Author Mia Uhač
Mentor Barbara Mady Maričić (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Mady Maričić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Špalj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčana Simonić-Kocijan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Orthodontics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-06-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Orthodontics
Abstract Aligneri se danas sve više nameću kao terapija izbora, posebice kod odraslih pacijenata te
kod onih koji zahtijevaju viši nivo estetike. Osim toga, aligneri imaju određene prednosti pred
Edgewise napravom koje se odnose na normalno provođenje oralne higijene, mogućnost
konzumacije hrane bez ograničenja, mobilnost i ugodnost pri nošenju. Danas, kao posljedica
unaprjeđenja biomehanike i uvođenja pričvrstaka i drugih elemenata, su omogućeni gotovo svi
pomaci zuba, a jedino ograničenje predstavljaju nekooperabilni pacijenti. Iz tog razloga se ova
vrsta ortodontske terapije smatra ortodontskom terapijom budućnosti. Dijagnostika, kao i
uvijek u ortodonciji, uključuje općemedicinsku i stomatološku anamnezu, razlog dolaska,
ekstraoralni i intraoralni klinički pregled, funkcijsku analizu, analizu modela i radiološku
analizu. Nakon adekvatne dijagnostike slijedi planiranje terapije, koja se kod digitalno vođenog
pomaka zuba provodi na virtualnim modelima pomoću posebnih softvera. Na kraju se modeli
printaju postupkom stereolitografije, a na njima se prešaju poliuretanski aligneri. Pacijenti ih
moraju nositi cijeli dan, osim pri konzumaciji hrane i pića. Mijenjaju se svaka dva tjedna, a
terapija u konačnici traje otprilike kao i terapija fiksnim napravama. Po završetku aktivne faze
ortodontske terapije slijedi retencijska faza koja prati iste protokole kao i terapija fiksnim
Abstract (english) In the last several years the use of aligners has been increasing, especially in adult patients
and in those who demand higher aesthetics. In addition, aligners have certain advantages over
the Edgewise appliance that relate to the ability to consume food without any restrictions,
maintaintance of a normal oral hygiene protocol, mobility and comfort. Today, as a result of
the advancement of biomechanics and the introduction of attachments and other biomechanical
elements, almost all tooth movements are possible, and the only limitation are non co-operative
patients. For this reason, this type of orthodontic therapy is considered to be the orthodontic
treatment of the future. Diagnosis, as always in orthodontics, includes anamnesis, patient's chief
complaint, extraoral and intraoral clinical examination, functional, model and radiological
analysis. After adequate diagnostics, the following step is treatment planning, which is
performed on a digital model by using special softwares. Finally, a stereolithographic approach
is used to print the models which are used to fabricate a series of aligners with a pressure
molding machine. Patients must wear the aligners all day excluding eating and drinking times.
Aligners are changed every two weeks and the orthodontic treatment is completed in
approximately the same time interval as fixed appliances. After concluding the active phase of
orthodontic treatment, retention is obligatory. It follows the same protocol as therapy with fixed
Dizajn ortodontske naprave
Mobilna ortodontska naprava
Planiranje terapije
Pomak zuba
Keywords (english)
Orthodontic appliance design
Removable orthodontic appliance
Tooth movement
Treatment planning
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:167202
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2018-10-05 09:17:06