Title Primjena Orff Schulwerka i Orffova instrumentarija u primarnom obrazovanju
Title (english) Application of Orff Scuhlwerk and Orff instrumentation in primary education
Author Stela Paradžik
Mentor Tamara Jurkić-Sviben (mentor)
Committee member Tamara Jurkić-Sviben (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Prša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Blaženka Bačlija Sušić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-02-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Interdisciplinary Fields of Art
Abstract Glazba je važna sastavnica u životnom razvoju svakog djeteta i zato je neizmjerno važno osigurati kvalitetnu nastavu glazbe u prva tri razreda osnovne škole, kada učenike kroz odgojno-obrazovni proces vode razredni učitelji. Kako bi nastava glazbe ostvarila ishode i aktivnosti koje su kurikulumom predviđene, učitelj mora biti uvjeren i siguran u vlastite kompetencije. Tijekom učiteljskog studija studenti stječu glazbeno obrazovanje koje obuhvaća znanja iz teorije glazbe, vještine sviranja glazbenog instrumenta uz pjevanje te metodičke kompetencije za izvođenje sata Glazbene kulture. Cjeloživotno obrazovanje, produbljivanje znanja i vještina te učiteljevih kompetencija je ključno za učiteljsku profesiju koja uvijek treba težiti što kvalitetnijoj razini ostvarivanja nastavnog procesa. U učiteljske kompetencije pripada i proširivanje znanja kroz alternativne pristupe glazbi. Kao što u općoj pedagogiji postoje različiti alternativni pristupi, s kojima se studenti upoznaju tijekom učiteljskog studija u glazbenoj pedagogiji također postoje razni alternativni glazbeno-pedagoški pristupi koji su se javili početkom 20. stoljeća, o kojima studenti tijekom studija prime vrlo malo informacija. Najpoznatiji takvi pristupi su Orff-Schulwerk, Suzuki metoda, metoda E. Jacques Dalcrozea, Kodályjev pristup, glazbeno-pedagoški koncept E. Willemsa te funkcionalna muzička pedagogija hrvatske glazbene pedagoginje Elly Bašić. Svi se ovi pristupi temelje na otvorenom glazbeno-pedagoškom principu prema kojem se vjeruje da svaki učenik ima glazbeni potencijal. Ovaj rad će istražiti primjenjuju li se Orff Schulwerk i Orff instrumentarij u primarnom obrazovanju u Republici Hrvatskoj na nastavi Glazbene kulture i, ako da, kolika je učestalost te primjene. Cilj rada je, na temelju ankete, ispitati koliko su učitelji primarnog obrazovanja upoznati s Orff Schulwerk pristupom, Orffovim instrumentarijem i tjeloglazbom te primjenjuju li iste u radu s učenicima. Anketa se sastoji od pitanja vezanih uz upoznavanje alternativnih glazbeno-pedagoških pristupa s početka 20. stoljeća tijekom studija i izvan njega, uz poznavanje Orff Schulwerk pristupa, Orff instrumentarija te primjenu istih u nastavi Glazbene kulture. Istraživanje je provedeno u Republici Hrvatskoj na učiteljima primarnog obrazovanja (N=143) te ukazuje na potrebu promjene u pristupu glazbenome odgoju i obrazovanju počevši od obrazovanja studenata, a zatim i revizije pristupa glazbenom odgoju i obrazovanju u osnovnim školama, u smislu kreativnijih i slobodnijih glazbeno-pedagoških pristupa, poput značajnije uporabe Orff Schulwerka ili samog Orffovog instrumentarija.
Abstract (english) Music is an important component in the life development of every child and that is why it is extremely important to ensure quality music teaching in the first three grades of primary school, when students are led by class teachers through the educational process. In order for music teaching to achieve the outcomes and activities provided by the curriculum, the teacher must be confident in their own competencies. During the teacher's study, students acquire music education, which includes music theory knowledge, skills of playing a musical instrument while singing and methodological competencies for carrying out the Music Culture class. Lifelong learning, deepening of knowledge, skills and teaching competencies are crucial if the teacher wants to keep their teaching at a certain level of quality, and this includes the broadening of knowledge through some alternative approaches to music. As there are various alternative approaches in general pedagogy, which students get acquainted with during teacher training, in music pedagogy also exist various alternative music-pedagogical approaches that emerged in the early 20th century, about which students receive very little information during their studies. The most famous such approaches are the Orff-Schulwerk, the Suzuki method, the method of E. Jacques Dalcroze, Kodály's approach, the music-pedagogical concept of E. Willems and the functional music pedagogy of Croatian music pedagogy Elly Bašić. All these approaches are based on the open music-pedagogical principle according to which every student is believed to have musical potential. This paper will examine whether Orff Schulwerk and Orff instruments are used in primary education in the Republic of Croatia in the teaching of Music Culture and, if so, how often. The aim of the paper is to examine how familiar primary school teachers are with Orff Schulwerk approach, Orff's instruments and body music, and whether they apply them in their work with pupils. The survey consists of questions related to the introduction of alternative music-pedagogical approaches from the beginning of the 20th century during and outside studies, questions related to knowledge of the approach of Orff Schulwerk, Orff instruments and their application in the teaching of Music Culture. The research conducted in the Republic of Croatia on primary school teachers (N=143) indicates the need for change in the approach to music education starting with student education, and then revising the approach to music education in primary schools, in terms of more creative and free music-pedagogical approaches, such as the more significant use of Orff Schulwerk or Orff’s instrumentation itself.
Orff Schulwerk
Orffov instrumentarij
primarno obrazovanje
nastava Glazbene kulture
Keywords (english)
Orff Scuhlwerk
Orff instrumentation
Primary Education
Teaching Music Culture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:888836
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education
Created on 2022-07-21 10:47:43