Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi kliničke manifestacije HLA B51(5) pozitivnih bolesnika u populaciji bolesnika koji su pregledani u poliklinici, dnevnoj bolnici te stacionaru Zavoda za reumatologiju i kliničku imunologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split i ispitati demografska obilježja bolesnika s pozitivnim HLA B51(5) leukocitnim antigenom tkivne podudarnosti.Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 176 bolesnika koji su nositelji su HLA B51 (5) leukocitnog antigena tkivne podudarnosti u razdoblju od 2010. do lipnja 2021.godine. Uključni kriterij je bio pozitivan HLA B51 (5), a isključni kriterij je bila dijagnoza Behcetove bolesti. Analizirana je medicinska dokumentacija poliklinike, stacionara i dnevne bolnice Zavoda za reumatologiju i kliničku imunologiju Klinike za unutarnje bolesti Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split. Od 176 HLA B51(5) pozitivnih bolesnika, 4 su zadovoljili dijagnostičke kriterije za Behcetovu bolest te su isključeni iz daljnje analize.Rezultati: Od 172 bolesnika, bile su 128 (74%) osobe ženskog spola i 44 (26%) osobe muškog spola. Omjer izneđu žena i muškaraca iznosio je 2,91 i prosječna dob je bila 56 godina. Najčešće kliničke manifestacije HLA B51 (5) u našoj populaciji ispitanika su artritisi i artralgije pristune u 88,37% bolesnika, a najčešći oblik artritisa je spondiloartropatija prisutna u 73 (42,44%) ispitanika. Od ostalih specifičnih kliničkih manifestacija, 24 (13,9%) bolesnika su zadovoljili dijagnostičke kriterije za sindrom suhoće (sicca sindrom), 19 (11,04%) za reumatoidni artritis, 25 (14,53%) bolesnika je imalo poremećaje rada štitnjače (od toga 17 hipotireoza, 6 kroničnih tireoditisa i 2 hipertireoze) i 1 (0,58%) za polimiozitis.Zaključak: Najčešće kliničke manifestacije HLA B51 (5) pozitivnih bolesnika u našoj populaciji ispitanika su artritisi i artralgije, a najčešći oblik artritisa su spondiloartropatije, što bi upućivalo da HLA B51 (5) leukocitni antigen tkivne podudarnosti može predstavljati potencijalni rizični genetički čimbenik u razvoju spondiloartropatija. Od ostalih upalnih reumatskih bolesti, 19 (11,04%) bolesnika je zadovoljilo dijagnostičke kriterije za reumatoidni artritis. To nameće zaključak da HLA B51 (5) ima dosada nepriznatu ulogu bilo u induciranju, moduliranju ili u regulaciji drugih oblika autoimunih bolesti, a ne samo u Behcetovoj bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the clinical manifestations of HLA B51 (5) positive patients in the population of patients examined in the clinic of the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University Hospital of Split and to examine the demographic characteristics of patients with positive HLA B51 (5).Participants and methods: This study included 176 patients who are carriers of HLA B51 (5). The data were collected from archives of the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University Hospital of Split for the period from 2010 to June 2021. The inclusion criteria was a positive HLA B51 (5) and the exclusion criteria was the diagnosis of Behcet's disease. Of the 176 HLA B51 (5) positive patients, 4 met the diagnostic criteria for Behcet's disease and were excluded from further analysis.Results: Of the 172 patients, 128 (74%) were female and 44 (26%) were male. The ratio between women and man was 2.91 and the average age was 56 years. The most common clinical manifestations of HLA B51 (5) in our population are arthritis and arthralgia present in 88.37% of patients, and the most common form of arthritis is spondyloarthropathy present in 73 (42.44%) subjects. Regarding other specific clinical manifestations, we had 24 (13,9%) who meet the diagnostic criteria for dryness syndrome (sicca syndrome), 19 (11,04%) for rheumatoid arthritis, 25 (14.53%) patients who had thyroid dysfunction (17 with hypothyrodidism, 6 with chronic thyroiditis and 2 with hyperthyroidism) and 1 (0.58%) with polymyositis.Conclusion: The most common clinical manifestations of HLA B51 (5) positive patients in our population are arthritis and arthralgia, and the most common from of arthritis is spondyloarthropathy, suggesting that HLA B51 (5) may be a potential risk factor for developing spondyloarhritis. Regarding other inflammatory rheumatic diseases, 19 (11.04%) patients met the diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid arthritis. This suggests that HLA B51 (5) has a unrecognized role either in inducing, modulating, or regulating other forms of autoimmune diseases, not just Behcet's disease. |