Title Selektivni oblici turizma
Title (english) Selective forms of tourism
Author Ivana Begović
Mentor Petar Kurečić (mentor)
Committee member Goran Kozina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anica Hunjet (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petar Kurečić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2016-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Turizam kao složen fenomen suvremenog čovječanstva ima više determinanti koje ga
određuju. Osnovne determinante ovog fenomena su kretanje, turističke vrijednosti radi
kojih se poduzimaju turistička kretanja i potrošnja. Posljednja desetljeća 20-og stoljeća
obilježena su intenzivnim rastom i disperzijom turizma na sve dijelove svijeta te njihovu
diversifikaciju na različite oblike koje turistička teorija tretira posebnim, specifičnim,
alternativnim ili selektivnim oblicima turizma. Oni se javljaju u segmentu želja i potreba
sve zahtjevnije turističke potražnje, a djeluju u okviru turističke ponude sukladno
raspoloživim prirodnim i antropogenim resursima te izgrađenoj turističkoj infrastrukturi
i suprastrukturi. Ruralni turizam, kao specifični oblik turizma, je jedan od glavnih
čimbenika razvitka i revitalizacije sela. Zahvaljujući turizmu mogu se uspostaviti
dugoročni ciljevi razvitka, uspostaviti temelji i uređenja ruralnih područja i to kroz
stvaranje društveno-ekonomskih i tržišnih uvjeta za ubrzani ekonomski i socijalni
razvitak sela, zaustavljanje depopulacije i pogoršanja demografske i socijalne strukture
ruralnih područja regije, aktiviranje lokalnih potencijala i podizanje motivacije seoskog
stanovništva da razvija i uređuje seosko područje kao dugoročnu perspektivu i izbor
za život i privređivanje, kao i kroz očuvanje i unaprjeđenje ekoloških, kulturoloških i
drugih vrijednosti u ruralnim naseljima.
Podravina kao jedinstveno ekološki očuvano područje uz rijeku Dravu ima posebne
prednosti za razvoj ovog vida turizma, a na primjeru seoskog domaćinstva „Zlatni klas“
Otrovanec ćemo tu tvrdnju i elaborirati.
Abstract (english) Tourism, as very complexed phenomena of the world and humankind has several
determinants, which define it. The basic determinants of this phenomenon are motion,
consumption and tourist evaluation, which is undertaken because of the aforementioned
tourist motion. The last decades of the 20th century were marked by
intensive growth and dispersion of tourism in all parts of the world and diversifying the
various forms of tourism theory treated special, specific, alternative or selective forms
of tourism. They occur in the segment of wants and needs more demanding tourist
demand, and operate within the tourism offer, in line with the available natural and
anthropogenic resources and built tourism infrastructure and superstructure. Rural
tourism, as a specific form of tourism, is one of the main factors of development and
village revitalization. Thanks to tourism, long-term goals of development can be
established. Foundations and organization of rural areas and the creation of socioeconomic
and market conditions for accelerated economic and social development of
the village can be established. Depopulation can be stopped. Deterioration of the
demographic and social structure of rural areas in the region can be reduced.
Activation of local resources and raising motivation of rural people to develop and
regulate the rural area as a long-term perspective and choice of life and livelihood, as
well as the preservation and enhancement of environmental, cultural and other values
of rural settlements are all benefits of tourism. The Podravina Region of Croatia, as a
unique, ecologically preserved area along the Drava River, has specific advantages
for development of ecological tourism. These advantages are shown through the
example of the rural household “Zlatni klas” Otrovanec.
zdrava hrana
seosko domaćinstvo
Keywords (english)
rural tourism
selective tourism
healthy food
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:401524
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism and International Trade Course: Tourism and International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University North Digital Repository
Created on 2016-11-29 14:43:15