Title Odnosi s javnošću i protokol na primjeru grada Poreča
Title (english) Public Relations and Protocol Based on the Example of the City of Poreč
Author Luka Škabić
Mentor Lela Tijanić (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Afrić Rakitovac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lela Tijanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Kersan-Škabić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2020-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract U upravljanju razvojem gradova sve je veća potreba unaprjeđenja postojećih strateških funkcija i povezivanja s odnosima s javnošću. Cilj rada je istražiti i prikazati ulogu odnosa s javnošću u razvoju gradova i općina, s osvrtom na odabrane primjere u Istarskoj županiji, detaljnije na primjeru Grada Poreča. Nakon uvodnog dijela, u radu se prikazuju funkcije upravljanja gradom, važnost urbanog marketinga te se opisuje uloga odnosa s javnošću u upravljanju razvojem grada. Slijede poglavlja o određenju odnosa s javnošću, upravljanju protokolom i kriznom menadžmentu, kao i poglavlje koje obrađuje odnose s javnošću i protokol na primjeru Poreča. S ciljem detaljnijeg istraživanja uloge odnosa s javnošću i poznavanja struke, provedeno je anketiranje na primjerima gradova i općina Istarske županije. Rezultati prikazani u radu potvrđuju potrebu prilagodbe novim načinima upravljanja razvojem gradova te uključivanja poslova koji se provode u okviru odnosa s javnošću. Iako većina gradova i općina nema zaposlenike koji rade isključivo na poslovima odnosa s javnošću, potvrđena je važnost provedbe povezanih aktivnosti, daljnjeg educiranja na području odnosa s javnošću, a prema mogućnostima i zapošljavanja specijaliziranih stručnjaka. U radu je istaknuta također važnost pripreme te implementacije kriznog komunikacijskog plana kako bi se određene krizne situacije izbjegle ili lakše riješile. Uspješna komunikacija s internim i eksternim javnostima može značajno pridonijeti rezultatima u procesu upravljanja razvojem lokalnih jedinica, pri čemu je uloga odnosa s javnošću nezaobilazna.
Abstract (english) In managing the development of cities, there is a growing need to improve existing strategic functions and to connect these functions with public relations. The aim of this paper is to investigate and present the role of public relations in the development of cities and municipalities, with special emphasis on selected examples in Istria County, in more detail on the example of the City of Poreč. After the introductory part, the paper presents the functions of city management, the importance of urban marketing and describes the role of public relations in managing city development. Chapters on determination of the public relations, protocol management and crisis management follow, as well as the chapter that deals with public relations and protocol on the example of Poreč. To explore in more detail the role of public relations and knowledge about the profession connected with public relations, a survey was conducted on the examples of cities and municipalities in Istria County. The results presented in the paper determine the need to adapt to new approaches in managing the development of cities and to include the activities that are carried within the framework of public relations. Although most cities and municipalities do not have employees that work exclusively in public relations, it is confirmed the importance of the implementation of the related activities, the need for future education in the field of public relations, as well as for employment of the specialised professionals according to the opportunities. The importance of preparation and implementation of the crisis communication plan is also highlighted in this paper in order to avoid or resolve certain crisis situations more easily. Successful communication with internal and external public can significantly contribute to the results in the process of managing the development of local units, where the role of public relations is inevitable.
odnosi s javnošću
upravljanje gradom
Istarska županija
Keywords (english)
public relations
city management
Istria County
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:744201
Study programme Title: Business Economics; Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship,Tourism, Business Informatics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics, Informatics Management Course: Management and Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Digital Repository Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Created on 2020-09-22 09:32:31