Title Dugoročna sportska priprema u sportskom plesu
Title (english) Long-term sports preparation in sport dance
Author Michelle Jeličić
Mentor Gordana Furjan-Mandić (mentor)
Committee member Gordana Furjan-Mandić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Šalaj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jadranka Vlašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josipa Radaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-10-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Ples estetska konvencionalna kineziološka aktivnost, acikličkog tipa kretanja od pamtivijeka upražnjavana kao način komunikacije, odraz kulture, način postizanja zdravlja. Ples je kineziološki fenomen koji čini spoj sporta i umjetnosti . Godišnji plan i program u sportskom plesu bazira se na trociklusnoj periodizaciji, tri makrociklusa što ga čini jednim od složenijih sustava rada. Nužno je izgraditi proporcionalnu longitudinalnu mišićnu masu, a istovremeno zadržati nizak postotak potkožnog masnog tkiva. Periode je nužno precizno razraditi s obzirom na kompleksnost postizanja forme i kalendar natjecanja. U radu je opisan povijesni plesni razvoj, pojava plesnih natjecanja te osnivanje plesne federacije World Dance Sport Federation čije se ime mijenjalo kroz povijest. U lijepoj našoj djeluje Hrvatski sportski plesni savez (HSPS) kao član WDSF-a. Glavni dio rada i sami cilj rada je prikazati načine provođenja plana i programa u svrhu postizanja rezultatske uspješnosti. Plesovi imaju zajednička obilježja, elemente tehnike, no specifični su podrijetlom, nastankom i prezentacijom stoga iako ih dijelimo u standardne i latinsko-američke i unutar ove podjele se razlikuju. Tehnički elementi preduvjet su za pravilno izvođenje plesnih figura, a tehniku smatramo bazom plesnog treninga. Opisani su primjeri provođenja plesnih treninga te neke od metodskih vježbi. Kretanje je nužna čovjekova potreba , a u plesu se pokreću svi dijelovi tijela pa je ova aktivnost pogodna za održavanje zdravlja svim populacijama. Dobrobiti plesa su mnogobrojne, predstavlja relaksaciju kroz zabavu uz glazbu, smanjuje osjećaj boli, povećava mišićnu masu i snagu, reducira potkožno masno tkivo, poboljšava kardiovaskularni i respiratorni sustav... Plesom poboljšavamo motoriku te se kreativno izražavamo. Plesna koreografija plesaču i treneru omogućava da znanjem i umijećem koreografiraju emocije i ispričaju priče pokretom, vođeni glazbom. Rad možemo podijeliti na tri dijela. Prvi dio koji govori općenito o plesu i njegovom razvoju, drugi dio koji se odnosi na stvaranje plana i programa za dugoročnu specijalizaciju te treći dio koji sadrži sumarne parametre, primjere treninga i konkretnog plana i programa.
Abstract (english) Dance has been esthetic conventional kinesiologic activity of acyclic type of motion since it was a way of movement communication, culture reflection and health achievement tool. Dance is kinesiologic phenomena that is a mixture of sport and arts.The annual plan and program in sports dance are based on a three-cycle periodization, three macrocycles, which makes it one of the most complex work systems. It is necessary to build a proportional longitudinal muscle mass, and really retains a low percentage of fat tissue. Periods should be precisely planned to achieve the needed form according to calendar of the competition. This paper describes the historical development of dance, the appearance of dance competitions and the foundation of the World Dance Sport Federation, whose name has changed throughout history. In our Croatia, the Croatian Dance Sport Federation (HSPS) operates as a member of the WDSF. The main part of the paper and the real goal of the paper is to present the way of implementing the plan and the program to achieve the result of the outcome. Dances have common characteristics, technique elements, but are specific by origin, design and in presentation, therefore, although we divide them into Standard and Latin American, they are different within this division. Technical elements are a prerequisite for the correct execution of dance figures, and we consider the technical basis of dance training. Examples of dance training are described, and some methodical exercises are presented. The movement is a necessary human need, and in dance all parts of the body are addressed, making this activity suitable for maintaining health in all populations. The benefits of dance are numerous, it is a relaxation through fun with music, reduces the sensation of pain, increases muscle mass and strength, reduces fat tissue, improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems ... We improve motor skills with dance and express ourselves creatively. Dance choreography enables dancer and trainer to create choreography and tell the stories by movement synchronized with music. The paper can be divided into three parts. The first part, which speaks in general about dance and its development, the second part refers to the creation of plan and programs for long-term specialization, and the third contains sums parameters, examples of training and specific plan and program.
sportski ples
Keywords (english)
sports dance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:354430
Study programme Title: Specialist graduate professional study for sports coaches education; specializations in: Acrobatic rock and roll, Track-and Field, Fitness, Weightlifting, Sailing, Windsurfing, Judo, Kayaking, Karate, Skating, Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Basketball, Bowling, Football, Volleyball, Dancing, Swimming, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Diving, Handball, Skiing, Artistic Gymnastics, Physical Recreation, Shooting, Teakwondo, Tennis, Rowing Course: Fitness Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica trenerske struke (stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica trenerske struke)
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Created on 2022-10-17 13:35:48