Title Nutritivna potpora bolesnika na hemodijalizi
Title (english) Nutritional support of hemodialysis patients
Author Kristina Mikulek
Mentor Melita Uremović (mentor)
Committee member Jasna Čerkez Habek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Branka Vidrih (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Uremović (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-02-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Uvod: Kronična bubrežna bolest važan je čimbenik koji doprinosi morbiditetu i mortalitetu od nezaraznih bolesti, zahtijeva aktivno liječenje, a definira se kao progresivno stanje koje karakteriziraju strukturne i funkcionalne promjene bubrega zbog različitih uzroka. Kada su bubrezi u stanju zatajenja, potrebno je primjeniti hemodijalizu, tehniku koja se koristi za postizanje izvantjelesnog uklanjanja otpadnih produkata poput uree i kreatinina te viška vode iz krvi. Bolesnici s kroničnom bubrežnom bolešću izloženi su značajnom riziku od pothranjenosti, koju karakterizira gubitak energije proteina i nedostatak mikronutrijenata.
Cilj: utvrditi važnost nutritivne potpore kroničnih bubrežnih bolesnika na hemodijalizi.
Hipoteze: H1 - Kronični bubrežni bolesnici koji se ne pridržavaju dijetetskih mjera obzirom na disfunkciju bubrega imati će veću vjerojatnost razviti elektrolitski disbalans u odnosu na bolesnike koji se strogo drže dijetetskih uputa.
H2 - Anketirani kronični bubrežni bolesnici statistički se značajno ne razlikuju u uspješnosti u poboljšavanju nutritivnog statusa (između provedenih dviju anketa) s obzirom na spol, dob, obrazovanje i radni status.
Ispitanici i metode: u istraživanju je sudjelovalo 95 ispitanika koji provode postupak hemodijalize u Poliklinici Sveti Duh 2. Istraživanje je provedeno uz pomoću upitnika koji se sastojao od šest socio demografskih pitanja i 16 pitanja o hemodijalizi kod prve i druge ankete (duljina boravka na hemodijalizi, fizičke aktivnosti, uzimanje dodatnih nutritivnih pripravaka, podaci o apetitu, promjeni tjelesne težine, pridržavanju propisane dijete i sl.) u rujnu i studenom 2021. godine u Poliklinici Sveti Duh 2 u Zagrebu. Istraživanje je odobreno od strane Etičkog povjerenstva Odjela za sestrinstvo Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta. Za analizu rezultata korištene su deskriptivne metode i inferencijalne metode.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 45 muškaraca (47%) i 50 žena (53%), prosječne životne dobi 61 godine. Muški ispitanici su u odnosu na ženske ispitanike bili manje uspješni u poboljšanju nutritivnog statusa (44,73 < 50,94). Ispitanici mlađe životne dobi (do 50 godina ) i oni koji su bili kraći vremenski period na hemodijalizi ( do dvije godine) imali su bolje poboljšanje nutritvnog statusa u odnosu na osobe starije životne dobi i one ispitanike koju su bili duži vremenski period na hemodijalizi (10-20 godina).
Zaključak: Kronična bolest bubrega je globalni javnozdravstveni problem, koji u završnom stadiju zahtijeva liječenje hemodijalizom i nadomjesnom nutritivnom terapijom. Bolesnici na hemodijalizi jedinstvena su skupina u kontekstu pridržavanja liječenja zbog vrlo složenog načina liječenja koje je neophodno za održavanje optimalne kvalitete života.
Abstract (english) Background: Chronic kidney disease is an important factor contributing to morbidity and mortality from non-communicable diseases, requires active treatment, and is defined as a progressive condition characterized by structural and functional changes in the kidneys due to various causes. When the kidneys are in a state of failure, it is necessary to apply hemodialysis, a technique used to achieve the out-of-body removal of waste products such as urea and creatinine and excess water from the blood. Patients with chronic kidney disease are at significant risk of malnutrition, characterized by loss of protein energy and micronutrient deficiencies.
Aim: Assess and indicate the importance of nutritional support for chronic kidney disease and assess the extent of protein-energy malnutrition with regard to demographic indicators, current eating habits, intake of additional nutrients, appetite, physical activity, disease duration.
Hypotheses: H1 - Chronic renal patients who do not follow dietary measures due to renal dysfunction are more likely to develop electrolyte imbalance (reduced food intake) than patients who strictly follow dietary guidelines.
H2 - The surveyed chronic kidney patients did not differ statistically significantly in their performance in improving their nutritional status (between the two surveys) with regard to gender, age, education and employment status.
Methods: The research was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of 6 general data on subjects and 16 questions on hemodialysis, in September and November 2021 at the Clinical Hospital "Sveti duh" in Zagreb. Descriptive methods and inferential methods were used to analyze the results.
Results: The sample consisted of 45 men (47%) and 50 women (53%). They were mostly over 60 years of age (73% of them), with an average age of approximately 61 years. In most patients, the hemodiolysis procedure is performed 3 times a week. Most patients regularly engage in physical activity in both trials. Men are less successful than women in improving nutritional status (44.73 <50.94). Patients of different age groups had different success rates in improving nutritional status. Patients of the first age group (up to 50 years of age) had the greatest success. Patients of the last group (10-20 years of hemodialysis) had the lowest success in improving
nutritional status, while patients of the first group (up to 2 years of hemodialysis) had the greatest success.
Conclusion: Chronic kidney disease is a global public health problem, which is divided into five stages, and in the final stage requires treatment with renal replacement therapy. Hemodialysis patients are a unique population in the context of adherence to treatment due to the very complex treatment required to maintain an optimal quality of life.
Kronična bubrežna bolest
nutritivni status
Keywords (english)
Chronic kidney disease
nutritional status
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:587030
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Digital Repository of the Catholic University of Croatia
Created on 2022-03-02 09:56:22