Title Utjecaj strategija motiviranja na djelatnike u maloprodaji
Title (english) The impact of motivation strategies on retail employees
Author Anđela Šarić
Mentor Božena Krce Miočić (mentor)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mili Razović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-06-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Predmet istraživanja ovog rada bio je istražiti specifičnosti trgovine na malo u svijetu i Hrvatskoj te u okviru toga utvrditi aktualnu problematiku zaposlenih u toj djelatnosti što je trebalo dovesti do stvaranja pretpostavki za kvalitetnije i sustavno motiviranje zaposlenika, s ciljem stvaranja učinkovite poslovne organizacije. Radom je utvrđena važnost maloprodaje, kako u Hrvatskoj, tako i u svijetu. Upravo maloprodaja zauzima velik dio BDP Republike Hrvatske te je u ovom sektoru djelatnosti zaposlen najveći broj radnika (nakon prerađivačke industrije). Prema suvremenim konceptima organizacijske uspješnosti, motivirana radna snaga zauzima vodeće mjesto kod ostvarivanja konkurentske prednosti organizacija na tržištu. Sva pažnja više nije usmjerena na kapital, strojeve, i ostalo, već na radnu snagu koja kvalitetnim i organiziranim radom pridonosi ostvarenju organizacijskih ciljeva. Na temelju toga lako je zaključiti kako motiviranost zaposlenika sve više i više dobiva na značenju. Neki autori čak naglašavaju kako je sektoru maloprodaje ključ uspjeha zaposlenik kao dodirna točka između tvrtke i kupaca. Na zaposlenike se može utjecati čimbenicima materijalne i nematerijalne motivacije. Prva skupina se odnosi na tzv. izravne i neizravne novčane stimulacije kao što su plaće, bonusi, sigurnost posla i stalno zaposlenje, dok se u drugu skupinu uvrštavaju stil i način vođenja nadređenog, mogućnost napredovanja na poslu, radno okruženje itd. Nakon pregledavanja dostupne literature utvrđeno je kako su istraživanja na temu motiviranosti zaposlenika u maloprodaji nedostatna jer se sva obrađena istražvanja odnose na druge sektore djelatnosti ili na zaposlenike u cjelini. Prema tome, zaključeno je da tvrke koje planiraju uvođenje i provođenje sustava motivacije djelatnika nemaju relevantnih saznanja na koje se karakteristike zaposlenika orijentirati. Upravo zbog toga, u sklopu rada provedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj bio utvrditi koje strategije motiviranja utječu na zaposlenike u prodavaonicama trgovine na malo te na koji način utječu s obzirom na spol, dob, radno iskustvo, najviši završeni stupanj i područje obrazovanja te definirati primjeren motivacijski sustav koji bi, s obzirom na navedene čimbenike, utjecao na kvalitetu rada zaposlenika u prodavaonicama trgovine na malo.Obradom rezultata istraživanja stvoren je motivacijski sustav te su dane određene prepostavke ključne kod motivacije zaposlenika u maloprodaji.
Abstract (english) The subject of research in this study was to investigate the specifics of retail trade in the world and in Croatia and within that, determinet the current problems of employees in this industry. All this is supposed to lead to the creation of assumptions for better and more systematically motivate employees in order to create efficient business organization.With this work the importance of retailing in both Croatia and in the world has been established as this sector occupies a large part of the GDP in the Republic of Croatianand employs the largest number of workers (after the processing industry).According to modern concepts of organizational success, motivated workforce has leading position at achieving competitive advantage for organizations. All the attention is no longer focused on the capital, machinery, and equipment but on theworkforce that contributes to the achievement of organizational goals with quality and personal organization. On this basis, it is easy to conclude that employee motivation is increasingly gaining importance.Some authors even point out that in the retail sector key to success is employee as the contact point between the company and customers. On employees may be affected by factors of tangible and intangible motivation. The first group refers to the so-called direct and indirect financial incentives, such as salary, bonuses, job security and permanent employment, while the second group refers to the method of keeping of the superior, opportunity for advancement at work, work environment, etc.After reviewing the available literature, it was found that the research on the topic of employee motivation in retail is insufficient as all processed researching are relating to other sectors of activity or to the employees as a whole. Therefore, it was concluded that the retail companies who are planning introduction and implementation of the system of employees motivation do not have the relevant information on which of the characteristics of the employees to orient.This is why, as a part of this work, the research was coundacted. The aim of thisresearchwas to determine which motivational strategies affecting employees in the stores of retail and how they affect employees regard to gender, age, work experience and the highest completed level
and field of education and also to define appropriate motivational system that would, in view of these factors, affect the quality of work of employees in retail stores. As result of research the motivational system was created and certain assumptions regard to employee motivation in retail where given.
teorije motivacije
strategije motiviranja
Keywords (english)
motivation theories
motivational strategies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:191458
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-05-21 12:11:59