Title Rodni stereotipi u slikovnicama
Title (english) Gender stereotypes in picturebooks
Author Dora Zelić
Mentor Marina Gabelica (mentor)
Mentor Kristina Giacometti (sumentor)
Committee member Sanja Lovrić Kralj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Gabelica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Giacometti (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-06-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Rodna zastupljenost u dječjoj književnosti dugo je i opsežno istraživana još od ranih klasičnih studija drugog vala feminizma 1970-ih i 1980-ih godina (Ullah, Ali i Naz, 2014). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na veliku prisutnost rodnih stereotipa koja je dovela do dva zaključka, a to su dominacija muških likova i preuzimanje muških i ženskih tradicionalnih rodnih uloga. Budući da su slikovnice primaran izvor literature djeci mlađe dobi, one imaju funkciju poticanja ili smanjenja rodnih stereotipa. Sukladno tome, cilj ovog rada bio je ustanoviti zastupljenost rodnih stereotipa u odabranim tradicionalnim i suvremenim slikovnicama te prepoznati i analizirati pojedine obrasce i trendove. Tradicionalne slikovnice koje su odabrane zbog zasićenosti rodnim stereotipima su Gustav Krklec: Što se dobiva od mlijeka, Ana Đokić: Tri sestre, Stan i Jan Berenstain: Medvjedići i kućanski poslovi te Zdenko Mikša: Mali Miha na farmi automobila. Rodni stereotipi proučavali su se u tekstu i samim ilustracijama. Analizom tradicionalnih slikovnica potvrdila se prisutnost rodnih stereotipa u slikovnicama te su zamijećeni obrasci i trendovi utvrđeni prema raznim istraživanjima. U svakoj od slikovnica dominantan je pojedini obrazac, a uočeni su sljedeći obrasci: preuzimanje tradicionalnih muških i ženskih rodnih uloga s obzirom na zanimanja ljudi ruralnih područja, isticanje fizičkog izgleda žena, stereotipan način prikazivanja muških i ženskih uloga s obzirom na raspodjelu kućanskih poslova te pripisivanje dinamične i aktivne uloge muškom liku. Muški i ženski likovi najčešće su predstavljeni u skladu sa svojim tradicionalnim rodnim ulogama. S druge strane, analizirane slikovnice Horst Eckert-Janosch: Tata lav i njegova sretna djeca, Pika Vončina: Emilija u zemlji kotača, Petra Lončar: Čudesan cvijet i Andrea Beaty: Rosie Zakovica, izumiteljica smatraju se suvremenima budući da osporavaju analizirane dominantne obrasce u tradicionalnim slikovnicama, stavljajući naglasak na rodnu ravnopravnost. Međutim, detaljnijom analizom može se uočiti blaga prisutnost rodnih stereotipa koja skreće pozornost na duboku ukorijenjenost tradicionalnih vrijednosti i svjetonazor današnjeg društva.
Abstract (english) Gender representation in children's literature has been researched and discussed extensively since the early classic studies by second wave feminists in the 1970s and 1980s (Ullah, Ali and Naz, 2014). These early studies asserted that children literature is gender bias, which led to the two major conclusions that are referred to the dominance of male characters and the assumption of male and female traditional gender roles. Since picturebooks are primary source of literature for children, their function is to encourage or reduce gender stereotypes. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper was to establish the representations of gender stereotypes in traditional and contemporary picturebooks and to recognize and analyse certain patterns and trends. Traditional picturebooks that were chosen due to the saturation of gender stereotypes are Gustav Krklec: Što se dobiva od mlijeka, Ana Đokić: Tri sestre, Stan and Jan Berenstain: Medvjedići i kućanski poslovi and Zdenko Mikša: Mali Miha na farmi automobila. Gender stereotypes were studied in the text and the illustrations themselves. The analysis of traditional picturebooks confirmed the presence of gender stereotypes in the picturebooks and patterns established according to various authors were discovered. In each of the picturebooks, a particular pattern was dominant, and the following patterns were observed: the assumption of traditional male and female gender roles with regard to the occupations of people in rural areas, the emphasis on the physical appearance of women, the stereotypical way of portraying male and female roles with regard to the distribution of household chores and attributing dynamic and active roles to the male character. Male and female characters are most often presented in accordance with their traditional gender roles. On the other hand, analysed picturebooks like Horst Eckert-Janosch: Tata lav i njegova sretna djeca, Pika Vončina: Emilija u zemlji kotača, Petra Lončar: Čudesan cvijet and Andrea Beaty: Rosie Zakovica, izumiteljica are considered contemporary since they challenge the analysed dominant patterns in traditional picturebooks, emphasizing gender equality. However, considering a detailed analysis, a subtle presence of gender stereotypes is noticed, which draws attention to deep rooted traditional values and worldview of today's society.
rodni stereotipi
rodne uloge
rodni identitet
Keywords (english)
gender stereotypes
gender roles
gender identity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:821647
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduated university study with english language and german language; specializations in: English language, Deutsche sprache Course: English language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education
Created on 2024-09-30 10:05:41