Title Analiza korištenja tiskovnih i elektroničkih novina
Author Maja Devaj
Mentor Mario Plenković (mentor)
Committee member Dubravko Banić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Plenković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Majnarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2013-2-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract Razvoj ljudske zajednice uključuje razvoj komunikacije među ljudima. To znači i razvoj načina prijenosa informacija. Mitovi su prvi način masovnog priopćavanja. Pismo se pojavljuje kao potreba za bilježenje informacija i znanja. Ono se razvija od slikovnih hijeroglifa i piktograma do znakovnog pisma, koje se razvija u današnje pismo.
1450. godine Johannes Gutenberg otkriva tiskarski stroj. Zbog njega nestaju pisarnice, a knjige se umnažaju jeftinije, brže i točnije. Tiskarstvo uzrokuje pojavu novinarstva, koji postaju nerazdvojni. Pismenost i kultura se šire pod utjecajem tiskarstva na sve veći krug ljudi. Ponovno se pojavljuje želja za demokracijom. Tisak je omogućio da znanje i vijesti postanu dobro sviju, a ne samo povlaštenih pojedinaca. Razvoj tehnologije tiskanja, potican ljudskom potrebom za informacijom i znanjem, stvara razne vrste novina, časopisa i knjiga koje se svakodnevno tiskaju u velikim nakladama u svijetu i kod nas. S vremenom tehnologija prijenosa informacije se prenosi s tiskanih na nove elektroničke medije koji omogućuju puno brži i efikasniji pristup do određenih informacija. Elektroničke novine danas polako, ali sigurno zamjenjuju tiskane novine.
Anketa nam govori da studenti Grafičkog fakulteta gotovo svakodnevno čitaju elektroničke novine. Gotovo trećina ispitanika jednom tjedno pročita tiskovne novine. Ispitanici im više vjeruju, smatraju ih ozbiljnijima, sviđaju im se njihovi prilozi i listanje novina. Elektroničke novine smatraju zabavnim i velika im je prednost što su besplatne, multimedijalne i uvijek dostupne. Metoda praćenja oka je potvrdila da čitatelji uočavaju određeni članak ovisno o veličini članka, slika, naslova i fonta slova. Neovisno o dizajnu i mediju na kojem se nalaze informacije, mlađe generacije će se više okretati elektroničkim novinama nego tiskovnim. To već sada tjera vlasnike elektroničkih novina da uvedu naplaćivanje članaka.
Abstract (english) The development of the human community includes the development of communication among people. This also implies the development of a manner of information transmission. Myths were the first way of mass communication. Script originated from the necessity for recording information and knowledge. It developed from pictorial hieroglyphs and pictograms through character script, which then developed into script in its present form.
In 1450 Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. Consequently, writing offices disappeared, and the copying of books became cheaper, faster and more accurate. Printing resulted in the rise of journalism and the two became inseparable. Under the influence of printing, literacy and culture spread to an ever larger circle of people. The desire for democracy rose again. Print enabled knowledge and news to become available to everyone, not only to the privileged few. The development of printing technology, driven by the human need for information and knowledge, resulted in the emergence of various types of newspapers, magazines and books that are printed daily in large printing runs, both globally and in our country. Over time, the technology of information transmission was transferred from printed to new electronic media, which allow a much faster and more efficient access to certain information. Today, electronic newspapers are slowly but surely replacing the printed newspapers.
The survey shows that the students of the Faculty of Graphic Arts read electronic newspapers daily. Almost a third of the respondents read printed newspapers once a week. The respondents feel printed newspapers are more trustworthy and consider them to be more serious; they like the supplements and the feeling of turning pages. They consider electronic newspapers to be entertaining and their great advantage is that they are free, use multimedia and are always available. The eye-tracking method confirmed that the readers notice a certain article depending on the size of the article, images, titles and letter font. Regardless of the design and media on which the information is located, the younger generations will turn to electronic newspapers more readily
than to printed ones. This is already forcing the owners of electronic newspapers to introduce the charging of articles.
Tiskovne novine
Elektroničke novine
Razvoj novina
Metoda praćenja oka (Eye tracking)
Keywords (english)
Printed newspapers
Electronic newspapers
Newspaper development
Eye-tracking method
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:132530
Study programme Title: Graphic technology; specializations in: Graphic technology, Design of graphic products Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Faculty of Graphic Arts Repository
Created on 2024-04-18 19:50:27