Title Multimodalne transportne tehonologije
Author Anđelo Jelčić
Mentor Katija Vojvodić (mentor)
Committee member Nebojša Stojčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Martinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik (Faculty of Economics and Business) Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2015-12-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Abstract Tema ovoga diplomskog rada su multimodalne transportne tehnologije. U radu su prema tome opisane suvremene transportne tehnologije: Ro-Ro, Lo-Lo, Fo-Fo, Huckepack i Bimodalna transportna tehnologija, i navedena su obilježja koja se razlikuju od tehnologije do tehnologije. Ta obilježja su doprinijela da svaka suvremena tehnologija za sebe zauzme značajno mjesto u ekonomiji i društvenoj cjelini. Multimodalni transport podrazumijeva istodobnu upotrebu dva prijevozna sredstva iz dvije različite prometne grane na istom prijevoznom putu uz jedinstveni prijevozni dokument. Organizator odnosno operator multimodalnog transporta mogu biti međunarodni špediteri, pomorski brodari, pomorski agenti koji rade u svoje ime, za tuđi račun. Kako različite karakteristike različitih tehnologija donose različite koristi za različite prometne grane, navedene su prednosti i nedostaci za svaku suvremenu tehnologiju. U radu su opisani pojam i razvoj suvremenih transportnih tehnologija, zatim su objašnjena sredstva za rad transportnih tehnologija, koja su potrebna za nesmetano obavljanje svojih zadataka i bez njih ne bi bilo moguće robu ukrcavati, iskrcavati, niti transportirati. Koristi od uvođenja suvremenih transportnih tehnologija u novije doba vidljive su na postojećem stanju razvoja suvremenih tehnologija i koliko svaka tehnologija za sebe pridonosi olakšanju i pojednostavljenju transporta robe unutar i izvan granica jedne zemlje pokazano je na primjeru Hrvatske. Opisani su nastanak, razvitak i stanje suvremenih transportnih tehnologija u Hrvatskoj, te je na kraju izložena sinteza svih informacija i činjenica.
Abstract (english) The theme of this thesis are multimodal transportation technologies. The paper therefore describes modern transport technologies: Ro-Ro, Lo-Lo, Fo-Fo, Huckepack and Bimodal transport technology, and lists the features that are different from technology to technology. These features have contributed in a way that every modern technology for themselves occupy a significant place in the economy and the social whole. Multimodal transport means the simultaneous use of two means of transport from two different transport branches on the same travel route with a single transport document. The organizer and operator of multimodal
transport can be international freight forwarders, marine shipping companies, maritime agents who work in their own name, on behalf of someone else's account. How different characteristics of various technologies bring different benefits for different fields of transport, therefore there are listed advantages and disadvantages for each modern technology. This paper describes the concept and the development of modern transport technologies, in addition to that, there is an explanation about the funds for the operation of transport technologies, which are necessary for the smooth performance of its duties and without them it would not be possible to load the goods, unload or transport. The benefits of launching modern transport technologies in recent times, are visible on the present state of development of modern technologies and how each technology itself contributes to easing and simplifying the transport of goods within and outside the borders of one country is shown on the example of Croatian. The emergence, development and state of modern transport technologies in Croatia are defined in this paper, and finally is displayed in a synthesis of all the information and facts.
multimodalni transport
multimodalne transportne tehnologije
Republika Hrvatska.
Keywords (english)
multimodal transport
multimodal transport technologies
Republic of Croatia.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:930085
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism, Marketing, International Trade, IT Management Course: International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Repository Repository of the University of Dubrovnik
Created on 2016-05-17 11:05:03