Title Primjena inkluzije u praksi odgoja i obrazovanja - primjer onkološki bolesnic
Title (english) Implementation of Inclusion in the Practice of Upbringing and Education- Example of Oncology Patients
Author Lorena Marnika
Mentor Matilda Karamatić Brčić (mentor)
Committee member Daliborka Luketić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matilda Karamatić Brčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Buterin Mičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Specific Pedagogy
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu bit će predstavljena tema primjene inkluzivnog odgoja i obrazovanja pri primjeru onkoloških bolesnika. Nažalost, učenici koji su ujedno i onkološki bolesnici nisu rijedak primjer u Republici Hrvatskoj te se upravo zbog toga treba posvetiti više pažnje istima. Integracija i inkluzija postoje u RH već dulji niz godina te se može reći kako onkološki bolesnici svakako spadaju u kategoriju učenika kojima je potrebna inkluzija, što zbog napornog liječenja, što zbog isključivanja te ponovnog usključivanja u redovnu nastavu. Razvidno je iz pročitane literature, ali i odgovora ispitanika kako u RH ne postoji nijedan oblik koji bi zahvaćao konkretno učenike koji su ujedno i onkološki bolesnici, no među tim raznim pravilnicima i zakonima se regulira školovanja koji su bolesni, hospitalizirani te ne mogu pohađati nastavu. Neki od konkretnih primjera bili bi program škole u kući te nastava u kući i njezina online inačica. Škola u bolnici, izgleda kao izvrsno rješenje problema, no problem nastaje jer školu u bolnici ne podržavaju svi gradovi i ne sve škole, primjerice učenici srednjih škola nemaju tu mogućnost. Uloga škole u liječenju djeteta koji je onkološki bolesnik je veoma velika, zbog činjenice da je učeniku, u kakvoj god se situaciji nalazimo, potrebno pružiti adekvatno školovanje. Osim te komponente, škola zajedno sa svim svojim djelatnicima i sudionicima, također ima veliku ulogu u socijalnoj i psihološkoj komponenti. Rezultati istraţivanja pokazuju kako nijedan oblik školovanja nije loš za učenika, dok god oblik školovanja za učenike koji su ujedno i onkološki bolesnici postoji. Naravno, svaki od modela ima svoje prednosti i mane, no ipak pokazat će se kako je model škole u bolnici kud i kamo bolji. Činjenica je kako je u trenutcima teške i zloćudne bolesti, ponekad škola nije na prvom mjestu, no ne smije se zanemariti uloga odgoja i obrazovanja.
Abstract (english) This thesis, will present the topic of the application of inclusive education in the example of oncology patients. Unfortunately, students who are also cancer patients are not a rare example in the Republic of Croatia and that is why more attention should be paid to them. Integration and inclusion have existed in the Republic of Croatia for many years and it can be said that oncology patients certainly belong to the category of students who need inclusion, due to strenuous treatment, exclusion and re-exclusion to regular classes. It is clear from the read literature, but also the answer of the respondents that in the Republic of Croatia there is no form that would specifically affect students who are also cancer patients, but various regulations and laws regulate education for the children that are sick, hospitalized and cannot attend classes. Some concrete examples would be the school in the hospital and home schooling and its online version. School in the hospital seems to be an excellent solution to the problem, but the problem arises because the school in the hospital is not supported by all cities and not all schools, for example high school students do not have this opportunity. The role of the school in the treatment of a child who is a cancer patient is very great, due to the fact that the student, in whatever situation we find ourselves, needs to be provided with adequate education. In addition to this component, the school, along with all its staff and participants, also plays a major role in the social and psychological component. The results of the research show that no form of education is bad for a student, as long as the form of education for students who are also cancer patients exists. Of course, each of the models has its advantages and disadvantages, but it will be visible in the research that the model of the school in the hospital is much better. The fact is that in moments of severe and malignant illness, sometimes school is not in the first place, but the role of upbringing and education must not be neglected.
praksa u inkluziji
uČenici s dijagnozom onkološkog bolesnika
model nastave u kući
škola u bolnici.
Keywords (english)
practice in inclusion
students diagnosed with cancer
model of home teaching
school in hospital
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:975589
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-10-26 10:37:34