Title Određivanje geometrijskih i radnih parametara eksperimentalnog Ottovog motora s pretkomorom
Title (english) Definition of geometrical and operational parameters of experimental pre-chamber ignited engine
Author Viktor Dilber
Mentor Momir Sjerić (mentor)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-01-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering General Mechanical Engineering (Construction)
Abstract Zbog povećanja ekološke svijest rastu i aktivnosti usmjerene ka povećanju efikasnosti motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem i smanjenju štetnih emisija. U Ottovim motorima se to može postići izgaranjem siromašnih smjesa čije vrijednosti faktora pretička zraka λ prelaze vrijednosti 1,4 pa se nailazi na problem upaljivosti smjese primjenom konvencionalnog sustava paljenja Ottovog motora.
Konvencionalni Ottovi motori rade sa stehiometrijskom smjesom (λ = 1) ili blago bogatom smjesom kod punog opterećenja
... More (λ ≈ 0,9) koju pali vanjski izvor zapaljenja, odnosno pojava električne iskre između elektroda svjećice. Primjenom klasičnog sustava paljenja Ottovih motora moguće je postići upaljivanje siromašnih smjesa i stabilno izgaranje do vrijednosti faktora pretička zraka λ od 1,4, a za iniciranje izgaranja dodatno osiromašenih smjesa (λ > 1,4) je potrebno primijeniti sustave paljenja s većim razinama energije. Granica upaljivosti siromašnih smjesa može se povećati upotrebom aktivne pretkomore za izgaranje u kojoj se nalazi brizgaljka i svjećica za zapaljenje smjese. Kod Ottovih motora s pretkomorom ovaj način izgaranja najčešće se naziva Turbulent Jet Ignition (TJI) pri čemu se zapaljenje siromašne smjese u glavnom prostoru izgaranja postiže prodiranjem višestrukih turbulentnih mlazova produkata izgaranja iz pretkomore. Budući da prodiranje turbulentnih mlazova u glavni prostor izgaranja ovisi u geometriji pretkomore, promjeru i broju sapnica potrebno je analizirati koje vrijednosti parametara su najpovoljnije za rad Ottovog motora, a kako bi se ostvarila minimalna potrošnja goriva. S druge strane, primjenom znatno osiromašenih smjesa u usporedbi s konvencionalnim načinom rada Ottovog motora na djelomičnim opterećenjima (prigušenje usisa) smanjuju se vršne temperature za vrijeme izgaranja čime se smanjuje emisija dušikovih oksida.
U ovom radu je nadograđen model izgaranja za Ottov motor s pretkomorom, a nadogradnja modela izgaranja uključuje utjecaj propagacije višestrukih jezgri plamena te izmjenu jednadžbe za izračun brzine oslobađanja topline u glavnom prostoru izgaranja. Kako bi se provela kalibracija i verifikacija nadograđenog modela izgaranja, provedena je 3D simulacija bazirana na metodi konačnih volumena (AVL FIRE™) za jednu radnu točku motora. Rezultati 3D proračuna strujanja i izgaranja korišteni su kako bi se odredile vrijednosti kalibracijskih konstantni nadograđenog modela izgaranja u AVL BOOST™ verzija 2013.2. Provedena je analiza osjetljivosti za parametre modela turbulencije i izgaranja čime su određeni najvažniji parametri u postupku kalibracije modela. Uz usvojene kalibracijske vrijednosti modela turbulencije i izgaranja određeni su najpovoljniji geometrijski i radni parametri kako bi se ostvarila minimalna specifična indicirana potrošnja goriva. Određivanje najpovoljnijih geometrijskih i radnih parametara motora je provedeno primjenom Nelder-Mead optimizacijskog algoritma dostupnog unutar AVL BOOST™. U prvom koraku je provedena istovremena optimizacija geometrijskih i radnih parametara na 6 radnih točaka (2 brzine vrtnje i 3 razine faktora pretička zraka) pri čemu je na punim opterećenjima motora kontrolirana pojava detonantnog izgaranja. Nakon toga su usvojene srednje vrijednosti za volumen pretkomore i promjer sapnica te su optimirane vrijednosti radnih parametara za očekivano radno područje Ottovog motora s pretkomorom. Less
Abstract (english) Due to the increase in environmental awareness, activities aimed at increasing the efficiency of internal combustion engines and reducing harmful emissions are also growing. In spark-ignited engines, this can be achieved by burning lean mixtures whose excess air ratio λ exceeds the values of 1.4, so the problem of mixture flammability is encountered by using conventional SI engine ignition system.
Conventional SI engines operate with a stoichiometric mixture (λ = 1) or a slightly rich mixture
... More at full load (λ ≈ 0.9) ignited by an external ignition source by the appearance of an electric spark between the spark plug electrodes. By applying the classic ignition system of SI engines, it is possible to achieve ignition of lean mixtures and stable combustion up to the value of excess air ratio λ of 1.4, and to initiate combustion of additionally lean mixtures (λ > 1.4) it is necessary to apply ignition systems with higher energy levels. The flammability limit of lean mixtures can be increased by using an active combustion pre-chamber containing an injector and a spark plug for the mixture ignition. In SI engines with a pre-chamber, this mode of combustion is most commonly called Turbulent Jet Ignition (TJI) where the ignition of a lean mixture in the main combustion chamber is achieved by the penetration of multiple turbulent jets of combustion products from the pre-chamber. Since the penetration of turbulent jets into the main combustion chamber depends on the geometry of the pre-chamber, the diameter and number of nozzles, it is necessary to analyze which parameter values are most favorable for SI engine operation, and to achieve minimum fuel consumption. On the other hand, the application of very lean mixtures in comparison with the conventional mode of operation of SI engines at partial loads (intake restriction) reduces the peak temperatures during combustion, which reduces the emission of nitrogen oxides.
In this paper, the combustion model for the SI engine with a pre-chamber is upgraded, and the upgrade of the combustion model includes the influence of the propagation of multiple flame cores and the modification of the equation to calculate the heat release rate in the main combustion chamber. In order to perform the calibration and verification of the upgraded combustion model, a 3D simulation based on the finite volume method (AVL Fire™) was performed for one engine operating point. The results of 3D flow and combustion calculations were used to determine the values of the calibration constants of the upgraded combustion model in AVL BOOST™ version 2013.2. Sensitivity analysis for the parameters of the turbulence and combustion model was performed, which determined the most important parameters in the model calibration process. In addition to the adopted calibration values of the turbulence and combustion model, the most favorable geometric and operating parameters were determined in order to achieve the minimum indicated specific fuel consumption. The determination of the most favorable geometric and operating parameters of the engine was performed using the Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm available within AVL BOOST™. In the first step, simultaneous optimization of geometric and operating parameters was performed at 6 operating points (2 engine speeds and 3 levels of air excess ratio), where the occurrence of knock during combustion was controlled at full engine loads. After that, the mean values for the pre-chamber volume and the nozzle diameter were adopted, and the values of the operating parameters for the expected operating range of the pre-chamber SI engine were optimized. Less
Ottov motor
geometrijski parametri
radni parametri
Keywords (english)
Spark-ignited engine
geometric parameters
operating parameters
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:235:430268
Project Number: IP-2019-04-4900 Title: Istraživanje efikasnijeg i ekološki prihvatljivijeg izgaranja u Ottovim motorima s pretkomorom Title: Research of More Efficient and Environment-Friendly Pre-Chamber Spark Ignition Combustion Acronym: EF-PRECOM Leader: Darko Kozarac Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb
Created on 2021-01-15 13:38:28