Title Biblijski temelj braka i obitelji
Title (english) The Biblical Foundation of Marriage and the Family
Author Sara Zadravec
Mentor Arkadiusz Krasicki (mentor)
Mentor Elvis Ražov (komentor)
Committee member Klara Ćavar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Arkadiusz Krasicki (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Mohorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Departement of Religious Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-03-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Biblical Theology
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu istraživali smo biblijski temelj braka i obitelji oslanjajući se na biblijske tekstove u kojima pronalazimo njihovo utemeljenje. Koristeći metodu sinteze i dedukcije, cilj je bio pokazati zašto je baš biblijski temelj ovih dviju stvarnosti važan za čovjeka koji je pozvan u postojanje kako bi ispunio i ostvario Božji naum. Rad je podijeljen na tri poglavlja kroz koja će se postupnom razradom dati biblijski prikaz važnosti i značenja braka i obitelji. Prvim ili svećeničkim izvještajem o stvaranju istaknuto je stvaranje čovjeka na sliku i sličnost Božju. Model po kojem je čovjek, muško i žensko, stvoren je Isus Krist. Tako čovjek pojedinačno, ali i zajedno, u obiteljskom i bračnom zajedništvu, odražava sliku Logosa, Isusa. U drugom ili jahvističkom izvještaju o stvaranju teološki značaj ima poimanje rebra i pomoći, kao i ustanovljenje obitelji i ženidbe označene znakom jednog tijela. Ženidbena veza tako je obilježena jednošću i nerazrješivošću koju potvrđuje Isus u razgovoru s farizejima obrađenog kod sinoptika Mateja i Marka. Budući da ženidbeni savez može biti zloupotrijebljen, tada govorimo o požudi koja čovjeku onemogućuje gledati drugoga kao osobu, već kao predmet požude. Također, obradom dviju starozavjetnih knjiga, Pjesme nad pjesmama i Knjige o Tobiji, objašnjen je značaj dviju vrsta ljubavi, a to su eros i ethos. Treću, ujedno i najsavršeniju vrstu ljubavi (agape) obuhvaća peto poglavlje Poslanice Efežanima u kojoj smo od objašnjenja pada u prvi grijeh i biblijskom analizom pojmova straha (Božjega), podložnosti, poglavarstva, posvećenja došli do slike ženidbenog saveza koju sveti Pavao uspoređuje sa odnosom Krista i Crkve.
Iz ustanove ženidbe proizlazi i ustanova obitelji kao zajedništva osoba koje čine sliku unutartrojstvene ljubavi Oca, Sina i Duha Svetoga. Poziv za darivanje i prokreaciju utkan je u čovjeka, te uključuje i poziv na odgoj djece u Kristu. Šesto poglavlje Poslanice Efežanima govori o moralnim dužnostima obiteljskog života koji obuhvaća odnos djece i roditelja. U tome ključnu ulogu ima četvrta Božja zapovijed, te povlašteno mjesto djece koje imaju kod Isusa.
Abstract (english) In this thesis we have explored the biblical foundation of marriage and the family relying on biblical texts in which we find their foundation. Using the method of synthesis and deduction, the aim was to show why the very biblical foundation of these two realities is important for a man called to exist in order to fulfill and realize God's plan. The paper is divided into three chapters through which the biblical account of the importance and significance of marriage and the family will be gradually elaborated. In the first or priestly account of creation highlights the creation of man in the image and likeness of God. The model by which man, male and female, is created is Jesus Christ. Therefore man individually, but also together, in family and marital union, reflects the image of the Logos, Jesus. In the second or Yahwistic account of creation, the notion of ribs and help has theological significance, as does the establishment of a family and marriage marked by the sign of one body. The marriage bond is accordingly marked by the oneness and indissolubility confirmed by Jesus in a conversation with the Pharisees dealt with by the synoptics Matthew and Mark. Since the marriage covenant can be abused, then we are talking about lust that prevents a man from seeing another as a person, but as an object of lust. Also, through the processing of the two Old Testament books, of the Song of Songs and the Book of Tobias, we explains the importance of two kinds of love, namely eros and ethos. The third and the most perfect kind of love (agape) includes the fifth chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians, in which we come from the explanation of the fall into the first sin and the biblical analysis of the fears (of God), submissiveness, leadership, consecration led to a picture of the marital bond that St. Paul compares to the relationship between Christ and the Church. From the institution of marriage arises the institution of the family as the communion of persons who form the image of the inner love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The call to giving and procreation is woven into man, and includes the call to raise children in Christ. The sixth chapter of Ephesians deals with the moral duties of family life, which includes the relationship between children and parents. The fourth commandment of God plays a key role in this, as well as the privileged place of the children they have with Jesus.
slika Božja
Keywords (english)
image of God
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:542304
Study programme Title: Graduate university theological and catechetical study program (double-major) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra katehetike (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra katehetike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-05-10 12:09:30