Abstract | U današnje vrijeme vrlo je bitna podrška pratnje na porodu za ženu. Kako su pratnje na porodu uglavnom muškarci, odnosno ženin partner, vrlo je važna njihova edukacija o ulozi na samom porodu.
Cilj istraživanja: Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati znanje muškaraca o porodu s obzirom imaju li djecu, s obzirom na dob, stupanj obrazovanja, jesu li zdravstvenih profesija te najčešći izvor informiranja o porodu.
Ispitanici i metode: Prikupljanje podataka za ovo istraživanje provedeno je putem anonimne online ankete, koja je izrađena putem Google forms obrasca te je dijeljena putem društvenih mreža. Anketa je sastavljena od strane istraživačice rada te njene mentorice, a sastoji se od 15 pitanja koja su podijeljena u dva dijela. U prvom dijelu pitanja prikupljena su sociodemografska obilježja ispitanika (dob, stručna sprema, imaju li djecu te jesu li zdravstvene profesije). U drugom dijelu ankete ispitivalo se znanje muškaraca o porodu, odabirom odgovora T/N (točno/netočno) za navedenu tvrdnju. Ispitanici koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju su prije početka ispunjavanja ankete bili obaviješteni o prikupljanju podataka u svrhu izrade završnog rada.
Rezultati: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 125 muškaraca u dobi od 19 do 75 godina. S obzirom na dob, njih 39 (31,2%) mlađih je od 30 godina te njih 86 (68,8%) je starijih od 31 godinu. Od ukupno 125 ispitanika, s obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja, njih 3 (2,4%) ima završenu osnovnu školu, njih 73 (58,4%) ima završenu srednju školu, njih 45 (36%) ima završenu višu ili visoku školu, njih 4 (3,2%) ima završen poslijediplomski studij. S obzirom na zdravstvenu profesiju, njih 16 (12,8%) je zdravstvene profesije te njih 109 (87,%) je nezdravstvene profesije. S obzirom na djecu, njih 85 (68%) ima djecu te njih 40 (32%) nema djecu. S obzirom na najčešći izvor informiranja o porodu, njih 19 (15,2%) informira se preko trudničkog tečaja, njih 9 (7,2%) informira se preko društvenih mreža, njih 43 (34,4%) informira se preko partnerice, njih 13 (10,4%) informira se putem literature, njih 11 (8,8%) informira se putem škole/fakulteta, njih 30 (24%) informira se putem interneta.
Zaključak: Provjerene su hipoteze te je potvrđena samo prva hipoteza. Rezultati su pokazalo kako muškarci koji imaju djecu imaju višu razinu znanja o porodu, mlađi muškarci (<30 godina) nemaju višu razinu znanja o porodu u odnosnu na starije muškarce (>31 godine), muškarci s višim stupnjem obrazovanja nemaju višu razinu znanja o porodu u odnosu na muškarce s nižim stupnjem obrazovanja, muškarci koji su zdravstvenih profesija nemaju višu razinu znanja u odnosu na muškarce koji nisu zdravstvenih profesija te muškarci koji su se informirali putem interneta nemaju višu razinu znanja o porodu u odnosu na muškarce koji su koristili drugi izvor informiranja. |
Abstract (english) | In today's times, the support of a woman during childbirth is very important. Since birth attendants are mostly men, that is, the woman's partner, it is very important to educate them about their role during the birth itself.
The aim of the research: The main aim of the research was to examine the knowledge of men about childbirth in terms of whether they have children, in terms of age, level of education, whether they are health professionals and the most common source of information about childbirth.
Respondents and methods: Data collection for this research was conducted through an anonymous online survey, which was created through Google forms and was shared through social networks. The survey was compiled by the labor researcher and her mentor, and consists of 15 questions that are divided into two parts. In the first part of the question, the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents were collected (age, professional qualification, whether they have children and whether they are health professionals). In the second part of the survey, men's knowledge about childbirth was examined, by choosing the answer T/N (true/false) for the given statement. The respondents who participated in the research were informed about the collection of data for the purpose of preparing the final paper before starting to fill out the survey.
Results: 125 men between the ages of 19 and 75 participated in this research. Regarding age, 39 of them (31.2%) are younger than 30 years old and 86 of them (68.8%) are older than 31 years. From a total of 125 respondents, regarding the level of education, 3 of them (2.4%) have completed elementary school, 73 of them (58.4%) have completed secondary school, 45 of them (36%) have completed college or university, 4 of them (3.2%) have completed postgraduate studies. Regarding the health profession, 16 of them (12.8%) are health professions and 109 (87%) of them are non-health professions. Regarding children, 85 of them (68%) have children and 40 of them (32%) have no children. Regarding the most common source of information about childbirth, 19 of them (15.2%) are informed through antenatal classes, 9 of them (7.2%) are informed through social networks, 43 of them (34.4%) are informed through their partner, 13 of them (10.4%) get information through literature, 11 of them (8.8%) get information through school/faculty, 30 of them (24%) get information through the Internet.
Conclusion: The hypotheses were checked and only the first hypothesis was confirmed. The results showed that men who have children have a higher level of knowledge about childbirth, younger men (<30 years old) do not have a higher level of knowledge about childbirth compared to older men (>31 years old), men with a higher level of education do not have a higher level of knowledge about childbirth compared to men with a lower level of education, men who are in health professions do not have a higher level of knowledge compared to men who are not in health professions, and men who received information via the Internet do not have a higher level of knowledge about childbirth compared to men who used another source of information. |