Title Europski socijalni fond u funkciji razvoja gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske
Title (english) European Social Fund in the function of economic development of the Republic of Croatia
Author Šime Bašić
Mentor Mladen Rajko (mentor)
Committee member Ivica Zdrilić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Rajko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Bosna (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Economics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-02-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Strategija Europa 2020 predstavlja strateški razvojni plan EU-a te uključuje 5 glavnih ciljeva u vezi klimatskih promjena, zapošljavanja, istraživanja i razvoja, obrazovanja, smanjenja siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti. Ostvarenje strategije značajno ovisi o tome koliko su države članice EU sposobne provesti nužne reforme na nacionalnoj razini da bi se ostvario rast. Europski strukturni i investicijski (ESI) fondovi imaju zadatak podržati realizaciju navedene strategije te učvrstiti socijalnu, gospodarsku i teritorijalnu koheziju. Kohezijska politika definira 11 tematskih ciljeva za generiranje rasta u razdoblju 2014.-2020., a ti ciljevi se preslikavaju u investicijske prioritete ESI fondova. Jedan od ESI fondova je i Europski socijalni fond te predstavlja glavni europski instrument za poticanje rasta zapošljavanja, mobilnosti radne snage, ulaganja u obrazovanje, cjeloživotnog učenja i učinkovitosti javne uprave. EU se unutar programskog razdoblja 2014.-2020. suočava s mnogim izazovima kao što su klimatske promjene, očuvanje okoliša, smanjivanje socijalne isključenosti i siromaštva, pružanje pomoći kod suzbijanja negativnih posljedica gospodarske krize, zadržavanje postojećih te otvaranje novih radnih mjesta. Svaka od članica EU donosi operativne programe, tj. dokumente u kojima se tematski ciljevi povezuju s konkretnim aktivnostima. Europska komisija je odobrila Operativni program Učinkoviti ljudski potencijali gdje su navedena područja za koja će RH moći koristiti sredstva ESF-a. U ovom radu je analizirano gospodarstvo RH, predstavljeni su projekti za čiju realizaciju su iskorištena sredstva ESF-a te je na kraju provedeno istraživanje o dodatnim mogućnostima korištenja ESF-a za implementaciju novih projekata koji bi trebali potaknuti daljnji rast gospodarstva RH. Istraživanjem se došlo do zaključka da sredstva ESF-a mogu pomoći u realizaciji određenih novih projekata koji bi zasigurno imali značajan pozitivan utjecaj na razvoj gospodarstva RH.
Abstract (english) The Europe 2020 strategy is the EU's strategic development plan and includes 5 main objectives related to climate change, employment, research and development, education, poverty reduction and social exclusion. The realization of the strategy significantly depends on the ability of the EU Member States to implement the necessary reforms at the national level in order to achieve growth. The European Structural and Investment Funds have the task of supporting the implementation of this strategy and strengthening social, economic and territorial cohesion. Cohesion policy defines 11 thematic objectives for generating growth in the period 2014-2020, and these objectives are reflected in the investment priorities of the ESI Funds. One of the ESI Funds is the European Social Fund and is the main European instrument for stimulating employment growth, labor mobility, investment in education, lifelong learning and efficiency of public administration. The EU within the programming period 2014-2020. faces many challenges such as climate change, preserving the environment, reducing social exclusion and poverty, helping to tackle the negative effects of the economic crisis, retaining existing ones and creating new jobs. Each of the EU member states adopts operational programs, ie. documents in which the thematic objectives are linked to specific activities. The European Commission has approved the Operational Program Effective Human Resources, which lists the areas for which the Republic of Croatia will be able to use ESF funds. This paper analyzes the Croatian economy, presents the projects that were implemented by using ESF funds and finally research was conducted on additional opportunities to use the ESF to implement new projects that should encourage further growth of the Croatian economy. The research came to the conclusion that ESF funds can help in the implementation of certain new projects that would certainly have a significant positive impact on the development of the Croatian economy.
operativni program
Europski socijalni fond
gospodarstvo RH
socijalna uključenost
Keywords (english)
operational program
European Social Fund
Croatian economy
social inclusion
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:705720
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-06-07 09:36:06