Title Razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja kod učenika osnovnoškolske dobi
Title (english) The development of critical thinking in primary school children
Author Talia Grubač
Mentor Tomislav Krznar (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Krznar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Badrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Žilić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy Philosophy of Education
Abstract Kritičko mišljenje primarna je vještina naglašena u osnovnom, srednjem i visokom obrazovanju kao neophodna za život. Međutim, ne radi se o procesu „pročitaj i zapamti“, već o vještini koja se mora naučiti kroz praksu kako bi postala produktivna navika. Izazov za učitelja je to što podučavanje zahtijeva više od površnog objašnjenja i izdavanja direktive za njegovu upotrebu. Prije ulaska u formalno razredno okruženje, djeca su poučena prihvatiti ono što je prezentirano u vijestima, medijima ili od strane roditelja bez pitanja osobito kad osobe od autoriteta iznose informacije. Stoga je bitno postepeno implementirati i osvijestiti kritičko mišljenje na svakom nastavnom satu i nastavnoj situaciji. Sam način poučavanja kritičkog mišljenja i način na koji ga učenici koriste određuje njegovu učinkovitost kao cjeloživotne vještine. Učenike se mora poticati da ga svrsishodno koriste, uz pružanje smjernica u procesu učenja i provedbe. Treba težiti učenju postavljanja pitanja i nikada ništa ne prihvatiti ili pretpostaviti bez dokaza. Međutim, postavljanje pitanja samo je početak jer za korištenje mora postojati jasno definirana svrha. Kao kritički mislioci, učenici pretvaraju obične i površne odgovore i radove u dobro razrađene i svrhovite odgovore. To je neprocjenjiva vještina koja se može naučiti kroz objašnjenje, praksu i izravnu primjenu. A kad učenici prevladaju izazove za razvoj i korištenje kritičkog mišljenja, uvidjet će i širinu koju ova vještina pruža. Shodno tome, od krucijalne važnosti je učenike od prvog do četvrtog razreda osnovne škole učiti kako misliti o tome što mislimo, a u tome su nam od pomoći neke filozofske metode razvijanja kritičkog mišljenja, poput Lipmanove metode, demoktarsko-filozofske metode, metode Jacques Levineova i Sokratove metode.
Abstract (english) Critical thinking is a primary skill emphasized in primary, secondary and higher education as a necessary life skill. However, this is not a process „to read and to remember “, but a skill that must be learned through practice in order to become a productive habit. The challenge for the teacher is that teaching requires more than a superficial explanation and the issuance of a directive for its use. It is a skill that is used daily without awareness. Prior to entering a formal classroom environment, children are taught to accept what is presented in the news, the media, or by parents without question, especially when persons of authority present information. Therefore, it is important to gradually implement and raise awareness of critical thinking in each lesson and teaching situation. The very way in which critical thinking is taught and the way students use it determines its effectiveness as a lifelong skill. They must be encouraged to use it purposefully, while providing guidance in the learning and implementation process. Students must be taught to ask questions and never accept or assume anything without evidence. However, asking questions is just the beginning because there must be a clearly defined purpose to use. As critical thinkers, students turn ordinary and superficial answers and papers into well-crafted and purposeful answers. It is an invaluable skill that can be learned through explanation, practice and direct application. And as students overcome the challenges of developing and using critical thinking, they will also see the breadth that this skill provides. Consequently, it is crucial to teach students from the first to the fourth grade of primary school how to think about what we think, and in this we are helped by philosophical methods of developing critical thinking.
kritičko mišljenje
filozofske vještine
Lipmanova metoda
demokratsko-filozofska metoda
Sokratova metoda
Keywords (english)
critical thinking
philosophical skills
Lipman method
democratic-philosophical method
Socrates method
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:916523
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education
Created on 2022-12-15 08:48:02