Title Utjecaj fakoemulzifikacijskog zahvata operacije mrene na postoperativni astigmatizam
Title (english) The effects of phacoemulsification cataract surgery on postoperative astigmatism
Author Andrija Stanišić
Mentor Ljubo Znaor (mentor)
Committee member Veljko Rogošić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Lešin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Pavlinac Dodig (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine (Ophthalmology) Split
Defense date and country 2021, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Ophthalmology
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj glavnog rožničnog reza na postoperativni astigmatizam. Pri izradi rada promatrani su sljedeći parametri: vidna oštrina bez korekcije prije i nakon operativnog zahvata, sferni ekvivalent, kornealna topografija, broj endotelnih stanica rožnice, dodatne dijagnoze pacijenata, subjektivni dojam kvalitete kirurškog noža i resteriliziranost noža.
Materijali i metode: Istraživanje se provodilo na Klinici za očne bolesti, Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split. Uključeno je 23 pacijenta. Vrijeme provedeno za prikupljanje podataka iznosilo je 6 mjeseci (siječanj 2021. – srpanj 2021.) Tijekom i nakon istraživanja štite se prava i osobni podaci ispitanika u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti prava bolesnika (NN 169/04, 37/08) i Zakonom o zaštiti osobnih podataka (NN 103/03- 106/12), a istraživanje je usklađeno s odredbama Kodeksa liječničke etike i deontologije (NN 55/08, 139/15) te pravilima Helsinške deklaracije (1964. – 2013.). Za provedbu istraživanja, zatraženo je i dobiveno odobrenje Etičkog povjerenstva Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Splitu pod brojem 2181-147/01/06/M.S.-20-02. Pacijenti su pregledani od strane oftalmologa. Bilježila se vidna oštrina (SC,CC, sferni ekvivalent), intraokularni tlak aplanacijskom Goldmannovom tonometrijom, fundus u midrijazi sa superfield beskontaktnom lećom te biomikroskopski pregled prednjeg segmenta oka.
Rezultati: Od 23 bolesnika uključenih u ovo istraživanje 10 (43,48%) je muškaraca i 13 (56,52%) žena. Medijan dobi ispitanika iznosi 73 (56-88). Vidna oštrina nakon operacije je značajno bolja. Postoperativni astigmatizam je statistički značajno manji od preoperativnog astigmatizma. Nije pokazana statistički značajna razlika kod korištenja resteriliziranog i novog noža. Dokazana je negativna korelacija predoperativnog astigmatizma u odnosu na postoperativni.
Zaključci: Vidna oštrina nakon operacije se poboljšala. Veličina incizije od 2,2 milimetra ima povoljan učinak na postoperativni astigmatizam. Usporedbom osi cilindra na autokeratorefraktometru i Pentacamu nađena je razlika u vrijednostima, ali nije se pokazala statistički značajnom. Postoperativni astigmatizam je statistički značajno manji od preoperativnog astigmatizma. Nismo pronašli statistički značajnu razliku u indukciji postoperativnog astigmatizma u bolesnika operiranih sa resteriliziranim I neresteriliziranim jednokratnim mikrokeratomima. Pokazali smo pozitivnu korelaciju postoperativne promjene astigmatizma, međutim nije statistički značajna. Dokazana je negativna korelacija predoperativnog astigmatizma u odnosu na postoperativni.
Abstract (english) Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the main corneal incision on postoperative astigmatism. The following parameters were observed during the study: visual acuity without correction before and after surgery, spherical equivalent, corneal topography, number of corneal endothelial cells, additional diagnoses of patients, subjective impression of surgical knife quality and knife resterilization.
Materials and methods: The research was conducted at the Clinic for Ophthalmology, Clinical Hospital Center Split. 23 patients were included. The time spent collecting data was 6 months (January 2021 - July 2021) During and after the survey, the rights and personal data of respondents are protected in accordance with the Patients' Rights Protection Act (OG 169/04, 37/08) and the protection of personal data (OG 103 / 03-106 / 12), and the research is harmonized with the provisions of the Code of Medical Ethics and Deontology (OG 55/08, 139/15) and the rules of the Declaration of Helsinki (1964-2013). For the implementation of the research, the approval of the Ethics Committee of the Clinical Hospital Center in Split under number 2181-147 / 01/06 / M.S.-20-02 was requested and obtained. Patients were examined by an ophthalmologist. Visual acuity (SC, CC, spherical equivalent), intraocular pressure by applanation Goldmann tonometry, fundus in mydriasis with a superfield non-contact lens and biomicroscopic examination of the anterior segment of the eye were recorded.
Results: Of the 23 patients included in this study, 10 (43.48%) were men and 13 (56.52%) were women. The median age of the respondents was 73 (56-88). Visual acuity after surgery is significantly better. Postoperative astigmatism is statistically significantly lower than preoperative astigmatism. No statistically significant difference was shown when using a resterilized and a new knife. There is a negative correlation between preoperative astigmatism and postoperative astigmatism.
Conclusions: Visual acuity improved after surgery. An incision size of 2.2 millimeters has a beneficial effect on postoperative astigmatism. A comparison of the cylinder axis on the autokeratorefractometer and the Pentacam found a difference in values, but did not prove statistically significant. Postoperative astigmatism is statistically significantly lower than preoperative astigmatism. We found no statistically significant difference in the induction of postoperative astigmatism in patients operated with resterilized and non-sterilized disposable microkeratomas. We showed a positive correlation of postoperative change in astigmatism, however it is not statistically significant. There is a negative correlation between preoperative astigmatism and postoperative astigmatism.
Ugradnja intraokularne leće
Postoperativne komplikacije
Vidna oštrina
Keywords (english)
Lens Implantation Intraocular
Postoperative Complications
Visual Acuity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:611301
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository MEFST Repository
Created on 2021-07-22 11:52:17