classrooms and from educational groups to virtual groups. Most of the competences for working with modern technologies in the studies are acquired by future teachers through exercises, and future teachers do not differ significantly in the perception of how to acquire competencies for working with modern technologies. Attitudes about modern technologies are positive in the majority of subjects, with the prevailing attitude that modern technology negatively affects the quality of work and differ significantly in some issues among future teachers. In the very first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the media focused on ways of organizing distance learning, which until then had no need to place itself in the focus of educational interest. The response of the educational system from preschool to higher education must be directed at adapting to all conditions. This does not mean that the application of digital technology, in the educational process should not be approached with caution, because it is already shown that some of the problems that accompany this otherwise valuable technology are not harmless.
suvremene tehnologije
inicijalno obrazovanje
odgoj i obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
primary school teachers
preschool teachers
modern technologies
initial education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:131:226595
Study programme Title: Information Sciences; specializations in: Informatology, Information Sciences (teaching), Information Sciences (research) Course: Information Sciences (teaching) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije informacijskih znanosti (magistar/magistra edukacije informacijskih znanosti)
Study programme Title: Pedagogy (single or double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository ODRAZ
Created on 2021-07-22 09:06:48