Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines) |
Abstract | U današnje vrijeme sve se više spominju ekološki odgoj i održivi razvoj te obrazovanje za isto. Razvijanje ekološke svijesti postalo je glavni cilj kako odgojitelja i učitelja tako i roditelja. No moramo priznati kako taj cilj danas nije lako ostvariti. Žureći za ispunjenjem svakodnevnih obveza i sami ponekad zaboravljamo na okoliš i koliku štetu možemo prouzročiti onečišćujući ga. Zato je potrebno od najranije dobi čovjeka učiti i poticati na brigu i obraćanje pozornosti na živi i neživi svijet oko nas.
Upravo potaknuta ovim činjenicama, odlučila sam se za temu svog diplomskog rada „Stvarne biološke karakteristike životinja i osobine prikazane u poznatim dječjim bajkama“. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je istražiti koliko djeca poznaju stvarne biološke karakteristike vuka, a koliko na određivanje njegovih osobina utječu poznate dječje bajke. Zadatak koji sam odredila kao važniji bio je utvrditi smatraju li djeca vuka ugroženom vrstom u svijetu i utječe li ponašanje vuka u pojedinoj slikovnici na njihovo mišljenje. Samim time htjela sam potaknuti djecu na razmišljanje o načinu na koji živimo i kako svojim nepromišljenim ponašanjem katkad štetimo i ostalim stanovnicima naše Zemlje iako toga nismo ni svjesni. Nakon ispričanih priča „Crvenkapica“ i „Suvremena Crvenkapica“ djeca su odgovarala na pitanja o vuku. Rezultati su pokazali kako različito ponašanje i opisivanje vuka u dvije priče utječe na dječje određivanje njegovih osobina. Sva djeca su za prvu priču rekla kako je vuk zao i loš, dok im je u drugoj priči vuk dobar i lijep. Također su dali različite odgovore na pitanje o ugroženosti vuka u svijetu, odgovorivši nakon prve priče kako vukova ima dosta i kako nisu ugroženi. Čuvši drugu priču, drugačije su odgovorili. Rekli su kako vukova zapravo ima malo, a nastave li ljudi živjeti kao suvremena Crvenkapica i njih će nestati zbog gladi ili zagađenosti okoliša u kojem žive.
Samim time što su razmislili i ponudili drugačiji odgovor nakon druge priče, smatram kako sam potaknula razvoj njihove ekološke svijesti te samim time, malim dijelom, pomogla u očuvanju našeg okoliša. |
Abstract (english) | Lately there has been more and more mention of ecological education, and education about sustainable development. Development of ecological consciousness has become the main goal of educators, as well as parents, but we have to admit that this goal is not easy to attain. Rushing to get through our everyday obligations, we also sometimes forget about the environment and the damage we can cause by polluting it. That is why it is necessary to teach children from a very early age to care and pay attention to the world around them.
Prompted by these facts, I have chosen “The real biological characteristics of animals, and characteristics shown in well-known fairy tales” as my thesis. The goal of this thesis was to research how well do children know the real biological characteristics of the wolf, and how much do well-known fairy tales influence the assigning of the characteristics. The task that I found most important was determining whether children think of the wolf as an endangered species, and does the wolf’s behavior in certain picture books influence their opinion. Through this task, I wanted to encourage the children to think about the way that we live, and how we sometimes harm other inhabitants of the planet Earth with our reckless behavior, although we may not be aware of it. After reading the tales “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Modern Little Red Riding Hood” the children have answered questions about the wolf. The results have shown how different behavior and descriptions of the wolf in the two tales affect the children’s assigning of his characteristics. All the children have said after the first tale that the wolf is mean and bad, while in the other tale, they found the wolf good and beautiful. They also gave different answers to the question of the endangerment of the wolf, saying after the first tale that there are enough wolves in the world and that they are not endangered. Upon hearing the second tale, the answer was different. They said that there are very few wolves, and that if people continue to live like the modern Little Red Riding Hood, they will completely disappear because of hunger and the pollution of the environment in which they live.
With the fact that the children reconsidered and offered a different answer after the second tale, I believe I have encouraged the development of their ecological consciousness, and thus contributed, even a litlle bit, to the preservation of our environment. |