Title Psihičke promjene/poteškoće za vrijeme babinja
Title (english) Mental changes/difficulties during midwifery
Author Dajana Vrapčević
Mentor Ivana Živoder (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Sertić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andreja Bogdan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Rođenje djeteta predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih i najsretnijih događaja u životu žene i obitelji. Od poroda na dalje prisutan je niz emocija kod žena, od neizmjerne sreće pa sve do tuge, nesigurnosti, uplašenosti i niza drugih. Sve ove promjene zajedno nose određen rizik za nastanak postporođajnih psihičkih promjena. Jedna od najčešćih, ali najblažih poteškoća je postporođajna tuga ili „baby blues“ kojeg karakteriziraju blagi simptomi te je važna kontinuirana podrška okoline. Ukoliko se ovo stanje zanemari simptomi se mogu pogoršati te se često očituju kao postporođajna depresija ili anksiozni poremećaj koji se manifestira velikim strahom za dijete, tjeskobom, nemirom, nesanicom i nizom drugih. Najteže, ali i najrjeđe stanje je postporođajna psihoza kod koje postoji opasnost za majku i dijete te zahtjeva nadzor i hospitalizaciju.
U prevenciji i liječenju psihičkih poteškoća/poremećaja važnu ulogu ima patronažna sestra, partner i sama obitelj rodilje. Zadatak patronažne sestre je educirati žene o postporođajnim promjenama/poteškoćama te kod rodilje na vrijeme uočiti promjene. Bitna je komunikacija kojom se stvara odnos povjerenja između rodilja i patronažne sestre.
Tijekom izrade rada provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja učestalosti pojave psihičkih promjena/poteškoća za vrijeme babinja, koji od njih je najčešći te koji osjećaji su se najčešće javljali kod babinjača. U istraživanju su sudjelovale ukupno 232 sudionice koje su imale minimalno jedan porod. Prema dobivenim rezultatima više od polovice sudionica razvile su neku od psihičkih promjena/poteškoća. Najučestalija promjena/poteškoća koja se javila kod majki za vrijeme babinja je „baby blues“, odnosno postporođajna tuga. Njih 65 (28%) razvilo je postporođajnu tugu, kod 27 žena (11,6%) razvio se anksiozni poremećaj, postporođajnu depresiju razvilo je 25 žena (10,8%), a 8 (3,4%) njih patilo je od postporođajne psihoze. Najviše majki, njih 73 (31,5%) osjećale su nesigurnost nakon poroda, dok je osjećaj sreće ipak zauzeo drugo mjesto, odnosno 63 (27,2%) sudionice su se osjećale sretno.
Abstract (english) Child birth is one of the most important and happy events in a woman’s and family’s life. From child birth, there are a number of emotions in women, ranging from immense happiness to sadness, insecurity, complacency and a number of others. All these changes together carry a certain risk of post-partum mental alterations. One of the most common but mild difficulties is a post-partum or baby blues, characterised by mild symptoms, and continued support for the environment is important. Neglecting this condition may worsen the symptoms and often manifest themselves as a post-natal depression or anxiety disorder that manifests itself with great fear for the child, anxiety, unrest, insomnia and a number of others. The most difficult, but also the least common, situation is post-particular psychosis, which poses a risk to the mother and the child and requires supervision and hospitalisation.
The patronage sister, partner and family of mothers themselves play an important role in the prevention and treatment of mental disorders/defeats. The task of a patronage sister is to educate women on post-particular changes/difficulties and to detect changes in the maternity spectacle in good time. Communication that creates a relationship of trust between the maternal and the patronage is essential.
During the design of the work, a study was carried out to determine the incidence of mental changes/difficulties during the bathing period, which is the most common one and which feelings most frequently occurred with babyists. A total of 232 participants, with at least one birth, participated in the survey. According to the results, more than half of the participants have developed some of the psychological changes/difficulties. The most common change/difficulty experienced by mothers during baby is ‘baby blues’, a post-partum sad. 65 (28 %) developed post-trial sorghum, 27 women (11.6 %) developed anxiety disorder, 25 women (10.8 %) developed post-retrospective depression and 8 (3.4 %) suffered from post-natal psychosis. The highest number of mothers, 73 (31.5 %) experienced uncertainty after child birth, while the feeling of happiness was the second place, with 63 (27.2 %) feeling happy.
psihičke promjene/poteškoće
patronažna sestra
Keywords (english)
mental change/difficulties
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:710335
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository University North Digital Repository
Created on 2023-02-07 10:46:35