Title Digitalna humanistika i masovna podrška
Title (english) Digital humanities and crowdsourcing
Author Antonija Kunčić
Mentor Marijana Tomić (mentor)
Committee member Mirko Duić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Franjo Pehar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Tomić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Information Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Abstract Digitalna humanistika (DH) je novija znanstvena disciplina koju karakterizira interdisciplinarna suradnja te inovativno korištenje i/ili proučavanje digitalne tehnologije u sklopu humanističkih istraživanja. DH današnje razdoblje promatra kao priliku za obnovu humanističkih znanosti, nastojeći ukazati na nove doprinose i načine stvaranja znanja, omogućene umreženim digitalnim okruženjem. Jedan od tih načina je masovna podrška, koncept suradnje s javnošću u Web 2.0 okruženju, koji je preuzet iz poslovnog svijeta i uspješno prilagođen primjeni u projektima knjižnica i drugih baštinskih institucija. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati teorijski okvir digitalne humanistike i uloge knjižnica u DH i masovnoj podršci, te istražiti primjere projekata masovne podrške primijenjene u kulturno-baštinskom sektoru, odnosno u knjižnicama. Prikazana je klasifikacija inicijativa masovne podrške u digitalnoj humanistici, tj. u baštinskim institucijma, uz analizu projekata koji su obuhvatili OCR korekciju, koncept igre, transkripciju teksta, TEI kodiranje, društveno označivanje, ko-kreiranje sadržaja i georeferenciranje. Vrlo uspješni rezultati ovih projekata govore o opravdanosti povjerenja u korisnike, te o korisnosti njihovog doprinosa u stvaranju i poboljšavanju zbirki, sadržaja i usluga baštinskih institucija, odnosno, ukazuju na značaj stvarnih i potencijalnih koristi koje od projekata masovne podrške imaju i korisnici i baštinske institucije, s naglaskom na knjižnice. Pokazalo se, između ostalog, da projekti masovne podrške doprinose poboljšanim mogućnostima pretraživanja i korištenja digitalnih knjižničnih zbirki, utječući pritom na znatno smanjenje vremenskih i financijskih troškova potrebnih za naknadnu obradu podataka u digitaliziranim dokumentima. Uz kvalitetne digitalne alate i zanimljiv sadržaj, kao važan čimbenik uspjeha projekata masovne podrške u ovom sektoru posebno se istaknula motivacija super volontera.
Abstract (english) Digital Humanities (DH) is a newer scientific discipline characterized by interdisciplinary collaboration and innovative use and / or study of digital technology within humanistic research. DH sees present period as an opportunity for the renewal of humanities, trying to point out new contributions and ways of creating knowledge, enabled by a networked digital environment. One of these ways is crowdsourcing, the concept of cooperation with the public in the Web 2.0 environment, taken from the business world and successfully adapted to the application of libraries and other heritage institutions projects. The aim of this paper is to present the theoretical framework of digital humanities and the role of libraries in DH and crowdsourcing, and to explore examples of crowdsourcing projects applied in the cultural-heritage sector, ie in libraries. The paper describes the classification of the crowdsourcing initiatives in digital humanities, ie in the heritage institutions, with the analysis of projects that included OCR correction, gamification, text transcription, TEI marking, social tagging, co-creation of content, and georeferencing. The very successful results of these projects indicate the justification of the trust in the users and the usefulness of their contribution in creating and improving the collections, contents and services of the heritage institutions, that is, they point to the importance of the real and potential benefits of crowdsourcing projects both for users and heritage institutions, with emphasis on libraries. Among other things, crowdsourcing projects have contributed to improved search and use of digital library collections, affecting significantly the reduction of the time and financial costs required for subsequent processing of data in digitized documents. Along with quality digital tools and interesting content, as an important factor in the success of crowdsourcing projects in this sector, special emphasis was placed on the motivation of super volunteers.
digitalna humanistika
masovna podrška
web 2.0
Keywords (english)
digital humanities
web 2.0
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:645537
Study programme Title: Library and Information Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti (magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2019-09-09 11:55:29