Title Individualne i radne odrednice straha od propuštanja na radnom mjestu (WFoMO)
Title (english) Individual and work determinants of workplace fear of missing out (WFoMO)
Author Anamaria Mihatov
Mentor Andrea Tokić (mentor)
Committee member Ana Slišković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Ombla (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrea Tokić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-03-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Psychology of Work
Abstract U skladu s promjenama modernog društva, među istraživačima raste interes za novi i dosad oskudno israženi konstrukt - Strah od propuštanja na radnom mjestu. Autori konstrukta, Budnick i suradnici (2020) definiraju tu pojavu kao zabrinutost pojedinca da bi u odnosu na druge zaposlenike mogao propustiti vrijedne poslovne prilike u situaciji kada nije na radnom mjestu ili nije u mogućnosti obavljati radne zadatke. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati doprinos sociodemografskih i radnih varijabli u objašnjenju straha od propuštanja na radnom mjestu (WFoMO-a), kao i ulogu WFoMO-a i radne angažiranosti u nastanku psihosomatskih simptoma i sagorijevanja na poslu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 404 punoljetnih zaposlenih osoba (Nžena= 294, Nmuškaraca= 110, Mdob= 36.49) koji su ispunjavali online upitnik. Provedbom četiriju hijerarhijskih regresijskih analiza u svrhu odgovora na postavljene probleme dobiveno je kako su: energičnost i udubljenost (dimenzije radne angažiranosti) prediktori WFoMO-a, pri čemu je energičnost negativan prediktor, a udubljenost pozitivan kriterij. Sociodemografske i radne karakteristike nisu bili značajni prediktori u objašnjenju WFoMO-a. Kad je riječ o sagorijevanju na poslu, negativni prediktori u objašnjenju obje dimenzije sagorijevanja bile su dimenzije radne angažiranosti (energičnost i posvećenost), dok je WFoMO ostvario značajan pozitivan doprinos u objašnjenju varijance iscrpljenosti, a stručna sprema negativan doprinos u objašnjenju varijance otuđenosti. Naposljetku, u objašnjenju varijance ometanja uzrokovanog psihosomatskim simptomima značajno pozitivno doprinose spol i WFoMO dok su negativni prediktori ometanja uzrokovanog psihosomatskim simptomima stručna sprema i energičnost. Općenito, žene prijavljuju viši stupanj ometanja uzrokovanog psihosomatskim simptomima. Zaključno se može kazati da je WFoMO značajan prediktor iscrpljenosti i psihosomatskih simptoma, ali s malim udjelom u objašnjenju varijance kriterija.
Abstract (english) In line with the changes in modern society, there is a growing interest among researchers in a new and, so far, scarcely researched construct - Workplace fear of missing out. The authors of the construct, Budnick and associates (2020) define this phenomenon as an individual's concern that he or she may miss valuable business opportunities in relation to other employees in a situation when he or she is not at work or unable to perform work tasks. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine the contribution of sociodemographic and work variables in the explanation of WFoMO, as well, the role of WFoMO and work engagement in the development of psychosomatic symptoms and burnout at work. The study involved 404 adult employees (Nwomen= 294, Nmen= 110, Mage= 36.49) who filled out an online questionnaire. By conducting four hierarchical regression analyzes in order to answer the posed problems, it was obtained that: vigor and absorption (dimensions of work engagement) are predictors of WFoMO; where vigor is a negative predictor and absorption is a positive one. Sociodemographic and work variables were not significant predictors in the emergence of WFoMO. When it comes to burnout at work, the negative predictors on both dimensions were the dimensions of work engagement (vigor and dedication), while WFoMO made a significant positive contribution to the exhaustion subscale and education negative contribution in explaining the variance of the depersonalization. Finally, gender and WFoMO contribute significantly to the explanation of the variance obstruction caused by psychosomatic symptoms, while education and vigor are negative predictors of obstruction caused by psychosomatic symptoms. Generally, women report a higher degree of obstruction caused by psychosomatic symptoms. In conclusion, it can be said that WFoMO is a significant predictor of exhaustion and psychosomatic symptoms, but with a small share in explaining the variance of the criteria.
strah od propuštanja na poslu
sagorijevanje na poslu
radna angažiranost
psihosomatski simptomi
Keywords (english)
workplace fear of missing out
work engagement
psychosomatic symptoms
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:630030
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-04-19 16:10:05