Title Die Liebhaberinnen in Gottfrieds von Straßburg Tristan
Title (croatian) Ljubavnice u Gottfried von Straßburgovom Tristanu
Title (english) Mistresses in Gottfried's von Straßburg Tristan
Author Karmen Petković
Mentor Zaneta Sambunjak (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Zelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Pavić Pintarić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zaneta Sambunjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-02-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Die Handlung des Romans Tristan spielt in der Zeit des Mittelalters und dreht sich um die Hauptfigur namens Tristan, der ein junger Ritter ist und aufgrund einer Kombination von Umständen eine Beziehung mit der jungen Königin Isolde beginnt, als eine Folge nach der Konsumation des Minnetrankes, eines Zaubertrankes; die zu dieser Zeit Tristans Onkel, König Marke, heiratete. Obwohl der Schwerpunkt im Vordergrund auf der Liebesbeziehung zwischen Tristan und Isolde liegt, hebt der Roman die vielen Probleme der deutschen mittelalterlichen Literatur hervor: Ritterlichkeit, höfische Liebe und Ehre. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Definition der weiblichen Figuren, die für das Werk selbst von großer Bedeutung sind, Isolde und Brangäne, ihrer Magd, als Liebhaberinnen im Roman. Obwohl die Vorstellung einer Liebhaberin im Mittelalter äußerst abstrakt ist, erfüllen Isolde und Brangäne in dem Werk tatsächlich die Funktion derselben, aber jede auf ihre eigene Art und Weise. Durch ihre Entscheidungen und Handlungen im Laufe der Handlung zeichnen sich diese beiden weiblichen Hauptfiguren als äußerst kluge und listige Frauen aus, die mit ihren geschickten Fähigkeiten die Vorstellung einer Liebhaberin ergänzen und jede Situation in der Handlung zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil wenden. Der Begriff Liebhaberin ist ein Begriff, der schwer zu definieren ist, insbesondere wenn es um mittelalterliche Literatur geht, aber er kann als fließender Begriff charakterisiert werden, der für jede Frau in jeder Situation eine andere Bedeutung hat. Der Titel der Liebhaberin ist kein Grund, eine Frau zu diskriminieren, die sich unter solchen Umständen befindet, sondern hat die Bedeutung einer freien Frau, die weiß, was sie will und die sich ausschließlich von ihren eigenen Prinzipien leiten lässt.
Abstract (croatian) Radnja romana Tristan odvija se u doba srednjeg vijeka te se vrti oko glavne figure imena Tristan, koji je mladi vitez te koji spletom okolnosti započinje vezu sa mladom kraljicom Isolde, koja je u to vrijeme udana za Tristanovog strica, kralja Markea, kao posljedica konzumiranja Minnetranka, magičnog napitka. Iako u prvom planu radnje naglasak stoji na ljubavnoj aferi Tristana i Isolde, u romanu se ističu mnogobrojni problemi njemačke srednjovjekovne književnosti: viteštvo, dvorska ljubav i čast. Od velike važnosti za samo djelo, ovaj diplomski rad bavi se definiranjem ženskih likova u djelu, Isolde i Brangäne, njezine sluškinje, kao žena ljubavnica u romanu. Iako je pojam žene ljubavnice izrazito apstraktan za vrijeme srednjeg vijeka, Isolde i Brangäne u djelu zaista vrše funkciju iste, no svaka na svoj posebni način. Kroz njihove odluke i akcije u tijeku radnje, ova dva glavna ženska lika se ističu kao izrazito pametne i lukave žene koje uz svoje vješte sposobnosti nadopunjuju pojam žene ljubavnice te svaku situaciju u toku radnje okreću u svoju vlastitu korist.
Pojam ljubavnice je inače pojam koji se teško definira, pogotovo kada je riječ o literaturi srednjeg vijeka, no može ga se okarakterizirati kao tekući pojam koji za svaku ženu u svakoj situaciji ima drugačije značenje. Titula ljubavnice nije razlog za diskriminaciju žene koja se našla u takvim okolnostima, već nosi značenje slobodne žene koja zna što želi te koja se vodi isključivo vlastitim principima.
Abstract (english) The plot of the novel Tristan takes place in the Middle Ages and revolves around the main figure named Tristan, who is a young knight and who, due to a combination of circumstances, begins a relationship with the young queen Isolde, who at that time married Tristan's uncle, king Marke, as a result of consuming Minnetrank, a magic potion. Although the emphasis in the foreground is on the love affair between Tristan and Isolde, the novel highlights the many problems of German medieval literature: chivalry, courtly love and honor. Of great importance to the work itself, this thesis deals with defining the female characters in the work, Isolde and Brangäne, her maid, as the female mistresses in the novel. Although the notion of a woman mistress is extremely abstract during the Middle Ages, Isolde and Brangäne in the work really perform the function of the mistress, but each in its own special way. Through their decisions and actions during the plot, these two main female characters stand out as extremely smart and cunning women who, with their skillful abilities, complement the concept of a mistress and turn every situation during the plot to their own advantage. The term mistress is a term that is difficult to define, especially when it comes to medieval literature, but it can be characterized as a flowing term that has a different meaning for each woman in each situation. The title of a mistress is not a reason to discriminate against a woman who finds herself in such circumstances, but carries the meaning of a free woman who knows what she wants and who is guided exclusively by her own principles.
höfische Liebe
Keywords (croatian)
srednji vijek
dvorska ljubav
Keywords (english)
Middle Age
courtly love
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:885608
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
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Created on 2021-11-12 14:01:10