Title Psihološka potpora razvoju darovite djece u digitalnom okruženju
Title (english) Psychological support for the development of gifted children in the digital environment
Author Alisa Hrle Čorak
Mentor Mira Klarin (mentor)
Committee member Diana Nenadić Bilan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mira Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Violeta Valjan Vukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Elementary School Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-02-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Darovitost pojedinaca predstavlja veliki potencijal za svako društvo i priliku da pojedinac obogati to društvo na gospodarskom, kulturnom, znanstvenom ili bilo kojem drugom podruĉju ljudskog djelovanja. Ona predstavlja sposobnost pojedinca da uz određen trud i zalaganje postiže iznadprosječne rezultate. Zadaća svakog modernog društva je da darovitost pojedinca iskoristi kako bi on tijekom svog života dao maksimum od sebe, kako prema društvu tako i u ispunjenju vlastitih težnji i očekivanja. Kod djece je darovitost osobito važna jer velika sposobnost učenja i mašta svojstvena djeci omogućuje nastanak mnogih idejnih rješenja do kojih bi odrasli teško došli zbog svojih znanja i predrasuda. Često se u znanstvenim krugovima kaže da je otvorenost uma i preispitivanje svih znanstvenih autoriteta i dogmi najbolji put do najvećih otkrića. Stoga je važno u što ranijoj dobi prepoznati darovito dijete te mu omogućiti što brži i kvalitetniji napredak u stjecanju znanja i kompetencija. Uloga obrazovnog sustava u prepoznavanju, praćenju i pomoći darovitoj djeci je ogromna. Za razliku od roditelja, koji su u pravilu subjektivni kod vrednovanja djetetovih potencijala, obrazovni sustav moţe puno objektivnije sagledati stvarne sposobnosti djeteta. Učitelji mogu prepoznati darovito dijete po mnogim osobinama, kao što su: iznadprosječnu moć shvaćanja, rasuđivanja i stjecanja predodžbi, velika moć uopćavanja i uviđanja veza i odnosa, shvaćanja znaĉenja, velika intelektualna znatiţelja, sposobnost samostalnog rada, velika moć zapaţanja, ustrajnost u rješavanju problema i slično. Zahvaljujući trudu i entuzijazmu nastavnog osoblja, ali prije svega sustavnom pristupu obrazovnog sustava, moguće je stvoriti kreativne pojedince koji će biti nositelji napretka društva u gospodarskom, znanstvenom, umjetničkom, sportskom ili bilo kojem drugom području ljudskog djelovanja.
Abstract (english) The giftedness of individuals represents a great potential for any society and an opportunity for an individual to enrich that society in the economic, cultural, scientific or any other field of human activity. It represents the ability of an individual to achieve above-average results with a certain amount of effort and commitment. The task of every modern society is to use the giftedness of the individual in order to do the best of his abilities during his life, both towards society and in fulfilling his own aspirations and expectations. In children, giftedness is especially important because the great ability of learning and imagination inherent in children allows the emergence of many ideas that would be difficult for adults to come to because of their knowledge and prejudices. It is often said in scientific circles that openness of mind and re-examination of all scientific authorities and dogmas is the best path to the greatest discoveries. Therefore, it is important to recognize a gifted child at an early age and enable him to progress as quickly and efficiently as possible in acquiring knowledge and competencies.
The role of the education system in recognizing, monitoring and helping gifted children is enormous. Unlike parents, who are generally subjective in evaluating a child's potential, the education systemcan look at the child's real abilities much more objectively. Teachers can recognize a gifted child by many characteristics, such as: above-average ability of understanding, reasoning and acquiring ideas, great ability of generalizing and recognizing connections and relationships, understanding meaning, great intellectual curiosity, ability to work independently, great ability of observation, perseverance in solving problems and similar. Thanks to the effort and enthusiasm of teaching staff, but above all a systematic approach to the education system, it is possible to create creative individuals who will be the beacons of society's progress in economic, scientific, artistic, sports or any other field of human activity.
obrazovni sustav
digitalno okruženje
Keywords (english)
education system
digital environment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:434939
Study programme Title: Primary education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-03-05 14:47:48