Title Društveni život u Puli od sredine 19. stoljeća do Prvog svjetskog rata sosvrtom na početke turističkih aktivnosti
Title (english) Social life of Pula from the mid 19th century to World War 1 with an overview of first tourism activities
Author Robert Slacki
Mentor Nevio Šetić (mentor)
Committee member Iva Milovan Delić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nevio Šetić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihovil Dabo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of Philosophy) Pula
Defense date and country 2019-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract Pula je u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća bila zapušten, malaričan i slabo naseljen grad. Sredinom stoljeća izgradnjom arsenala i proglašenjem Pule glavnom ratnom lukom Austro – Ugarske Monarhije dolazi do prekretnice u modernoj povijesti grada. Započelo se s izgradnjom novih zgrada, uređivale su se ulice i trgovi, izgradio se vodovod te su se poboljšali zdravstveni i sanitarni uvjeti. Otvarala su se nova radna mjesta što je utjecalo na doseljavanje većeg broja stanovnika, prvenstveno iz okolnih krajeva, a potom iz ostalih dijelova Monarhije. Grad je općenito doživio ekonomski i demografski procvat. Izgrađen je novi obrambeni fortifikacijski sustav, a nastale su i nove gradske četvrti. Uvele su se parobrodske linije, a u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća Pula se željeznicom povezala s Divačom. Osim toga grad je dobio i plinaru, a postepeno se uvodila električna energija. Početkom 20. stoljeća uveden je novi oblik gradskog prijevoza, tramvaj. Od proglašenja Pule glavnom ratnom lukom Monarhije, u grad se doseljava veliki broj vojnika, mornara i časnika. Stoga se počinju otvarati kavane, gostionice, restorani i hoteli. Časnički kadar činili su uglavnom pripadnici austrijskog plemstva, pa je bilo potrebno u gradu siromašnog društvenog života organizirati nove aktivnosti. Iz tog razloga izgrađen je Mornarički kasino. Osim toga otvara se i kazalište. Društveni i ekonomski razvoj te dobra povezanost utjecat će na početak turističkih aktivnosti. Iz dnevnih listova može se iščitati da su turiste najviše privlačili antički spomenici i bogata povijest grada. Na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće povećava se broj ugostiteljskih objekata i hotela. U grad su pristizale organizirane turističke grupe. Pula je postala bogatija za gradsko kupalište, a omiljeno izletište, uglavnom Puljana, postala je Šijanska šuma. Godine 1909. službeno je otvoren tada najveći i najljepši Palast Hotel Riviera, što je bila svojevrsna prekretnica u povijesti pulskog hotelskog smještaja. Društveni život Puljana dodatno je obogaćen osnivanjem raznih sportskih klubova i društava.
Abstract (english) In the first half of the 19th century Pula was a neglected, malaria-ridden and scarcely populated town. Mid-century years brought a change in the modern history of Pula with the construction of the Arsenal and Pula being chosen as the new main navy harbour of Austro-Hungarian Empire. New buildings were being built, a grid of streets and squares was developed, water-supply was set up, overall health and sanitary conditions were improved. The city offered more jobs, which motivated people from different parts of the Empire, and especially from the near-by regions, to inhabit Pula. All in all, it was the time of economic and demographic revival. A defensive system of fortifications was erected, and new city districts were popping up. New steamboat lines were also introduced, and in the second half of the 19th century a railroad connected Pula to Divača. On top of all this, the city got a gasometer, while electricity was also gradually being installed. At the beginning of the 20th century trams were introduced as the new means of public transport. From the moment Pula was named the main navy harbour of the Empire, it was being populated by a great number of marines, sailors and officers. This led to opening of cafes, taverns, restaurants, and hotels. Since the officers were primarily members of Austrian nobility, it was necessary to organize new activities in a city of an otherwise underwhelming social and cultural life. This was why the Navy Casino was built. Also, a city theater was opened. Social and economic development as well as better transport connections would bring along first tourism activities. From the daily press we find out tourists were attracted to the rich Roman history and ancient monuments of the city. At the turn of the 20th century hotel and service industry was on the rise as the city welcomed organized groups of tourists and visitors. First public beaches with facilities were established, and Šijana forest became a favourite place where locals could have a picnic. In 1909 the biggest and most exquisite Palast Hotel Riviera was opened, which was a turning point in the history of Pula’s hospitality sector. Finally, urban life was enriched as many sport clubs and communities were founded.
Austro – Ugarske Monarhija
društveni život
Mornarički kasino
Šijanska šuma
turističke aktivnosti
Keywords (english)
Austro-Hungarian Empire
social life
Navy Casino
public beach
theatre productions
Šijana forest
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:559813
Study programme Title: History Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti (magistar/magistra povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Digital Repository Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Created on 2020-02-13 13:04:47