Title Zbrinjavanje politraumatiziranih pacijenata u jedinici intenzivne medicine
Title (english) Care of the Polytraumatized Patients in the Intensive Care Unit
Author Ana Lukin
Mentor Tatjana Šimurina (mentor)
Committee member Boris Dželalija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tatjana Šimurina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Matek Sarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract CILJ: Utvrditi incidenciju zaprimljenih politraumatiziranih pacijenata te stopu preživljavanja i smrtnosti od zadobivenih ozljeda. Nadalje, utvrditi vrstu i uzrok zadobivenih ozljeda kao i duljinu boravka na intenzivnom liječenju te prosječno vremensko trajanje boravka na mehaničkoj ventilaciji. Osim toga utvrditi će se najčešće ocjenske ljestvice korištene za procjenu stupnja ozljede i općeg stanja. Sekundarni cilj je: Utvrditi potrebu za transportom politraumatiziranih pacijenta iz JIL-a OB Zadar na daljnje liječenje u druge ustanove više institucionalne razine.
METODE: Ovim istraživanjem su analizirani podaci o prijemu politraumatiziranih pacijenata u JIL-u u razdoblju od siječnja 2019. do srpnja 2021.godine. Istraživanje je provedeno u OB Zadar, a rezultati su dobiveni retrospektivnim pregledom i analizom prikupljenih podataka.
REZULTATI: U istraživanju su sudjelovala 32 pacijenta od kojih su 26 (81%) muškarci i 6 (19%) žene. Tijekom istraživanog razdoblja u JIL je primljeno 1.359 pacijenata od kojih su 32 (2.4%) pacijenti s politraumom. Stopa smrtnosti od politraume je 6,8%, a preživljenja 93,2%. Prosječan broj dana provedenih u JIL-u je 3 dana. Potrebu za mehaničkom ventilacijom imalo je 50% pacijenta, a medijan provedenih dana na mehaničkoj ventilaciji je 4 dana. Transport pacijenta na daljnje liječenje u druge ustanove imalo je 3 (9%) pacijenta. Kao najčešći uzrok politraume ističu se automobilske nesreće, koje čine 22 (69%) slučajeva, a kao najčešća vrsta traume u politraumatiziranih osoba u provedenom istraživanju je trauma prsnog koša, koja se javlja u 22 (69%) slučaja, a trauma glave i ekstremiteta u 16 (50%) slučajeva. Najčešća ocjenska ljestvica korištena za procjenu stupnja ozljede i općeg stanja je GCS, a medijan istraženih pacijenata s politraumom je 13, u rasponu od najmanje 3 do najviše 15.
ZAKLJUČAK: Učinkovitost postavljenih hipoteza u provedenom istraživanju ostvarila se u jednoj koja prikazuje da je uspješnost preživljavanja veća od smrtnosti kod politraumatiziranih pacijenata zbrinutih u Jedinici intenzivne medicine unutar 72 sata (preživljenje 93,2%). Nadalje, ostale dvije hipoteze nisu prihvaćene, jedna zbog malog broja ispitanika u istraživanju, a druga je opovrgnuta rezultatom provedenog istraživanja (medijan boravka na MV je 4 dana).
Abstract (english) OBJECTIVE is to determine the incidence of received polytraumatized patients and the survival rate and mortality from injuries. Furthermore, establish the type and cause of injuries as well as the length of stay in ICU and the average duration of stay in mechanical ventilation. In addition, the most common rating scales used to assess the degree of injury and general condition will be define. The secondary objective is to appoint the need for transport of polytraumatized patients from the ICU OB Zadar to other institutions of a higher institutional level for futher treatment.
METHODS: This study analyzed data on the admission of polytraumatized patients to the ICU in the period from January 2019 to July 2021. The research was conducted in OB Zadar, and the results were obtained by retrospective review and analysis of the collected data.
RESULTS: The study included 32 patients, of whom 26 (81%) were men and 6 (19%) were women. During the study period, 1,359 patients were admitted to the ICU, of which 32 (2.4%) were patients with polytrauma. The mortality rate from polytrauma is 6.8% and the survival rate is 93.2%. The average number of days spent in ICU is 3 days. 50% of patients had the need for mechanical ventilation, and the median of the days spent on mechanical ventilation was 4 days. Transport of the patients to other institutions that required further treatment was 3 (9%). The most common cause of polytrauma is car accidents, which accounts for 22 (69%) cases, and the most common type of trauma in polytraumatized persons in the study is chest trauma, which occurs in 22 (69%) cases, and head and limb trauma in 16 (50%) cases. The most common rating scale used to assess the degree of injury and general condition is GCS, and the median of patients studied with polytrauma is 13, ranging from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 15.
CONCLUSION: The effectiveness of the hypotheses in the study was achieved in one that shows that the survival rate is higher than mortality in polytraumatized patients treated in the ICU within 72 hours (93.2% survival). Furthermore, the other two hypotheses were not accepted, one due to the small number of respondents in the study, and the other was refuted by the results of the study (the median stay at MV is 4 days).
jedinica intenzivne medicine
ljestvice ozljede
Keywords (english)
intensive care unit
injury scales
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:700080
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: Magistar/magistra sestrinstva (Magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-10-25 08:07:14