Title Radiogalaxies with bent jets in a group of galaxies in the COSMOS field
Title (croatian) Radiogalaksije sa savijenim mlaznicama u grupi galaksija u polju COSMOS
Author Paula Vulić
Mentor Vernesa Smolčić (mentor)
Committee member Vernesa Smolčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matko Milin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vibor Jelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Androić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Friščić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Physics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-11-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Abstract Three radio sources (10913, 44, and 4092) are found in the COSMOS field within a massive galaxy group detected in X-ray at z ≈ 0:35. Two of them, radio galaxies 10913 and 44, have extended and interestingly shaped radio morphologies, i.e. bent jets. We analyze the radio sources and their 10’ x 10’ environment in the optical regime. Modeling the light distributions of their optical counterparts with the Sersic profile we obtain Sersic index values: 3.946 ± 0.005, 4.77 ± 0.01, and 4.37 ± 0.02 for 10913, 44, and 4092 respectively. The results of modeling suggest that the optical counterparts of radio galaxies 10913 and 44 are elliptical galaxies, possibly with a core. The light distribution in the central part of the optical counterpart of radio source 4092 follows the Sersic profile well. However, residual light in its outer parts remains and needs to be investigated further. By analyzing the spatial distribution of optical sources in the 10’ x 10’ environment of radio sources and extracting the ones in highly dense areas, we detect a large concentration of densely distributed galaxies, that spatially corresponds to the group detected in X-ray, and that has substructures. The color index of the member galaxies does not seem to affect their position within the large concentration. We find a long (≈ 6 mag), nearly horizontal, and ≈ 1 mag wide structure - likely a red sequence in the corresponding galaxy color-magnitude diagrams. Using spectroscopic instead of photometric redshift in future work, would give more precise results and possibly better-defined (narrower) sequence. The obtained results agree with the idea of the potential galaxy group being a non-relaxed system, possibly caught in the process of its creation through the merging of more than one smaller group (likely around each radio source). Additional and in some aspects, more advanced research is needed in optical as well as at other wavelengths (radio, X-rays) to further investigate this scenario.
Abstract (croatian) Tri radioizvora (10913, 44 i 4092) pronađeni su u polju COSMOS, unutar grupe galaksija na z ≈ 0:35, prethodno detektirane u rendgenskom valnom području. Radiogalaksije 10913 i 44 imaju izduženu i zanimljivo oblikovanu radiomorfologiju (savijene mlaznice). Mi analiziramo galaksije i njihovo 10' x 10' okruženje u optičkom valnom području. Modelirajući raspodjelu svjetla njihovih optičkih ekvivalenata Sersicovim profilom dobivamo vrijednosti Sersicovog indeksa: 3.946 ± 0.005, 4.77 ± 0.01 i 4.37 ± 0.02 za redom 10913, 44 i 4092. Prema rezultatima modeliranja, čini se kako su optički ekvivalenti radiogalaksija 10913 i 44 eliptične galaksije, moguće s jezgrom. Raspodjela svjetla u središnjem dijelu optičkog ekvivalenta radioizvora 4092 dobro slijedi Sersicov profil, međutim u vanjskim dijelovima galaksije ostaje rezidualno svjetlo, koje se treba dalje istražiti. Analizom prostorne raspodjele optičkih izvora u 10' x 10' okolini radioizvora te izdvajanjem samo onih iz područja povećane gustoće, detektiramo veću nakupinu gusto raspoređenih galaksija koja se prostorno poklapa s prethodno detektiranom grupom u rendgenskom području te se sastoji od podstruktura. Nije uočena povezanost između indeksa boje galaksija članova i njihovog položaja unutar velike nakupine. Nađena je dugačka (≈ 6 mag), gotovo vodoravna struktura širine ≈ 1 mag u dijagramima magnituda - boja za galaksije, vjerojatno crveni niz. Precizniji rezultat te moguće bolje definiran (uži) crveni niz traže dodatnu analizu, uz uporabu preciznijih sprektroskopskih crvenih pomaka. Dobiveni rezultati su u skladu s idejom da je potencijalna grupa neopušten sustav, moguće opažen u procesu nastanka kroz spajanje više manjih grupa (vjerojatno po jedna oko svakog od radioizvora). Dodatno i u nekim aspektima naprednije istraživanje je potrebno, kako u optičkom području tako i na drugim valnim duljinama (radiovalno i rendgensko područje), kako bi se ova mogućnost dalje istražila.
active galactic nuclei
radio galaxies
bent jets
galaxy groups
non-relaxed systems
optical wavelenghts
light profile
Voronoi tessellation
colormagnitude diagrams
Keywords (croatian)
aktivne galaktičke jezgre
savijene mlaznice
grupe galaksija
neopušteni sustavi
optičke valne duljine
profil svjetla
Voronoi teselacija
dijagrami magnituda-boja
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:579865
Study programme Title: Physics; specializations in: Research Course: Research Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizike (magistar/magistra fizike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of Science
Created on 2022-12-19 13:09:41