Title Uloga anesteziološkog tehničara u zbrinjavanju politraumatiziranog bolesnika
Title (english) The role of the anesthesiology technician in the care of a polytraumatized patient
Author Nikola Marinović
Mentor Tatjana Šimurina (mentor)
Committee member Boris Dželalija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tatjana Šimurina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Matek Sarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-10-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Politrauma se definira kao istodobno postojanje teške ozljede dviju tjelesnih regija, pri čemu jedna vitalno ugrožava život bolesnika. Zbrinjavanjem politraumatiziranog započinje izvanbolnička hitna medicinska služba na mjestu nesreće i tijekom transporta, a nastavlja se u najbliţoj zdravstvenoj ustanovi. Prilikom liječenja i zbrinjavanja ovih osoba koriste se razni algoritmi čijom se kvalitetnom implementacijom smanjuje vjerojatnost pogreške i propusta na najmanju moguću razinu. Korisno je voditi se ABCDE protokolom koji obuhvaća brzo i sveobuhvatno prepoznavanje i rješavanje životno ugrožavajućih stanja. Zbrinjavanju politraumatiziranog pristupa se svjesno, brzo i odgovorno multidisciplinarnim pristupom. Anesteziološko zbrinjavanje politraumatiziranog zahtijeva razumijevanje pozadine ozljede te procjenu težine ozljede ocjenskim ljestvicama. Nadalje, postupak reanimacije, sedacije, analgezije i relaksacije, anestezije prije i tijekom operativnih zahvata, hemodinamska stabilizacija te poslijeanestezijska skrb čini važan dio anesteziološkog zbrinjavanja. Anesteziološki tehničar kao član anesteziološkog tima ima važnu ulogu tijekom zbrinjavanja politraumatiziranog. Njegova uloga je postavljanje intravaskularnog pristupa, primjena ordinirane terapije, asistencija liječniku prilikom postavljanja centralnog venskog katetera, uspostave dišnog puta, provjera cjelokupne anesteziološke opreme prije operacije, nadzor vitalnih funkcija bolesnika te pravovremeno prepoznavanje nuspojava lijekova. Da bi se politraumatizirani zbrinuli na najbolji mogući način, osim ulaganja u opremu, potrebno je provoditi kontinuiranu edukaciju cjelokupnog osoblja. Kontinuirana obnova znanja, vještina i uigranost tima doprinosi kvaliteti skrbi i smanjenju mortaliteta.
Abstract (english) Polytrauma is defined as the simultaneous occurrence of severe injury to two body regions, with one vitally endangering the patient’s life. The care of the polytraumatized patient begins with the outpatient emergency medical service at the scene of the accident and during transport, and continues at the nearest health facility. During the treatment and care of these people, various algorithms are used, the quality implementation of which reduces the probability of error and omission to the lowest possible level. It is useful to be guided by the ABCDE protocol, which includes rapid and comprehensive identification and resolution of life-threatening conditions. Taking care of a polytraumatized patient is done consciously, quickly and responsibly with a multidisciplinary approach. Anesthesia care for a polytraumatized patient requires and understanding of the background of the injury and an assessment of the severity of the injury using rating scales. Furthermore, the procedure of resuscitation, sedation, analgesia and relaxation, anesthesia before and during surgery, hemodynamic stabilization and post-anesthetic care form an important part of anesthesia care. The anesthesiology technician as a member of the anesthesiology team plays an important role during the care of the polytraumatized patient. His role is to set up an intravascular approach, apply prescribed therapy, assist the doctor in setting up a central venous catheter, establish the airway, check all anesthesia equipment before surgery, monitor patients vital signs and timely identify the side effects of drug. In order to take care of polytraumatized patients people in the best possible way, in addition to investing in equipment, it is necessary to implement continuous education of all the staff. Continuous renewal of knowledge, skills and teamwork contributes to the quality of care and reduction of mortality.
politraumatizirani bolesnik
anesteziološki tim
anesteziološki tehničar
Keywords (english)
polytraumatized patient
anesthesiology team
anesthesiology technician
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:008520
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2021-11-15 14:47:21