Title Muzeji grada Zagreba u funkciji nastave prirode i društva
Title (english) Museums of the City of Zagreb in the function of teaching Science and Society
Author Mia Kožić
Mentor Zdenko Braičić (mentor)
Committee member Zdenko Braičić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Đuranović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Klasnić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Abstract Iako se uloga muzeja u društvu promijenila kroz povijest njegova razvoja, muzeji su još uvijek često gledani kao formalne institucije u kojima se mogu samo razgledavati izložbe. Međutim, to nije jedino što muzej može ponuditi svojim posjetiteljima. Pojavom muzejske edukacije i pedagogije muzeji postaju mjesta u kojima se aktivnim sudjelovanjem može učiti na zabavan način. Promjene koje su se dogodile u odgoju i obrazovanju, a koje su prvenstveno vezane uz kurikularni pristup nastavi, rezultirale su i drugačijim pogledom na nastavu. Ovakve promjene zahtijevaju nove metode i oblike rada, a jedan od odgovora na ovakve zahtjeve je nastava u muzeju. Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati kako muzeji grada Zagreba mogu biti od koristi nastavi Prirode i društva u postizanju ciljeva propisanih Nastavnim planom i programom te istražiti koje nastavne teme možemo spoznavati u određenim muzejima grada Zagreba. Za potrebe ovog rada pregledane su i proučene internetske stranice zagrebačkih muzeja (Arheološki muzej, Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Muzej Mimara, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Muzej grada Zagreba, Hrvatski povijesni muzej, Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla, Etnografski muzej, Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej te Hrvatski školski muzej) od kojih su izdvojeni najpoznatiji muzeji grada Zagreba. Svi spomenuti muzeji održavaju razne programe, projekte i radionice kako bi privukli što veći broj posjetitelja, a u ovom radu izdvojene su radionice koje se mogu povezati s nastavnim sadržajima predmeta Priroda i društvo. Uz služenje stručnom literaturom, pretraživanje internetskih izvora, korištena je metoda intervjua. Kako bi se dobio uvid u pedagoški rad muzeja grada Zagreba provedeni su intervjui s muzejskim pedagozima Hrvatskog školskog muzeja, Etnografskog muzeja, Hrvatskog povijesnog muzeja i Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog muzeja. Rezultatima intervjua utvrđeno je da navedeni zagrebački muzeji nude velik broj sadržaja koji se mogu povezati s nastavom Prirode i društva te da su otvoreni za suradnju. Bez obzira na brojne nedostatke, zalažu se i potiču provođenje ovakvog oblika nastave.
Abstract (english) Although the role of museums in society has changed throughout the history of its development, museums are still often viewed as formal institutions that offer only exhibitions. However, this is not the only thing the museum has to offer its visitors. With the appearance of museum education and pedagogy, museums become places where with active participation, many things can be learned in a fun way. Changes that have taken place in education, primarily related to the curricular approach to teaching, have also resulted in a different view of teaching. Such changes require new methods and forms of work, and one of the answers to that kind of demand is teaching in a museum. This paper aims to show how museums in the City of Zagreb can be useful for teaching Science and Society in achieving the goals prescribed by the Curriculum. A further goal is to explore what kind of teaching content can be studied at specific Zagreb City Museums. Due to the purposes of this paper, the web pages of the Zagreb Museums (Archeological Museum, Museum of Arts and Crafts, Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of the City of Zagreb, Croatian History Museum, Technical Museum Nikola Tesla, Ethnographic Museum, Croatian Museum of Natural History and Croatian School Museum), have been reviewed and studied. The most famous museums in the city of Zagreb were selected. All the mentioned museums hold various programs, projects, and workshops to attract as many visitors as possible. In this paper are highlighted workshops that can be incorporated into the teaching content of the subject Science and Society. In addition to using professional literature, searching Internet sources, the interview method was used. Interviews were conducted with museum pedagogues of the Croatian School Museum, the Ethnographic Museum, the Croatian History Museum and the Croatian Museum of Natural History. The results established accurate information about the pedagogical work carried out in their museum. The results of the interviews established that the aforementioned Zagreb museums offer a large number of contents that can be connected with the teaching of Science and Society, and that they are open for cooperation. Despite numerous shortcomings, they advocate and encourage the implementation of this form of teaching.
grad Zagreb
Priroda i društvo
Keywords (english)
City of Zagreb
Science and Society
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:197079
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education
Created on 2020-07-13 10:45:11