Title Utjecaj spolnih hormona na razvoj mentalnih poremećaja kod žena
Title (english) Influence of sex hormones on the development of mental disorders in women
Author Andrea Ivanković
Mentor Lidija Bach-Rojecky (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Bach-Rojecky (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Maravić Vlahoviček (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Vanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (Department of pharmacology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-06-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Spolni hormoni imaju značajni utjecaj na sveopće fizičko i psihičko stanje žene. Kroz cijeli reproduktivni život, počevši od
menarhe pa do ulaska u menopauzu, žene osjećaju intenzivne promjene koncentracija progesterona i estrogena. Dobro
opisani učinci na periferne ciljne organe praćeni su i djelovanjem hormona unutar središnjeg živčanog sustava gdje
reguliraju različite procese. Spolni hormoni utječu na prilagodbu mozga tijekom bitnih hormonskih tranzicija, npr. tijekom
trudnoće ili menopauze, ali i na mjesečnoj bazi uobičajenim fluktuacijama tijekom menstruacijskog ciklusa. Primjerice, tada
su strukturalne promjene najočitije u hipokampusu, amigdali, ali i temporalnim i parijetalnim regijama mozga u obliku
promjena volumena sive tvari. Osim strukturalnih, funkcionalne promjene uključuju utjecaj na različite neurotransmitorske
sustave, posebice monoaminske. To se povezuje s određenim rizikom za nastanak mentalnih poremećaja. Estrogen se ističe
svojim neuroprotektivnim djelovanjem, uz povoljne učinke na podizanje razine serotonina i dopamina. Nagli pad razina
estrogena povezuje se s poremećajima raspoloženja i smanjenjem kognitivnih sposobnosti u postmenopauzi. Progesteron
također ima modulatorne uloge u središnjem živčanom sustavu, preko svog aktivnog metabolita alopregnanolona koji
pozitivnom modulacijom GABA-A receptora ispoljava pozitivno djelovanje na regulaciju raspoloženja. Nagli pad
koncentracija progesterona, odnosno alopregnanolona u posljednoj fazi lutealnog perioda pokazuje korelaciju s
intenziviranjem negativnih simptoma raspoloženja kod žena s PMS-om ili PMDD-om. Egzogeni hormoni, poput
kombinacija estrogena i progestina koje se koriste u svrhu kontracepcije ili za smanjenje simptoma menopauze pokazuju
različite učinke na mentalno zdravlje i ponašanje žena. Dok je u adolescenata primjena hormonskih pripravaka povezana s
povećanim rizikom od depresije, kod žena u menopauzi primjena kombiniranih hormona povezana je s pozitivnim
djelovanjem na raspoloženje i kognitivne funkcije, premda su rezultati kontradiktorni. Iako promjene spolnih hormona
tijekom menstruacijskog ciklusa utječu na funkcioniranje različitih organskih sustava, njihov doprinos uglavnom je
zanemaren prilikom psihofarmakološke terapije, velikim dijelom i zbog nedostatka podataka i jasnih smjernica temeljenih na
dokazima. Za sada je najviše podataka prikupljeno o povezanosti fluktuacija spolnih hormona i primjene selektivnih
inhibitora ponovne pohrane serotonina i benzodiazepina. Daljnja istraživanja nužna su za kvalitetniju terapiju prilagođenu
svakoj pacijentici, a uzevši u obzir i njezin hormonalni status, kada je to primjenjivo.
Abstract (english) Sex hormones have a significant impact on the physical, as well as the mental state of women. During their whole
reproductive life, starting ftom the menarche up until reaching menopause, women experience intense changes of
progesterone and estrogen concentrations. Well described effects of these hormones on their peripheral target tissues are
acompanied with their effects upon the central nervous system where they regulate multiple different processes. Sex
hormones influence the brain's adaptation capabilities during pivotal hormonal transitions such as pregnancy or menopause,
however their effects during monthly fluctuations within the menstrual cycle can not be neglected. For instance, the most
apparent structural changes during the menstrual cycle happen in the hippocampus, amygdala, temporal and parietal regions
of the brain with changes in gray matter volume. In addition to the structural aspect, functional changes include alterations of
multiple neurotransmission systems with emphasis on the monoamine system. Thic could potentially be related to the risk of
developing mental disorders. Estrogen is considered to have a neuroprotective role with beneficial effects of elevating the
levels of serotonine and dopamine. A sudden drop in estrogen levels is associated with negative mood disorders and
decreasing cognitive cpabilities during menopause. Progesterone also has a modulatory role in the central nervous system,
mainly through its active metabolite allopregnanolone which exerts a positive effect on mood regulation via positive
modulation of GABA – A receptors. An abrupt decrease in progesterone or allopregnanolone in the laste phase of the luteal
period is associated with intensifying negative mood symptoms in women with PMS or PMDD. Exogenous hormones, such
as combined estrogen and progesterone medications used for contraceptive purposes or for reducing menopausal symptoms
demonstrate different effects on women's mental health and behaviour.While in adolescents the use of hormonal preparations
increased the risk of depression, in menopausal women the use of combined hormones is associated with positive effects on
mood and cognitive function, however the evidence is not unanimous. Even though changes in sex hormones during the
menstrual cycle affect multiple organ systems, their contribution is largely dismissed during psychopharmacological therapy,
in large due to lacking data and no clear evidence based guidelines. So far, the most data has been collected regarding sex
hormone fluctuations and the use of selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors as well as benzodiazepines. Further research is
needed in order to provide patient tailored therapy, taking hormonal status into account.
spolni hormoni
mentalni poremećaj
Keywords (english)
sex hormones
mental disorder
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:558476
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry University of Zagreb
Created on 2022-07-13 15:31:00