Title Čimbenici koji mogu utjecati na usvajanje osnova skijaške tehnike
Title (english) Factors that may affect the adoption of the basics of ski technique
Author Antonio Skočaj
Mentor Vjekoslav Cigrovski (mentor)
Committee member Vjekoslav Cigrovski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Krističević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jadranka Vlašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dajana Zoretić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-06-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi koliko će određeni psihološki čimbenici utjecati na usvajanje osnova tehnike alpskog skijanja kod početnika. Također je cilj bio utvrditi kolika će biti razlika u mišljenju i osjećaju ispitanika, prije i nakon provedene desetodnevne škole skijanja s licenciranim učiteljima skijanja. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 41 ispitanika. Svi ispitanici bili su studentske dobi i prvi put su se susreli sa školom alpskog skijanja kao i s opremom koja je potrebna za ovaj sport na snijegu. Ispitanici su imali zadatak ispuniti tri zasebna anketna upitnika, koji su provjeravali njihov strah te razinu samoefikasnosti i hrabrosti. Inicijalno ispunjavanje provodilo se nakon prvog dana upoznavanja sa skijaškom opremom i prvim pokušajima savladavanja blage skijaške padine, a finalno na kraju provedene škole skijanja u potpunosti. Upitnici su zajedno sačinjavali 50 tvrdnji od kojih se 9 tvrdnji odnosilo na strah, 10 na samoefikasnost te 31 tvrdnja na osjećaj hrabrosti. Rezultatima Hi kvadrat testa, usporedbom svakog pitanja, nisu dobiveni statistički značajne razlike između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja kod gotovo niti jednog pitanja. Jedina statistički značajna razlika je utvrđena kod tvrdnje: „I kada sam suočen s mogućnošću ozljede, moja je izvedba na najvišem nivou“, (p=0,03). Dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da strah nije u velikoj mjeri bio prisutan prilikom učenja alpskog skijanja, stoga nije došlo do velikih promjena kod drugog ispitivanja. S obzirom na to da su rezultati samoefikasnosti i hrabrosti bili relativno visoki prije procesa učenja, također nije došlo do promjena pri drugom mjerenju. Ovakve rezultate moguće je pripisati tome što je uzorak bio relativno malen, no s druge strane i tome da je istraživanje provedeno na skupini ljudi koji se svojim motoričkim sposobnostima ističu u odnosu na ostatak populacije. Naime, ispitanici su bili studenti Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Postoji mnogo čimbenika koji bi trebali biti detaljnije istraženi kako bi se dobili točniji rezultati te kako bi se ovakvo istraživanje moglo primijeniti i pomoći u radu škola skijanja.
Abstract (english) Aim of this study was to determine how certain psychological factors will affect the adoption of the basics of alpine skiing technique in beginners. The aim was also to determine what difference in opinion and feeling of participants would be, before and after a ten-day ski school with licensed ski instructors. The research was conducted on a sample of 41 participants. All participants were student age and for the first time they faced with ski school, as well as with an equipment needed in this sport on the snow. Participants had a task to fill out three separate questionnaires, that checked their fear and level of self-efficacy and courage. The initial fulfillment was carried out after the first day of getting acquainted with the ski equipment and the first attempts to overcome the gentle ski slope, and final one, at the end of the ski school. The questionnaires together consisted of 50 claims, of which 9 of them related to fear, 10 to self-efficacy and 31 claims to a sense of courage. The results of the Chi square test, comparing each question, did not obtain statistically significant differences between the initial and final measurements in almost, not even one question. The only statistically significant difference was established in the statement: "And when faced with the possibility of injury, my performance is at the highest level", (p=0,03). With the obtained results we can conclude that fear was not largely present when approaching learning of alpine skiing, therefore there were no major changes in the second enquiry. Given that the results of self-efficacy and courage were relatively high before learning process, there was also no change in the second measurement. Such results can be attributed to the fact that the sample was relatively small, but on the other hand, the research was conducted on a group of people who stand out with their motor skills in relation to the rest of the population. Particularly, the participants were students of the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. There are many factors that need additional research in order to get more accurate results and how such research could be applied and used for help in the work of ski schools.
škola skijanja
Keywords (english)
ski school
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:976916
Study programme Title: Kinesiology; specializations in: Kinesiology in Education and Track-and-Field, Kinesiology in Education and Fitness, Kinesiology in Education and Wrestling, Kinesiology in Education and Sailing, Kinesiology in Education and Windsurfing, Kinesiology in Education and Judo, Kinesiology in Education and Kayaking, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesiological Recreation, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesitherapy, Kinesiology in Education and Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Kinesiology in Education and Basketball, Kinesiology in Education and Football, Kinesiology in Education and Volleyball, Kinesiology in Education and Basic Kinesiological Transformations, Kinesiology in Education and Dancing, Kinesiology in Education and Swimming, Kinesiology in Education and Rhythmic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Handball, Kinesiology in Education and Skiing, Kinesiology in Education and Artistic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Management of Sport, Kinesiology in Education and Tennis, Kinesiology in Education and Rowing Course: Kinesiology in Education and Kinesitherapy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/sveučilišna magistar/magistra kineziologije u edukaciji (sveučilišni/sveučilišna magistar/magistra kineziologije u edukaciji)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2024-07-29 09:26:10