Title Psihološka priprema rodilje na postporođajno razdoblje
Title (english) Psychological preparation of the mother for the postpartum period
Author Ivana Vidović
Mentor Slavica Kozina (mentor)
Committee member Martina Šunj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Aranza (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2024-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Postpartalno razdoblje ili babinje vrijeme je cijeljenja žene i njene prilagodbe na novu životnu ulogu. Funkcioniranje organa i organskih sustava koji su do sad bili prilagođeni trudnoći i porodu vraća se u svoje prvobitno stanje. Rodiljino mentalno stanje pod utjecajem je velikih promjena u hormonskom sustavu stoga je razdoblje nakon poroda osjetljivo za nju, a ponekad i opasno. Porodom posteljice razine progesterona, koje su bile 10-15 puta iznad onih za vrijeme lutealne faze, i razine estrogena, koje i do 30 puta nadmašuju referentne vrijednosti prije gravidnosti, naglo opadaju. Te velike hormonalne amplitude udružene sa strukturalnim i funkcionalnim promjenama na mozgu, čine rodilju ranjivom. Iznimno je bitno pružiti podršku babinjači kroz taj period u cilju eliminiranja ili ublažavanja mogućih poremećaja. Gotovo 80% žena u puerperiju prolazi kroz „baby blues“, neki manji broj doživi težu emocionalnu nestabilnost (postporođajna depresija – PPD), dok su ekstremna patološka stanja iznimno rijetka (postporođajna psihoza). Fizička i mentalna priprema rodilje, njeno uključivanje u sustave edukacije i potpore te edukacija partnera i obitelji o važnosti njihove uloge pomaže majci u prilagodbi na novu ulogu. Razna istraživanja ukazala su da je većina rodilja nezadovoljna potporom koju prima u postpartumu. Isto tako, zabrinjavajuća činjenica je da velika većina rodilja ne traži pomoć jer se boji nerazumijevanja, ne želi pokazati svoju ranjivost i/ili smatra psihičke poremećaje „taboo“ temom. WHO opisuje postpartalno razdoblje kao najkritičniju, ali kao i najzapostavljeniju fazu tijekom života majke i novorođenčeta. Jačanjem svih karika zdravog sustava podrške i rušenjem slike “idealne majke” koju nameće društvo pomoći ćemo rodilji da se što prije vrati u svoju društvenu ulogu stabilnog mentalnog i fizičkog zdravlja.
Abstract (english) The postpartum period or midwifery is a time of healing for a woman and her adaptation to a new role in life. The functioning of the organs and organ systems that were, until now, adapted to pregnancy and childbirth returns to its original state. The mother's mental state is influenced by major changes in the hormonal system, so the period after childbirth is sensitive for her, and sometimes dangerous. With the delivery of the placenta, progesterone levels, which were 10-15 times higher than those during the luteal phase, and estrogen levels, which are up to 30 times higher than the reference values before pregnancy, drop sharply. These large hormonal amplitudes associated with structural and functional changes in the brain make the mother vulnerable. It is extremely important to provide support to the partuirent woman during this period in order to eliminate or alleviate possible disorders. Almost 80% of women in the puerperium go through the "baby blues", a smaller number experience severe emotional instability (postpartum depression - PPD), while extreme pathological conditions are extremely rare (postpartum psychosis). Physical and mental preparation of the partuirent woman, her inclusion in education and support systems, and education of partners and families about the importance of their role helps the mother in adapting to her new role. Various studies have shown that the majority of partuirent woman are dissatisfied with the support they receive in the postpartum period. Likewise, it is a worrying fact that the vast majority of women in labor do not seek help because they are afraid of misunderstanding, do not want to show their vulnerability and/or consider mental disorders a "taboo" topic. WHO describes the postpartum period as the most critical, but also the most neglected phase in the life of the mother and newborn. By strengthening all links of a healthy support system and demolishing the image of the "ideal mother" imposed by society, we will help the mother to return to her social role of stable mental and physical health as soon as possible.
priprema rodilje
psihički poremećaji
sustav podrške
Keywords (english)
preparation of partuirent woman
psychological disorders
support system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:610855
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study Programme of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2025-09-19
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Repository Repository of the University Department for Health Studies, University of Split
Created on 2024-09-20 09:12:20