Title Žene umjetnice u romanima Slavenke Drakulić i Irene Vrkljan
Title (english) Women artists in the novels of Slavenka Drakulić and Irena Vrkljan
Author Brankica Bitunjac
Mentor Sanja Knežević (mentor)
Committee member Mirela Šušić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Knežević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Petešić Šušak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-10-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Ovaj rad bavi se ženama umjetnicama i problematikom konstrukcije njihova identiteta u romanima Slavenke Drakulić i Irene Vrkljan, a cilj je ovoga rada analizirati oblikovanje identiteta žena umjetnica konstruiranih u romanima navedenih autorica te utvrditi sve elemente i čimbenike koji na njega utječu, kao i književne postupke kojima se ostvaruje njegova izgradnja. Na samome početku rasvjetljava se položaj žena umjetnica u književnosti, bilo da je riječ o njima kao spisateljicama ili književnim likovima, a potom se razjašnjava pitanje identiteta i njegova preslikavanja i oblikovanja u književnoumjetničkome tekstu. U prvome se dijelu središnjega dijela rada, polazeći od antiesencijalističkog poimanja identiteta te teze o „vlastitoj sobi“, shvaćenoj kao svojstvena metaforička sintagma koja ženama umjetnicama omogućuje umjetničku kreaciju, a samim time i ulazak u taj prostor „vlastite sobe“, kao prostor oblikovanja, samorazumijevanja, utočišta pa i metamorfoze stvarnosti, proučava identitet žena umjetnica u Drakulićkinim romanima. Zatim se u drugome dijelu razmatra utjecaj rodnih i profesionalnih odnosa žene umjetnice i muškarca umjetnika na oblikovanje identiteta Drakulićkinih žena umjetnica. U trećem se dijelu razmatra identitet žena umjetnica prikazanih u autobiografskoj trilogiji Irene Vrkljan, i to kroz prizmu književnoga teksta kao prostora sjećanja i potrage za identitetom same pripovjedačice-autorice, koja preko biografija drugih dviju umjetnica traga za samom sobom, dok se u četvrtome dijelu sagledava i značaj provodnih motiva (sobe, kuhinje, putovanja, smrti) za povezivanje svih triju donesenih umjetnica i oblikovanje njihovih identiteta i sudbina. Stoga se ovdje iznesenim postavkama i gledištima razmatranja predmetne tematike utvrđuje međusobna isprepletenost rodnog i profesionalnog identiteta žena umjetnica konstruiranih u predmetnim romanima, budući da su specifični temati, iskustva i situacije koji određuju njihov ženski identitet upisani i u njihovo umjetničko stvaralaštvo. Također, zaključuje se da se prilikom oblikovanja identiteta žena umjetnica u romanima Slavenke Drakulić i Irene Vrkljan, između ostalog upotrebljavaju postupci asocijativnoga prisjećanja, spajanja nefikcionalnoga i fikcionaloga, kao i postupci intertekstualnosti i citatnosti, dok se donošenjem slika, fotografija, pisma i ostale građe iz drugih izvora njihovi identiteti dodatno oblikuju i produbljuju.
Abstract (english) This thesis focuses on women artists and the construction of their identity in the novels of Slavenka Drakulić and Irena Vrkljan with the aim of analyzing the formation of the identity of women artists constructed in the novels of these authors and identifying all the elements and factors influencing it, as well as literary devices which contribute to its construction. First, the position of women artists in literature is examined, whether they are writers or literary characters, followed by the analysis of the question of identity, along with its reflection and formation in a literary text. The first part of the central part of the thesis studies the identity of women artists in novels by Drakulić, starting from the anti-essentialist notion of identity and the thesis of "a room of one’s own", understood as a characteristic metaphorical phrase that allows women artists to create art, presenting the space of "a room of one’s own" as a space of formation, self-understanding, refuge and even the metamorphosis of reality. The second part discusses the influence of gender and professional relations between a woman artist and a man artist on the formation of identity in Drakulić's women artists. The third part analyses the identity of women artists presented in Irena Vrkljan's autobiographical trilogy through the prism of a literary text as a space of memory and the search of the identity for the narrator-author, who uses the biographies of two artists to search for herself, while the fourth part includes the importance of conductive motives (room, kitchen, travel, death) for the connection of all three artists and the formation of their identities and destinies. Therefore, the presented considerations and views serve to determine the overlapping of gender and professional identity of women artists constructed in the discussed novels, since the specific themes, experiences and situations that determine their female identity are inscribed in their artistry. Also, it is concluded that the formation of the identity of women artists in the novels of Slavenka Drakulić and Irena Vrkljan includes the devices of associative recollection, merging non-fiction and fiction, as well as intertextuality and citation, while identities are additionally formed and deepened by pictures, photographs, letters, and other supporting sources.
Slavenka Drakulić
Irena Vrkljan
„žensko pismo
“ Virginia Woolf
„vlastita soba“
žena umjetnica
konstrukcija identiteta žene umjetnice u književnom tekstu
Keywords (english)
Slavenka Drakulić
Irena Vrkljan
"women's writing
" Virginia Woolf
"a room of one’s own"
woman artist
construction of the identity of a woman artist in a literary text
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:136180
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature; specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-11-23 14:34:18