Author Toni Došen
Mentor Željko Bartulović (mentor)
Committee member Budislav Vukas (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatka Butorac Malnar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW (Chair of the History of Law and State) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Procesuiranje ratnih zločina na području bivše Jugoslavije u ratnim sukobima 90-ih pokazalo se kao činjenično teško, pravno kompleksno i izrazito politički osjetljivo. Težina i velika brojnost počinjenih ratnih zločina pokazuje da su ti zločini vrlo često imali podršku političkih elita i vladajućih garnitura toga vremena. Više je nego sigurno, a samim time se nameće zaključak da je njihov krajnji cilj bio stvaranje etničko homogenih političkih zajednica i da je provođenje etničkog čišćenja bio dio ratne strategije. S ciljem što uspješnije razrade takve problematike, diplomski rad je planiran na slijedeći način.
U uvodnom poglavlju autor smatra da je oportuno da prikaže što je to bio Domovinski rat i sve njegove karakteristike. Nastavno tome, pokazati će kronološki kako i zašto je počeo rat na podrujču Republike Hrvatske, te sve ono što su tzv. JNA kao „narodna vojska“, dobrovoljačke postrojbe ubačene iz Srbije te pobunjeni Srbi činili na tom području. S aspekta tih događanja (protjerivanje domicilnog stanovništva iz vlastitih ognjišta, ubijanje nedužnih civila,itd ) trebalo bi i realnije sagledati određena ponašanja hrvatskih dužnosnika, koji su osuđeni visokim zatvorskim kaznama.
U drugom poglavlju autor će pokušati povijesno prikazati, kada i kako su se počeli procesuirati ratni zločini. Na temelju izvještaja Carnegiejeve zaklade za mir, u kojem su navedena brojna kršenja međunarodnih konvencija i opisani ratni zločini počinjeni za vrijeme Balkanskih ratova, su počeci stvaranja međunarodnog prava a posebno međunarodnog ratnog i humanitarnog prava. Svakako treba spomenuti sudske procese koji su bili u Nurnbergu, kao preteča formiranja Međunarodnog kaznenog suda u Haagu i koji su utjecali na međunarodno pravo. Hrvatska javnost posebno pamti suđenje našim generalima o kojima će biti riječi u ovom poglavlju.
U trećem poglavlju retrospektivno će kroz sudske spise propitati sudske presude tzv. „Gospićkoj skupini“, te pokušati sagledati cijeli proces vremenskim odmakom sa aspekta pravnih i stvarnih činjenica, ratnog prava, ratnog okruženja u vrijeme počinjenje kaznenog djela.
U završnom četvrtom poglavlju kroz zaključak, sublimirati će sveobuhvatnu problematiku koja se prožimala kroz prethodna poglavlja s naglaskom na osobni stav i komentar o cjelokupnoj temi diplomskog rada.
Abstract (english) Prosecution of war crime in the former Yugoslavia in the war conflicts of the 1990sproved to be factually difficult legally complex and extremaly politically sensitive. The gravity and large number of war crimes committed shows that these crimes very offen had the support of the political elites and ruling parties of the time. It is more than certain, and thus the conclusion is that their ulitimate goal was to create ethnically homogenuous political communities and that carrying out ethnic cleanging was part of the war. In order to more successfully develop such issues, the thesis is planed as follows.
In the introductory chapter, the author considers it opportune to show what the Homeland War was and all its characteristics. In addition they will show chronologically how and why the territory of the Republic of Croatia, and all that the so-called JNA as a „people's army“, volunteer units brought in from Serbia and rebel Serbs did in that area. From the aspect of these events (expulsion of the domicile population from their own homes, killing innocent civilians, etc), certain behaviors of Croatian officials who were sentenced to high prison terms should be viewed more realistically.
In the second chapter, the author will try to historically show when and how war crimes began to be processed. Based on a report by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, which lists numerous violations of international conventions and describes war crimes commited during Balkan wars, the beginnings of the creation of international law, especially international war and humanitarian law, are the beginning.Mention should certainly be made of the trials that took place in Nuremberg as a precursor to the formation of the International Criminal Court in the Hague and that influenced International Law. The Croatian public especially remembers the trial of our generals which will be discussed in this chapter.
In the third chapter, he will retrospectively examine the court verdicts of the so-called Gospić group through court files and try to look at the whole process in time from the aspect of legal and real facts, war law, war environment at the time of the crime.
In the final fourth chapter trough the conclusion, it will sublimate the comprehensive issues that permeated the previous chapters with an emphasis on personal attitude and commentary on the entire topic of the thesis.
Domovinski rat
ratni zločin
Nurnberški procesi
Međunarodni kazneni sud u Haagu
suđenje tzv.Gospićkoj skupini
Keywords (english)
Homeland war
war crime
the Nuremberg trials
the Internationaltrial Criminal Court in the Haag
trial of the so-called Gospić group
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:214010
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law
Created on 2021-11-02 10:44:52