Abstract | U ovom radu prikazan je uzgoj pšenice na OPG-u Goreta tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2016./2017. Cilj je bio utvrditi utjecaj vremenskih prilika i primijenjene agrotehnike, a naročito utjecaj roka sjetve i odabira sorte na prinose i kvalitetu zrna pšenice.
Za sjetvu su odabrane dvije sorte, Kraljica i Maja, koje su se prethodnih godina pokazale kao dobar izbor na ovom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu. Sjetva je započeta krajem optimalnog roka i potrajala je gotovo do kraja studenoga, zbog velike količine oborina. Od 25. listopada do 6. studenog 2016. posijano je 12,36 ha od ukupno planiranih 21,87 ha, a ostatak od 9,51 ha posijan je u razdoblju od 20. do 23. studenog 2016. Nepovoljni vremenski uvjeti, osobito jako niske temperature u siječnju otežali su klijanje i nicanje pšenice iz kasnog roka, a na nekim kasnije zasijanim površinama pšenica je niknula tek u veljači. Kod kasnog roka sjetve upotrijebljena je značajno veća količina sjemena za sjetvu. Pravovremenom i višekratnom gnojidbom pokušalo se pospješiti rast i razvoj pšenice. Zaštita usjeva je također obavljena na vrijeme pa nije došlo do razvoja bolesti kao ni do veće pojave korova i štetnika.
Prosječni prinos sorte Kraljica je bio 8,34 t/ha. Vlaga se kod ove sorte kretala u rasponu od 11,2 % do 14,5 %, hektolitarska masa 78,1 do 82,3 kg/hl, a sadržaj proteina od 12,3 % do visokih 15,1 % te je jedan dio uroda ove sorte svrstan u Premium klasu. Sorta Maja je ostvarila vrlo visoki prinos od 9,20 t/ha. Hektolitarska masa je iznosila 81,9 kg/hl što ju svrstava u I. klasu prema hektolitru, ali je sadržaj proteina bio 13,2 % što ju u konačnici svrstava u II. klasu. Prosječan prinos zrna obje sorte je 8,77 t/ha. Prosječan sadržaj proteina je 13,5 %, hektolitarske mase 81,0 kg/hl, a prosječna vlaga zrna 13,32%.
Postignuti su visoki prinosi i zadovoljavajuća kvaliteta zrna pšenice unatoč kasnom roku sjetve, zahvaljujući pravilno provedenoj tehnologiji proizvodnje i preventivnim mjerama koje se poduzimaju kod kasnog roka sjetve |
Abstract (english) | Throughout this work the growing of wheat on Family farm Goreta during growing season 2016/2017 was shown. The aim was to determine the influence of weather conditions and applied agrotechnics, in particular the impact of the sowing time and choice of varieties on the yields and quality of wheat grain.
Two varieties were chosen for sowing, Kraljica and Maja, which had proved to be a good choice in this family farm in the previous years. Sowing started at the end of the optimal time and, due to a large amount of rainfall, lasted almost until the end of November. Adverse weather conditions, especially very low temperatures in January, aggravated germinating and seedling growth of the sown wheat, and on the fields sown later, wheat sprouted in February. By the repeated fertilization at the most opportune time, it was attempted to enhance the growth and development of wheat. Crop protection was also done punctually, thus there were neither plant diseases nor the emergence of weeds and pests. Harvest began in late June and lasted for a week because of a long-lasting sowing.
Kraljica’s average yield was 8.34 t/ha. The moisture in this variety ranged from 11.2 % to 1.5 %, the hectolitre weight from 78.10 to 82.3 kg/hl, and the protein content ranged from 12.3 % to 15.1 %. So, some quantity part of this wheat variety classified in the Premium class. Maja’s obtained very high grain yield of 9.20 t/ha. The moisture in this variety was 13.8%, the hectolitre weight was 81.9 kg/hl, which classified this yield in Class I per hectolitre, but the quantity of protein was 13.3% which eventually classified it in Class II. The average yield for both sown varieties is 8.77 t/ha. The average of protein content is 13.5 %, of hectolitre weight is 81.0 % and the average moisture content is 13.3%.
Very high yields and satisfactory wheat grain quality have been achieved despite late sowing time, thanks to properly implemented production technology and preventive measures taken in late crop sowing. |