Title Internalizirani problemi u kontekstu škole
Title (english) Internalized problems in school context
Author Kristina Horvat
Mentor Linda Rajhvajn Bulat (mentor)
Committee member Linda Rajhvajn Bulat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Ajduković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Rezo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities Theory of Social Work
Abstract Prijelaz iz djetinjstva u adolescenciju predstavlja posebno burno razdoblje u kojem se internalizirani simptomi pojačavaju (Novak i Bašić, 2008.; Hall, 1904., prema Rudan, 2004.; Salavera i sur., 2019.; Bouillet i Uzelac, 2008.; Maglica i Jerković, 2014.). Takvi problemi često se javljaju u školi i vezani su uz školu, koja u današnje vrijeme predstavlja sve veći značaj za razvoj djeteta. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost između depresivnosti i anksioznosti te privrženosti školi, privrženosti vršnjacima te akademskog postignuća. Istraživanje je provedeno na 305 učenika 5 srednjih škola u Krapinsko – zagorskoj županiji i na području grada Pule. Korišten je anketni upitnik koji je podijeljen učenicima na nastavi. Rezultati upućuju da postoji negativna povezanost između akademskog postignuća i internaliziranih problema, pri čemu je najveća negativna povezanost vidljiva između ocjena iz matematike i završne ocjene i depresivnosti i anksioznosti, dok su ocjene iz stranog jezika negativno povezane s anksioznošću. Nadalje, privrženost školi pokazala se kao značajno negativno povezana s internaliziranim problemima, pri čemu je emocionalna privrženost najviše negativno povezana s anksioznosti i depresivnosti. Ponašajna privrženost je negativno povezana s depresivnosti, dok kod kognitivne privrženosti nije utvrđena značajna povezanost. Privrženost prijateljima također je značajno negativno povezana s internaliziranim problemima. Otuđenost je pozitivno povezana s iskazivanjem više depresivnih i anksioznih simptoma, iza čega slijedi povjerenje, koje je negativno povezano s internaliziranim problemima. Komunikacija je, s druge strane, negativno povezana samo s depresivnosti. Ovakvi rezultati mogu se koristiti kao podloga za daljnja istraživanja, preventivne programe u koje se mogu uključiti socijalni radnici, te za razvoj socijalnog rada u školstvu.
Abstract (english) The transition from childhood to adolescence is a particularly turbulent period in which internalized symptoms (Novak i Bašić, 2008.; Hall, 1904., prema Rudan, 2004.; Salavera i sur., 2019.; Bouillet i Uzelac, 2008.; Maglica i Jerković, 2014.). Such problems often occur at school and are linked to a school that is of increasing importance for the development of the child. The aim of this study was to determine if there was an correlation between depression and anxiety, and attachment to school, attachment to peers, and academic achievement. The study was conducted on 305 students of 5 secondary schools in Krapinsko - zagorje County and in the City of Pula. A survey questionnaire was distributed to students in the classroom. The results indicate that there is a negative correlation between academic achievement and internalized problems, with the greatest negative correlation being seen between math and final grades and depression and anxiety, while foreign language scores are negatively related to anxiety. Furthermore, attachment to school has been shown to be significantly negatively associated with internalized problems, with emotional attachment being most negatively associated with anxiety and depression. Behavioral attachment was negatively associated with depression, while no significant association was found with cognitive attachment. Peer attachment is also significantly negatively related to internalized problems. Alienation is positively associated with the expression of more depressive and anxiety symptoms, followed by trust that is negatively associated with internalized problems. Communication, on the other hand, is only negatively related to depression. Such results can be used as a basis for further research, preventive programs involving social workers, and for the development of school social work.
internalizirani problemi
privrženost školi
privrženost vršnjacima
akademsko postignuće
Keywords (english)
internalized problems
school attachment
attachment to peers
academic achievement
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:903509
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository Repository Faculty of Law University of Zagreb
Created on 2019-10-23 11:05:17