Title La variedad andaluza en Huelva: actitudes lingüísticas hacia el uso y estatus del ceceo y seseo
Title (croatian) Andaluški španjolski u Huelvi: lingvistički stavovi o korištenju i statusu sesea i cecea
Title (english) Andalusian Spanish in Huelva: linguistic attitudes towards the use and status of ceceo and seseo
Author Ivona Lovreković
Mentor Marko Kapović (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Vuletić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Lončar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Kapović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Hispanic and Iberian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2021-10-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Romance Studies
Abstract El objetivo de este trabajo fin de máster fue analizar la percepción de los onubenses sobre la distinción, el seseo y ceceo en la ciudad de Huelva. En la primera parte analizamos el andaluz en el contexto histórico con el foco en los fenómenos de ceceo, seseo y distinción. También, miramos los cambios en el habla de los hablantes en centros urbanos de Andalucía, incluyendo las previas investigaciones sobre Huelva. En la segunda parte analizamos el cuestionario hecho para este trabajo de fin de máster. El cuestionario en línea fue posteado en los grupos de Facebook en el otoño del año 2020. Queríamos comparar los usos y el estatus del ceceo y seseo en comparación con la norma estándar peninsular – la distinción, que tiene el prestigio del español peninsular. Así mismo, queríamos mostrar que su manera de hablar representa una parte muy importante para su identidad. Como las nuevas investigaciones han mostrado que, actualmente, la distinción está dominando los centros urbanos andaluces, queríamos analizar las percepciones y actitudes de los onubenses hacia estos tres fenómenos. Nuestra investigación ha confirmado que Huelva está también pasando por un período de cambio lingüístico hacia la norma estándar peninsular.
Abstract (croatian) Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je analizirati percepciju stanovnika Huelve prema standardnom poluotočnom razlikovanju između fonema /s/ i /θ/, seseu i ceceu. U prvom dijelu smo analizirali andaluški španjolski u povijesnom kontekstu, s naglaskom na fenomene prisutne samo u tom dijalektu – ceceo i seseo. Također, osvrnuli smo se na jezičnu situaciju u ostalim gradovima u Andaluziji, uključujući i prijašnja istraživanja o Huelvi. U drugom dijelu analizirali smo upitnik osmišljen za potrebe ovog diplomskog rada. Online upitnik je bio objavljen u Facebook grupama u jesen 2020. godine. Htjeli smo usporediti uporabu i status cecea i sesea sa standardnom poluotočnom normom – razlikovanje između fonema /s/ i /θ/. Također, htjeli smo pokazati kako upravo njihov dijalekt ima važnu ulogu u andaluškom identitetu. S obzirom da su novija istraživanja pokazala kako u urbanim centrima u Andaluziji trenutno smanjuje uporaba sesea i cecea, a povećava razlikovanje između fonema /s/ i /θ/, htjeli smo analizirati stavove i mišljenja stanovnika Huelve o ta tri fenomena. Istraživanje je potvrdilo – Huelva se nalazi u periodu jezične promjene prema standardnom jezičnoj normi. Te jezične promjene su prisutne u svim društvenim grupama, a posebno među ženama, govornicima srednje životne dobi i pripadnicima viših društvenih klasa.
Abstract (english) The aim of this thesis was to analyze the perception of the residents of Huelva towards ceceo, seseo and standard peninsular distinction between phonemes /s/ and /θ/. In the first part, the analysis of Andalusian Spanish was made in its historical context with special reference towards two phenomena present only in this dialect – ceceo and seseo. Also, the linguistic situation in other Andalusian cities was described, as well as previous research about Huelva. In the second part, the analysis of the questionnaire made for this thesis was conducted. Online questionnaire was posted in Facebook groups in autumn of 2020. We wished to compare the use and status of ceceo and seseo with standard peninsular norm – the distinction between the phonemes /s/ and /θ/. Moreover, we wanted to show that their dialect is extremely important for their identity. Since many recent research showed that the use of ceceo and seseo in Andalusian urban centers was diminishing in favor of standard peninsular distinction, we wanted to analyze linguistic attitudes towards of the residents of Huelva towards these three phenomena. The research has confirmed – Huelva is currently in the period of language change towards the standard language variety. Language changes are especially present in the speech of women, speakers of middle age and members of high social class.
distinción s/θ
actitud lingüística
cambio lingüístico
cuestionario en línea
Keywords (croatian)
andaluški španjolski
razlikovanje između fonema /s/ i /θ/
jezični stavovi
jezične promjene
online upitnik
Keywords (english)
Andalusian Spanish
distinction between the phonemes /s/ and /θ/
language attitudes
language change
online questionnaire
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:060544
Study programme Title: Hispanistics (double major); specializations in: general direction (double major) Course: general direction (double major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
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File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-12-08 10:38:42