Title Brojevne riječi u hrvatskom jeziku
Title (english) Numerical words in Croatian language
Author Josipa Iličić
Mentor Branka Tafra (mentor)
Committee member Lucia Miškulin Saletović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mislav Kovačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branka Tafra (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Croatology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Croatian Studies
Abstract U hrvatskom standardnom jeziku postoje velike teškoće prilikom određivanja brojevnih riječi. Ovim se radom stoga pokušala obuhvatiti sva problematika koja se tiče ove skupine riječi, a to podrazumijeva i same kriterije raspodjele u određenu vrstu riječi, njihove sklonidbe, sintagmatsko te predikatno slaganje, ali i uopće distribuciju tih riječi s imenskim riječima. Na početku rada raspravlja se o osnovnim pojmovima koji se tiču brojevnih riječi, a to su: broj (sa svoja tri značenja: kao apstraktna veličina, vrsta riječi i gramatička kategorija), brojka, brojnost i brojivost, a u tom se smislu onda spominju i pridjevi, brojni i brojevni. Brojevne riječi obuhvaćaju sve one riječi kojima se kvantificira određena količina entiteta u izvanjezičnom svijetu, stoga ih se naziva određenim kvantifikatorima pa je i to pojašnjeno u posebnom poglavlju. Dijakronijskim pogledom na brojeve želi se osvijetliti sinkronijsko stanje brojeva u hrvatskom jeziku. Osnovni dio rada obuhvaća analizu svih brojevnih riječi u hrvatskim jezičnim priručnicima. Obrađeni su glavni brojevi, brojevne imenice, brojevni pridjevi i zbirni brojevi sa svim svojim specifičnim morfološkim i semantičkim obilježima. Brojevne su riječi analizirane prvo u starijim hrvatskim gramatika, počevši od najstarije Kašićeve, a potom i suvremene gramatike, od kojih se neke koriste i u školstvu, rječnici te drugi jezični priručnici. Većina je priručnika puna nedosljednosti, nepotpunosti i nepravilnosti na koje se ovim radom pokušalo uputiti te smo, osim primjerima iz samih jezičnih priručnika, problem pokušali vjernije prikazati uz pomoć primjera iz uporabe iz dostupnih hrvatskih računalnih korpusa.
Abstract (english) In standard Croatian language, there are a lot of difficulties when it comes to determining the numerals. The aim of this paper is, thus, to encompass the entire problematics regarding this word class – the criteria for distribution into a specific word class, the declension of the words, syntagmatic and predicate agreement, and the distribution of the words alongside nominals implied. Basic terms regarding numerals – number (with its three meanings: number as an abstract entity, as a word class and as a grammatical category), figure, numerousness and countability – are discussed at the beginning of the paper, and even adjectives numerous and numeral are mentioned in that sense. Numerals include all the words used for quantifying a determined quantity of entities in an extralinguistic world, which is why they are called specific quantifiers – this too is explained in a separate chapter. The attempt is made to shed light on the synchronic state of numbers in Croatian by taking a diachronic point of view on them. The basic part of the paper involves the analysis of all the numerals in Croatian language handbooks. The paper thus covers cardinal numbers and numerical nouns, numerical adjectives, and collective numerals that, with their specific morphological and semantic traits, are closely linked to the cardinal number problematics. Numerals were first analyzed in older Croatian grammar books, starting with the oldest one written by Kašić, and then even in contemporary grammar books, some of which are used in schools, as well as in dictionaries and other language handbooks. Most handbooks are full of inconsistencies, deficiencies and irregularities that this work aims to underscore, so the attempt was made to call attention to the problem not only by using the examples extracted from the linguistic handbooks, but also by using more concrete examples from Croatian computer corpora.
glavni broj
zbirni broj
brojevna imenica
brojevni pridjev
Keywords (english)
cardinal number
numerical noun
numerical adjective
collective numeral
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:850883
Study programme Title: Department of Croatology; specializations in: scientific, teaching Course: scientific Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kroatologije (magistar/magistra kroatologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies
Created on 2015-10-22 09:29:03