Title Dermatološke manifestacije gastrointestinalnih bolesti
Title (english) Dermatological manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases
Author Viktorija Gregurović
Mentor Romana Čeović (mentor)
Committee member Zrinka Bukvić Mokos (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daška Štulhofer Buzina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Romana Čeović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Dermatology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Dermatovenerology
Abstract Dermatološke manifestacije mogu poslužiti kao rani indikator gastrointestinalnih bolesti, što omogućuje bržu dijagnozu i liječenje te potencijalno smanjuje morbiditet i mortalitet pacijenata. Također mogu nastati kao komplikacija već prepoznatih gastrointestinalnih bolesti, dodatno otežavajući stanje pacijenata. Najčešće kožne manifestacije celijakije su dermatitis herpetiformis i psorijaza, a kožne promjene u okviru navedenih bolesti značajno se poboljšavaju uvođenjem bezglutenske dijete. Upalne bolesti crijeva sve su zastupljenije u razvijenom svijetu. Kožne promjene povezane s upalnim bolestima crijeva obuhvaćaju široki spektar patoloških stanja koja mogu varirati od blagih kliničkih manifestacija do vrlo teških i zahtjevnih za liječenje. Bolesti kod kojih je istaknuti simptom gastrointestinalno krvarenje mogu se inicijalno manifestirati promjenama na koži. Prepoznavanje kožnih manifestacija omogućuje raniju dijagnozu i pravovremeno liječenje, sprječavajući pojavu gastrointestinalnih komplikacija bolesti. Nedostatak hranjivih tvari, koji se može prezentirati promjenama na koži, noktima i kosi, često je uzrokovan malapsorpcijskim sindromom. Nasljedni sindromi gastrointestinalnih karcinoma prisutni su u oko 20% slučajeva karcinoma debelog crijeva dijagnosticiranih prije 50. godine života. Rano otkrivanje kožnih manifestacija u ovim sindromima dovodi do značajnog smanjenja mortaliteta bolesnika. Paraneoplastične dermatoze heterogena su skupina kožnih bolesti koje obično prate klinički tijek maligne bolesti koja se nalazi u podlozi. Tako izliječenjem maligne bolesti, regrediraju i paraneoplastične kožne promjene. Gastrointestinalni tumori koji luče hormone mogu, osim tipičnih sistemskih simptoma, dovesti do manifestacija na koži poput eritema u sklopu karcinoidnog sindroma. Svrha ovoga rada je pružiti pregled dermatoloških manifestacija spomenutih bolesti gastrointestinalnog sustava. Opisani su najvažniji epidemiološki podatci, etiologija i patogeneza bolesti, dijagnostičke metode i liječenje, s posebnim osvrtom na kliničku sliku.
Abstract (english) Dermatological manifestations can serve as an early indicator of gastrointestinal diseases, enabling prompt diagnosis and treatment, and potentially reducing patient morbidity and mortality. They can also arise as complications of already recognized gastrointestinal diseases, further complicating the patients' condition. The most common skin manifestations of celiac disease are dermatitis herpetiformis and psoriasis, and their symptoms significantly improve with the introduction of a glutenfree diet. Inflammatory bowel diseases are becoming increasingly prevalent in the developed world. Skin changes associated with inflammatory bowel diseases encompass a wide spectrum of pathological conditions that can range from mild clinical manifestations to very severe and challenging to treat cases. Diseases where gastrointestinal bleeding is a prominent symptom can initially manifest through changes in the skin. Recognizing these skin manifestations allows for earlier diagnosis and timely treatment, preventing the development of gastrointestinal complications. Nutrient deficiencies, which can present as changes in the skin, nails, and hair, are often caused by malabsorption syndrome. Hereditary gastrointestinal cancer syndromes are present in about 20% of colorectal cancer cases diagnosed before the age of 50. Early detection of skin manifestations in these syndromes leads to a significant reduction in patient mortality. Paraneoplastic dermatoses are a heterogeneous group of skin diseases that usually accompany the clinical course of an underlying malignant disease. Thus, curing the malignant disease also leads to the regression of paraneoplastic skin changes. Gastrointestinal tumors that secrete hormones can, in addition to typical systemic symptoms, lead to skin manifestations such as erythema as part of carcinoid syndrome. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the dermatological manifestations of the aforementioned gastrointestinal system diseases. Highlighted are prominent epidemiological data, the etiology and pathogenesis of the diseases, diagnostic methods, and treatment, with a particular focus on clinical presentation.
kožne manifestacije
upalne bolesti crijeva
gastrointestinalna krvarenja
maligne bolesti
Keywords (english)
skin manifestations
celiac disease
inflammatory bowel disease
gastrointestinal bleeding
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:836638
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Dr Med - University of Zagreb School of Medicine Digital Repository
Created on 2024-07-01 16:14:37